Unofficial Wildhammer Dwarf Allied Race Megathread

okay. I guess the hinterlands and the twilight highlands don’t exist anymore. Blizzard should probably remove them from the map.


that is your opinion. Last time I checked a bronzebeard dwarf isn’t a gryphon riding nutcase throwing hammers empowered by lightning at their foolish enemies below.


I never said they don’t exist. Because last time I checked, Grim Batol is still taken over by Troggs and the Twilight Dragonflight.

As for Hinterlands? Do they really need to start there? Nobody really goes to Aerie Peak.

Wildhammer is the best dwarf clan. So they have my vote. Hunter starter pet better be a gryphon though or I’ll flip a table.


“Nobody goes there” isn’t a lore argument. It’s a fully functional Wildhammer settlement that their leaders came from, and is the current hub for the Wildhammer outside of Ironforge.


Here to offer my support for Wildhammer druids and their forest troll counterparts :+1:


It’s a settlement. Not a capital.

And as it is now, all Dwarves consider their main capital to be Ironforge, as the COUNCIL OF THREE HAMMERS rules over Ironforge.

Still, I don’t see why we can’t just give normal Dwarves tattoos and call it a day.

Yes! Wildhammer for the Alliance!
I support this suggestion of inclusion as future allied race!


Why can’t we just rip the tentacles off of draenei and call them broken?

You see how ludicrous that sounds?


And some people thought Dark Iron were already in game. The darker skinned options for dwarves could have passed as one prior to the Allied Race version. The dwarf we play from level one is a Bronzebeard. Different physically and culturally than Wildhammer (The old table top RPG described Wildhammer as taller than their brethren) and Dark Iron. When they both joined the Alliance in Cata all they did was give Bronzebeards the ability to become shaman and warlocks.

You do realize what Dark Iron used to look like, right?

Actually, this is how the majority of Dark Iron look in the game as Blizz didn’t change all the old NPCs. The new models for the Allied Race, and certain new NPCs, did not exist until BfA. Blizz can 100% do the same for Wildhammer because the above is proof.

Now I am interested in Frostborn and the Earthen dwarves. I’d love anything dwarf related, tbh. The main sticking point for wanting Wildhammer is to show them the respect they deserve.


You do realize they could just phase Grim Batol or a portion of it just like they did for the Dark Iron and Shadowforge City


But Broken and normal Draenei look completely different. Wildhammer and Bronzebeard look the same except for tattoos.

Same thing goes for High Elves and Blood Elves, but the difference is that they’re on different factions.

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No, as of right now, Grim Batol is still taken over by Twilight Dragonflight. You discover this during one of those Island Expedition turn-ins.

I love these allied race megathreads :smiley: gogogogoo!


they’re fun. i stay out of the high elf one though because is suspect its just a bunch of trolling. lol

Because things never change and must always stay the same. Who says that at some point Grim Batol can’t be retaken? Who says a part of it couldn’t be recovered? Just because something is a certain way doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way


Wildhammer Dwarf & High Elf for the alliance.

Ogres & forest troll for the Horde.

let’s back to warcraft 2 :heart_eyes: pls Blizzard.


Because Grim Batol is supposedly going to be the place where N’zoth reveals his army of Twilight Dragonflight in the future.

All that new stuff that differentiates a Dark Iron and Bronzebeard didn’t exist until the Allied Race. For over a decade Dark Iron were just a darker skinned dwarf with faintly glowing eyes.

Here’s the link again showing what a Dark Iron looked like. In my above response I site most still look like this. Only the Allied Race and certain NPCs got the update.


That means absolutely nothing when discussing what could happen in future expansions. You’re arguing what things are currently like, and honestly that’s completely irrelevant to anything that may come after BfA