Unofficial Wildhammer Dwarf Allied Race Megathread

Wildhammer Dwarf Allied Race Discussion:

Disclaimer: This Thread will be change as time goes on in terms of Links, Ideas, more information or topics of the Wildhammer Dwarf Thread. Seeing as how this is the First Megathread for the Wildhammer Dwarf Race next to the High Elf One, San’layn, and Etc. We will discuss the idea of playable Wildhammer Dwarves for the Future of WoW and why as of right now would help the Alliance to get its Identity back. Also a reminder to not bring in any trolling nor any kinds of drama.

That being said lets talk about Wildhammer Dwarves and why they are so heavily wanted within the Community.

“What are Wildhammer Dwarves and why do players want them so much?”

“The Story/Lore:”

War of the Three Hammers Era:

Wildhammer Dwarves are the Third Dwarven Clan within the Warcraft Lore that was once united with the Bronzebeard Clan and Dark Iron Clan. Until the War of the 3 Hammers Started where the Wildhammer Dwarves lost claim to the Throne within Ironforge and had to move to the Highlands. But the War didn’t end there. It continued where the Dark Irons who had a grudge against not just Bronzebeard Clan but also the Wildhammer Clan started to attack all Clans on both sides. While the Wildhammer Dwarves defeated the invading Dark Irons the death of Modgud Thaurissan’s Wife cause a great darkness within the Halls of Grim Batol and Wildhammer Dwarves find it to be uninhabitable. Seeking a New Home rest of the Clan head North into the Hinterlands where they made their new home called Aerie Peak while rest of the Clan remain within the Highlands.

Second War Era:

It was during this time that Orcish Horde had come to Azeroth seeking to destroy all life that stand against them. Alliance of Lordaeron called for Allies these Allies were the Wildhammer Clan. Led by Falstad Wildhammer and Kurdran Wildhammer they aided the Alliance with their mighty Gryphons against the invading Orcish Horde against Controlled Red Dragonflight lead by Orc Riders, Savage Forest Trolls of the Amani Tribe, and much more. Following through the Second War The Dark Horde invaded again but this time to steal Artifacts to go to other Worlds So it was up to the Heroes of Second War including Kurdran Wildhammer to follow the Horde into Outlands and stop them whatever they can. Kurdran Wildhammer Stayed behind with his of kin along with the Alliance Expedition to in sure that Azeroth lives to survive another day. So his Brother Falstad Wildhammer become Leader of the Wildhammer Clan while his brother remain in Outlands.

Third War Era: Wildhammer Clan was called once more to aid their former allies of the Alliance during the Scourge of Lordaeron. They brought her Mighty Gryphons from Aerie Peak to aid the Alliance in its dark times.

Vanilla Era:

Wildhammer Clan still lives within Aerie Peak within the Hinterlands to this very Day. While they are not official part of the reformed Alliance they still help their allies within their lands as well as making good relationships with the local Quel’dorei that were sent within the Hinterlands to be safe from the Scourge Invasion.

However things were not always peaceful as the local hostile trolls of the Witherbark, Vilebranch and the Revantusk Trolls who are allied with the Horde cause problems with their lands

Outland/Burning Crusade Era:

Kurdran Wildhammer survive along with his kin and rest of the alliance expedition fighting against the legion in outlands. Their Fortress is within Shadowmoon Valley as a bulwark against the legion during that time.

Cataclysm Era:

It was during the Cataclysm Era that second land of Wildhammer Clan the Twilight Highlands have been attacked by not just the Dragonmaw Clan of the Old Horde but also the Newly Reformed Twilight Clan. Group of Cultists bringing about the end of the World. It was where that rest of Clan fight off against the coming darkness where reclaiming what little land they have left. They also official join the Alliance during the Campaign of the War as well.

During this Time Kurdran Wildhammer finally return from Outlands to reunite with his Brother Falstad as Falstad become leader of the Council of 3 Hammers.

Mists of Pandaria Era:

Wildhammer Clan like with the Bronzebeard clan was worried about the Dark Irons getting control of Ironforge again since attentions within the Dwarven Kingdom continues while the invading small army of the Zandalari plans to attack Ironforge. After defeating the Zandalari by Varian Wrynn along with the Leader of the Dark Irons Moria. Both the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer Clans joined together as one to never let fear and distrust to ruin their bonds of unity.
As such they helped the Alliance as a Full Force against the Horde.

Warlords of Draenor Era:

Not much has happened but only one Wildhammer Dwarf assist the Alliance during the Iron Horde Campaign.

Legion Era:

Local Shamans of Wildhammer Clan lead by Mylra Who was the hero of the Wildhammer Clan aided the Earthen Ring against the Legion.

“Why do Players want to play a Wildhammer Dwarf?”

Like with High Elves. Wildhammer Dwarves are a kind of race that people played in Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3. RTS Theme Race just like the regular Dwarves. When World of Warcraft came out. We got to see what the Wildhammer Dwarves were really like. They were more than just a Dwarf on a Gryphon with Tattoos and Hammer. Their Clan has a unique Theme of Celtic/Scottish Theme Dwarves who are connected with Nature of the Gryphons within Aerie Peak and we see more things about the Wildhammer Dwarves within the Twilight Highlands of their Buildings, Banner, Siege Weapons, Shaman Totems, and etc. Other than just being Shamans with Gryphons. Wildhammer Dwarves have a Unique Celtic Theme that players really loved so much.

“Aren’t Wildhammer Dwarves a reskin model with Tattoos?”

Like with Dark Irons. Wildhammer Dwarves are so much more than just a Regular Dwarf Model with Tattoos. Plus their Customization options are far different than the Regular Bronzebeard Dwarves by having Pink Skin, Tannish, Brown, and etc. In fact Wildhammer Dwarves were larger than their Bronzebeard kin in Appearance. Also their Culture is pretty much tied with Nature and Shamanism. They also even have a connection with the Gryphons and are masters of them too.

So the idea of a Regular Dwarf with Tattoos would be off and doesn’t fit the whole theme of what a actual Wildhammer Dwarf is. Plus it would be very weird for Blizzard to have a Regular Dwarf Paladin/Warlock with Tattoos walking around while wearing heavy armor from as the symbol of the Bronzebeard clan. Since the Bronzebeards don’t have a connection with Nature.

So if a Reskin Allied Race like Lightforged Draenei who has White Skin with Golden Eyes and Tattoos, Highmountain Tauren who has Moose Horns and Tattoos, Maghar Orcs who are just uncorrupted orcs with Grey/Brown/Jungle Red Skin, and as well as Dark Irons who pretty much has Grey Skin but with Black Tattoos then why not Wildhammer Dwarves as their own allied race with their own Heritage armor and unique customization?

“How to make Wildhammer Dwarves playable?”

Like with the other Allied Races. Wildhammer Dwarves would be recruited in many ways. Of course these are just ideas and they will be edited as time goes by.

1: Twilight Highlands: We help Falstad and Kurdran save the remaining Wildhammer Clan from the remains of the Legion but also fighting against the new Twilight Cultists who follows the Void now. We the Alliance Players save the Wildhammer Clan from the dark forces within the Twilight Highlands and we return them home to Aerie Peak. It is from there Falstad along with Kurdran finally become official part of the Alliance just like the Dark Iron Clan making the 3 Dwarven Clans playable.

2: Hinterlands Battle. We help Falstad the Thane of Aerie Peak defend off against the invading Horde Forces who are allied with the Raventusk tribe and we join up with the High Elves of Highvale to fed off against the invading forces of the Horde. Falstad brings his Wildhammer Clan to become officially part of the Alliance making the 3 Dwarven Clans playable.

“What are their Customization Options?”

Besides Tattoos. Wildhammer Dwarves have much lighter skin than the Bronzebeard clan and they have many unique things that is tie with Nature.

Males: Feather Beards, Shave/Wild Hairstyles, Light Skin/Brown Skin/Tan Skin Colors, String Beads, and Paint Tattoos Blue, Dark Blue and etc color.

Females: Wild Hairstyles with Feathers/Beads, Light Skin/Brown Skin/Tan Skin Colors, String Beads, and Paint Tattoos Blue, Dark Blue and etc Color.

“Wildhammer Dwarf Class Options:”

Very Likely: Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Shaman, Druid, Monk, and Priest.

Most Likely: Rogues.

Not Likely: Paladins, Warlocks, Demon Hunters, Death Knights,

“Wildhammer Dwarf Heritage Armor:”

Celtic/Scottish Inspired Leather Armor with Gryphon like Feathers.

“Their Mount:”

Wildhammer Ram with Celtic Theme Armor.

“Shaman Totem”

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Because like with High Elves, San’layn, Sethrak, Vulpera, and every other kind of allied race. Wildhammer Dwarves are the most of all allied race that deserves to be playable to not just fill in the Alliance Identity but also to make all 3 Dwarven Race Theme Clans completely playable 100%.

With your help to talk about the most wanted Dwarven Race Clan within the World of Warcraft. Our dream of playable celtic theme race will come true with your support and passion for the Wildhammer Clan.


Anyone who wants to hang out and drink with us has my vote. Let the sky dwarves in.


Honestly i am super surprised we got Dark Iron before we got Wildhammer Dwarves.


Oh Yea. Wildhammer Dwarf Brewmasters. I wish they were playable so that we can all drink nice good Wildhammer Brew. XD


dark irons are nice as well. I would say them and wildhammer were both equally wanted.

Now though we need wildhammer to get added and later on in wrath 2.0 they can add titanforged dwarves as the alliance counterpart to horde taunka.


Just throwing out some support. Would love to have them as an Allied race.


What makes your thread official? You sure don’t look like a blue poster to me.

Wildhammer Dwarves should have been in the game since vanilla. They add cultural depth, military prowess, and interesting characters to the Alliance.

They are the original gryphon trainers and riders, for Thrall’s sake. When you think of the Alliance, iconic imagery of Wildhammer Dwarves definitely comes to mind.

Dwarves are also the best Alliance race, by far. The more the merrier!


Like High elves Wildhammer Dwarves are already with the Alliance. There’s no need to make a campaign or get reputation to get it. Let’s just put a little scenario for starting zone let’s play them from level 1.


i’d LOVE to make a shaman. unfortunately i doubt they’d be able to be warlocks but that’s my #2 wish for the race. :frowning:


lmao lol rofl

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Thank you for that in depth lesson on the Wildhammer. I knew a lot of what you said, but it’s handy for people to learn or simply be reminded of just how important the Wildhammer are to the Alliance.

Since Blizz gave us Dark Iron as an allied race I felt it very important that they do the same for the Wildhammer. Make each dwarven clan unique and special because that was the point of the Council of Three Hammers. Equal representation.


What if they just gave normal Dwarves a tattoo customization option?


That would make the most sense, I mean they could give us Jinyu instead, I’d rather have something new for a change.

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Wildhammer are already in game they joined the dwarves and it’s how we have dwarf shamans, how about instead of asking blizz to use up one of our allied race slots on something we have you ask for customization to get the tattoos you guys want on dwarves to make them wildhammer?

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Can you link or quote where blizzard said there are a predetermined amount of allied races that upon reaching that limit there can never be another allied ever?

and also no those are bronzebeard dwarves trained by wildhammer shamans.


That seems rather redundant and would solve nothing. That is like the request to add blue eyes to blood elves.

Okay. they can do that but it won’t actually solve anything other than messing up written lore.

People will still want wildhammer.


I agree.

Jinyu Jinyu Jinyu

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Well, Wildhammer don’t have a home now, so they’re essentially Bronzebeard at this point. So using the Dun Morogh as their starting zone would make sense.

I think Wildhammers are a stupid waist of an allied race when you can just do a tattoo customization option that will cover everything you need. If you give another dwarf allied race, it has to be frostborn with ice ended beards and blue skin, that would be sick. Then you have a water and fire thing for dwarves.

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