Unofficial Wildhammer Dwarf Allied Race Megathread

That was in-game. In concept art and in Hearthstone cards we can see that the Wildhammer and Bronzebeard look identical besides the tattoos. Meanwhile the new Dark Iron look like their Hearthstone cards.

I’m not against the idea of Wildhammer, but I just don’t think they should take the Allied Race spot from another race like (For example) Mechagnomes.

make them into a dwarf customization option like straight back orcs, not worth an AR slot.

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It sort of makes sense if you consider that Blizzard is likely working on a Tinker class - that would be attractive to both BB and DI dwarves.

With that said, I do find it interesting that the WH are last to truly join up.

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I get and understand this totally. We all have things we want to have in game and it can be frustrating when something gets added over something we want. It’s a little amusing to see the fuss over a 3rd dwarf when you look at the elves and realize there are a total of 6 options between race, allied race and hero class. I may never play an elf in WoW (20+ years of D&D and I’ve played 2-3 elves) but I can’t comfortably say they shouldn’t add more because clearly there are players who want more*.

Seeing how Blizz has plans for more Allied Races and we really don’t know how many more, we could get both. I’d simply like to see them added because if Blizz doesn’t, it’s a slight against lore. It’s a slight against the importance of the Wildhammer who are far more relevant to the Alliance than the Dark Iron were or ever will be. Blizz always sites lore. If it’s that important then respect should be shown.

*Please Blizz. PLEASE!!! No more elves. :sweat_smile:


Hey now, I want undead elves (beyond DKs), but I still support Wildhammer Dwarves even though they’re not my thing. I have kind of this weird thing where I’ll like race (like tauren and dwarves), but I can’t bring myself to play one. Also, I was stalked by a thirsty male dwarf on my human paladin. Probably a frisky teenager.

But anyway, plus one support!


Are dwarves no longer allowed to mount Griphons? What, precisely, distinguishes the Wildhammers to the Bronzebeards? Other than the Tattoos, please articulate it in game, because I do not see it.

Wouldn’t play one, but definitely support them being inducted to the playable category.

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Just to think about what’s so unique about a Frostborn Dwarf if they pretty much look the same as the Bronzebeard Dwarves?

Only Lore I got from them is just a bunch of Blue Dwarves living in Northrend that fight off Giants and a has a Small Ice Fort.

So really there’s not that much Lore nor features to interest me and others to play the Frostborn. Plus do we really need to have another Dwarven race that isn’t unique in culture/different theme who pretty much has the same theme of Bronzebeard clan except blue skin. Also They’re not even part of the 3 Hammers so having a Water and Fire thing for Dwarves would be kind of pointless from a lore standpoint if your just rejecting the one Dwarven clan who has aided both the alliance and the Bronzebeards. Without Wildhammer Dwarves as their own Allied Race or Clan You wouldn’t be seeing Gryphons within the Alliance as a whole.

Nature and Shamanism. Also you don’t see Bronzebeard Dwarves communing with Nature as Druids.

So if anything. I think Adding Wildhammer Dwarves would be good thing to have for variety of race classes. Since when was the Last time we had a Dwarf Race that isn’t Paladin nor Warlock or Last time we even had Dwarven Druids at all?


That is odd. lol :smiley: I actually love gnomes, but I had the hardest time playing one. A warrior. I had to race change him finally to a dwarf because it was such a pita to see anything while fighting. A ranged class would be easier, but I’d still be drawn towards a dwarf.

LOL @ being stalked. I don’t do that sorta thing at all. No sir. :sweat_smile:


When it comes to taming gryphons and working with them, it’s the Wildhammer who started it. They are the reason the Alliance have gryphons. There’s a Wildhammer dwarf who actually taught a group of Kul Tiran not to hunt the wild gryphons and instead to use them just as the Wildhammer do. They are now his clan, which is pretty awesome considering he’s the last of his clan. Sorry, I don’t recall his exact name.

They can have totally different hair colors. Much more vibrant reds and blondes. I look at Raspir’s white beard and get jealous of how WHITE it is compared to mine. Different hair styles, again like the Dark Iron. Same with skin tones. Something more tanned and weathered, since they spend their days outdoors all the time.

The Warcraft RPG book described them as being taller than their brethren. Blizz has taller and shorter dwarves. They could do that for the Allied Race.

Also, some have suggested with their connection to nature they could be druids. I’ll leave that up to lore buffs, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want a dwarven druid. Bearded versions of all their various forms!

The key is to try and ignore what’s in game and think of what could be.


We really should have Wildhammers and Frostborn.


I use my kindergarten art skills to draw a possible wildhammer druid


I SO WANT TO HUG IT!!! :hugs::bear::hugs::bear::hugs::bear::hugs::bear::hugs::bear:


First of all, the firstborn were among the first group of dwarves in Uldaman (you know, before they split into clans). They were the first to split to chase the element they choose to follow: water.

The little settlement in Northrend is only a small aspect of their society. They all are aligned with Water and Ice. They have a unique development in that as they were doing this, the curse of flesh hit them and they began to turn white and blue. They can live in extreme temperatures and there is a legend that the rest of them live in a society inside a Giant Hollowed out Frozen floating Mountain above Northrend. They have talented Ice Mages and Shaman and Even some frost Death Knights have made it south.

Let me play this and give dwarves the ability to do tattoos with a Wildhammer scenario and be done with that.

Why waste a Allied Race Spot for a Dwarven Race that doesn’t have Rich Lore and Backstory to RTS Lore including the War of the Three Hammers. Doesn’t have alot of Lore Figures than One. Doesn’t have a impact on the Alliance Players when they see their homelands and entrée two zones of them with their own unique Culture of a Different new theme that isn’t same Dwarf theme living under a Mountain who is Ice, Fire, Earth or whatever kind of random dwarf putted out of nether. Thing is They’re alot more fewer in Numbers than Wildhammer Dwarves, Dark Irons, and Bronzebeards compared.

Plus giving regular Dwarves Tattoos ruins their whole Lore and Culture/Theme. Theme of a Bronzebeard is to be a Fantasy type Viking like Dwarf race that lives under the Mountain with Gunsman, Mountain King kind of Dwarves. Giving them a Celtic Theme option ruins their whole race as their own identity.

Which is why I think giving Tattoos to regular Dwarves is pointless and a bad idea from a lore standpoint.

If anything Blizzard should just add Earthern/Frostborn skin options for regular dwarves. Because at the end of the day Different Theme Dwarf Race like Wildhammer Dwarf is needed alot more as a Allied Race than a Blue Dwarf or Rock Dwarf.


They should have done for the dwarves what they did for the Mag’har and allowed us to pick from all the Dwarven clans. Dark Iron, Wildhammer, Earthen, Frostborn, and hell even Iron or Stormforged.


That would have been a great idea. Same thing such as with the Tauren like Grimtotem, Highmountain, and Yaungol.

But one thing Mag’har left out was the Dragonmaw Clan. So just with Wildhammer Dwarves and other allied races. They’re still being requested too.

Would have been a good idea to have all Dwarven clans unite.


They can’t do that.

Our raw power united would tip the scales and bring an end to the Alliance and the Horde. This world is not ready for dwarven rule.

Blizzard knows this. So we wait, biding our time till once all the galaxy spanning threats have been dealt with. Then…we strike.


Hopefully Dwarven Druids on the Wildhammer Side as an Allied Race would be so much more fun and unique than having same dwarf race with same classes like Dark Irons.


I may not play dwarves but I totally support you guys in your want for them!

:snake: Allied races stick together :snake: