Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

I hope that is you joking and not ignorance. Every other megathread has been shut down and redone, or simply is only a megathread in name and hasn’t garnered enough attention to actually be called one.

…are you serious? Sanlayn are still going. As are Vulpera, Eevee even said they had to start a new one because the first one got too old and couldn’t be edited.

This thread has been more quiet than a lot of others. I mean if you want to convince yourself that, it’s fine, but not reality. No idea where you’re getting that, nor why it matters in the first place. But that’s just blatant misinformation.

It does no one favors when you spread stuff that isn’t true. Let’s just keep hoping for Sethrak and not make up stuff guys.

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Ok my mistake, I did forget about the San’Layn one. But the vulpera one has been cut a couple of times as well.

All good. Regardless I feel as though Sethrak have a good chance. I mean they’re very unique and there’s plenty of interest for them, I sincerely hope they’re not dropped. Allied Races are a perfect chance for the snakes.


Now, I’m not saying I’ll riot if we don’t get sethrak, but I’ll riot if we don’t get sethrak.

In all seriousness, I’m struggling to come up with alternatives for the Alliance. Ankoan could happen, but seem unlikely given the toy to turn into one and all the fins that’d punch through anything they’d wear as a player race.

Mechagnomes are probably going to happen, but they seem strange considering how likely it is that Mekkatorque ends up becoming one. They’re literally “better gnomes” in that scenario, and that seems more like a customization than a race.

Even when vulpera and mechagnomes happen, I’m still thinking there’s at least one last pair of races left to be revealed. We might not even get vulpera or mechagnomes until we get the other two, with all four being revealed at Blizzcon with 8.3.5 as something to tide people over until 9.0.


Speaking of Sethrak it’s a shame that Emperor Korthek didn’t get much focus and was killed in a Quest as a mere lowly enemy… He should have got a bigger role! He was even in the Zandalar Login Screen!


Are you sure that was Korthek and not Vorrick the leader of the Devoted?

For all those going Sethrak for Alliance I have a couple of questions for you.

1: What have you done to earn rep with them?
Because every WQ you have done for them with the Alliance has gone towards 7th Legion to open Dark Iron Dwarves.

2: What Allied race will the Horde be getting from Kul Tiras ?
I can’t see them giving one faction (The Alliance) an Allied race from the opposing faction’s (The Horde) area with out giving the Horde one from the Alliance’s area.

Another thing is if they were to give Sethrak to the Alliance along with Vulpera to Horde by the time the Alliance had gotten their Sethrak rep to say to revered half of the Horde players that want Vulpera would have their toons already and most likely be in either Out Land preparing to fight Illidan or in Northrend preparing to fight Arthas.

Neither side has gained rep with them. Voldunai is made up of the vulpera and zandalari exiles.

No need to be completely even. In Legion, Horde got two Broken Isles based races and Alliance got one Argus race and one Eastern Kingdoms race.

I don’t particularly care which side they go to as long as they’re made playable eventually, but it could go either way for the simple fact that Blizzard could pull another void elves and just make stuff up since there isn’t a lot of concrete justification one way or the other.


To me the most likely candidates are going to be

Horde : Vulpera/ Unshackled Kelfin

Alliance: Junker Gnomes / Ankoan

Also the horde did Vuldunai rep the Alliance didn’t all of there rep grinding there was for 7th Legion and I am 100 percent positive on that because I did the grind to open Dark Irons

Login Screen

Just compared it to Korthek and Vorrik and it is ultimately neither but a Faithless Spireguard:

In any case Eternal Emperor Korthek was still badly underused as a character… He should have been a Dungeon Boss at least!


As much as I’d love vulpera and gilgoblins, I find it hard to believe Blizzard would do two short, goblin based races back to back.

Ankoan don’t seem made to be playable either, since only male models exist (though I think some are female based on dialogue?) and Blizzard has gone out of their way to say they’re the last of their kind and dying out. I wouldn’t mind them though.

My best guess is Horde get vulpera and Alliance get junker gnomes. Then if we get another pair of allied races soon it will probably be the Light-based undead, which could go either way, and whatever faction doesn’t get them will probably get something introduced in the next patch.

And yeah, voldunai is exclusive to Horde but the faction is actually made up of vulpera and zandalari exiles, not sethrak. The Voldunai’s goals aligned with Vorrik and the Devoted’s goals, but Blizzard could easily invent some falling out between the Voldunai and the Devoted, or even give Alliance the remaining Faithless if they really wanted to.

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I’ll give you that on Korthek or even better since he was part of freeing G’huun maybe a raid boss would of been nice.

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Ok, so to answer your questions:

  1. 7th Legion. And your Volduni rep is obviously going towards the unlock of Vulpera.

  2. If this is needed at all, pick a race from the Freehold Pirates collective. Vulpera, Saurok, Quillboar, Hozen. If you want something different, idk, take the coven witches or the drowned ones, you guys invite monsters into your faction all the time anyways.


While I agree with the point that it doesn’t have to be even, the alliance equivalent at the time was two Argus races while the horde had two broken isles races. The horde had access to the reps required for their allied races since the beginning of the expansion, while the alliance didn’t have access to either of our reps until the last patch.

I dont think the Alliance would blend well with the faithless to be honest. Not when they were trying to release a blood god.

1: 7th Legion rep is what you get in Voldun when running Alliance
2: Voldunai rep is what you get for running Horde.
3: Both sides get wqs from Sethrak . Difference is Horde gets rep for the zone and Alliance gets rep to unlock Dark Iron Dwarves.

Yes, I understand that.

But if your argument for alliance not getting rep with sethrak is that our quests with sethrak contribute to dark irons, the same argument applies to the hordes volduni rep and unlocking vulpera. You can deny as much as you want that vulpera will be a playable race, but its all but confirmed. Has been for quite a while.

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I never said the Horde rep didn’t go towards Vulpera and I never said it would go towards Sethrak for Horde.

I in no way indicated that Vulpera were not going to be a playable race.

I said I don’t see Sethrak going towards Alliance because they would most likely be paired with the Vulpera and by the time an Alliance player had enough rep to get Sethrak if they started now , the Horde player would already have their Vulpera and would probably have it in either Outland or Northrend before the Alliance player even got to revered.

Most likely scenerio is they will wait until enough Rustbolt rep is aquired then put them with Vulpera . Followed by Akoan and Unshackled