Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread šŸ

Did you miss legion where they decided to make you the leader of your class faction?

Did you miss that, that has nothing to do with the Horde and Alliance factions and that was in fact a joint venture by all denizens of Azeroth and ended the moment the legion was defeated? Sorry the moment you sacrificed everything you earned in legion to seal the wound.

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Heā€™s got a point. In the canonical lore of the story, the only time non NPCs are referenced is when something like Champions of the horde led by so and so cleared our marudon or Champions of the alliance led by so and so defeated ragnaros or Unified forces of the alliance and horde brought down the Lich King

But as for the story in quests and zones, player characters have almost nothing to do with the canon. NPCs are given credit most of the time, even if you did all the work. Just look at WoD for example. You are the commander and the one going out into the field to do everything yet the credit goes to your faction, not you. And in legion, it is the order halls being given credit, not the player specifically. Your legion followers are being given as much credit as you are.


Yeah but your actions are written into the story. Youre working on behalf of your faction. Just like on the horde side everything you do leads to the zandalari joining the horde.

Thatā€™s not how any of WoW has bore out. Sorry. Player interactions do not factor into Alliance/Horde relations. The Zandalari is an NPC written script in where the whole of the horde is there.

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But there are many times where your working with talanji by yourself. Some NPC doesnt show up and take credit for your actions and in the end she joins the horde because of those actions that you took. Hence why it is written in the story.

You are not in that situation for 99% of the gameā€™s interaction. Even then youā€™re an ā€œemissaryā€ of the horde for the specific instance of your interactions with Talanji. Going on a dungeon quest does not represent your faction. It never has. In this specific instance its the Alliance NPCs that interact with the Sethrakk, not the horde.

Even if thats the case, the horde also has WQs where they defend them from the faithless. So your just really basing this on the proximity of your base to their temple.

Its specifically stated that the alliance NPCs interact with the sethrakk. Its also specifically stated by Vorrik that he feels indebted to the alliance. In the same way that the alliance can run Temple of Sethraliss , you can do the WQs.

Where is that stated in one of your three quests with them?

I know google is just really hard to use. However if you just put in Vorrik in wowpedia its all right there. I know, I know its work on your part but you canā€™t post links.

I already know. Its in one of your three quests that involve the sethrak. You can continue to think they will go alliance even though they dont fit the alliance aesthetic at all. I dont think they will ever been playable by either faction.

So you went from not knowing to all of a sudden knowing, ok? Youā€™d also know that the horde faction has nothing to do with the Sethrakk whereas the Alliance faction itself does. I agree its unlikely theyā€™ll be playable but they arenā€™t going horde, horde helps the vulpera whereas the alliance is directly hostile to them and the Sethrakk and the Vulpera are not friends. You also know that the Alliance now has space goats, werewolves, and void infested elves. But yea, totally, snake people donā€™t fit the bill. Edit: Snake people with a deeply set faith that runs right in with alliance ideals.


The sethrak were allied to the Zandalari at one point, and they both worship loa to top it off the zandalri literally worship the same god. Also the Vulpera are not enemies of the devoted they are enemies of the faithless who the devoted are also enemies of. If you played the horde quests you would know leading up to us saving their entire society the vulpera were working with vorrik to do it.

Right now, we just dont know where the sethrak are going if anywhere at all. Both factions help them out a great deal, though the horde contributes more as a whole, they wouldnt have been able to do any of that had the alliance not first saved vorrik.

It really isnt a matter of who did more for them currently, it will be a matter of who will show to be the better ally in the future. We just wont know anything until the story pans out. Hopefully something in 8.2 advances on their relationships with both factions in some way, positive or negative so that we can see who they are leaning towards if they wish to not be neutral.

That, and I really hope they reveal the next list of allied races at blizzcon this year.


I realize Blizzard wasnā€™t too fond of neutral races after the Pandaren, but considering there are arguments for Sethrak on both Horde and Alliance, is there any possibility that we could see them as a neutral allied race?

I could see some arguments of the Faithless being brought back into the fold and causing problems. Perhaps the Pandaren, Ji and Aysa, could go there to try to help work things out and bring out their inner peace and either it works, and the Sehtrak join either faction as a journey similar to the Pandaren, or theres a civil war that leads to Sethrak choosing sides to get support.

Obviously, this is a flawed view that is very much arguable. Especially with Blizzardā€™s stance on neutral races. Just seems like theyā€™re the one race so far that would fit as a neutral race, given there are arguments for them to join both Horde and Alliance. Plus, it gives people what they want for the faction they want their snakes on.

Just thinking out loud, is all. Again, far from a perfect scenario.

I really feel like the faction barrier is going to weaken next expansion. I can see it working that, if you have war mode off, you can talk to players regardless of their faction and maybe even group up with them in the world. War mode will still be there to keep world PVP alive, but otherwise your faction wonā€™t be as much of a hindrance as it is today.

I think in that case, and in the case that the Alliance and Horde move closer together overall rather than further apart, sethrak joining the Alliance isnā€™t as big a problem as has been suggested. If thereā€™s a truce or something, does it really matter all that much if the Devoted join the Alliance?

Besides, the vulpera can be recruited in part to keep an eye on them.


Yeah, itd be cool to see a faction split sometime in the near future. But honestly, I dont see it happening. I see Sylvannas just leaving the horde and then the more agreeable horde leaders convincing the alliance leaders that are acting out that they can still work together.

Sylvannas is clearly trying to start a war, and right now, she is only drawing the horde closer together while also trying to drive a wedge between the alliance and horde. This mindset is clear by what she says in BFAā€™s opening cinematic at the start of the Seige of Lorderan. ā€œOurs is a cycle of hatred. Alliances forged and broken. We have paid the price for sharing this world. And we have forgotten what makes us strong.ā€

To me, this means that the price we have paid is weakness, and that war makes us strong. Which, it kinda does. Even in our own history as humans, a large majority of technology and medicinal practices have had massive amounts of research and growth during times of war. Not trying to give it an excuse because it was a horrible event, but without WW2, we would be several decades behind in technology from the war, and over a century behind in the medical field because of what the German Scientists did to their prisoners.

That being said, Iā€™d still like to see a faction split on both ends. Alliance could have LFD, Worgen, and Night Elves split off, maybe taking Void Elves with them into another faction. But as for horde, really the only ones to split off are the individual players. Some side with Saurfang, and some side with Sylvannas. Aside from the goblins and the Forsaken, I donā€™t really see any other race splitting off from the bulk of the horde. A large majority of the Sylvannas loyalists, at least from what Iā€™ve seen, are Forsaken and Blood Elves. Even though the blood elves should be siding with their king who really despises Sylvannas and her methods.

This being said, if the horde were to have a faction split as well, it wouldnā€™t be locked behind races, it would be a choice the player makes somewhere in the story. Some people think we will be getting a Light and Void faction that divides up both the alliance and horde by choice. And you could kind of already see what races might be in which side, for example:

Light - Humans, Dwarves, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, Tauren, Blood Elves, Highmountain Tauren, Zandalari Trolls.

Void - Void Elves, Magā€™Har orcs, Nightborne, Trolls, Forsaken, Orcs, Gnomes.

While the remaining races really could fit into either depending on how you look at it; Goblins, Worgen, Pandaren, Kulā€™Tiran Humans, Night Elves, Dark Iron Dwarves.

But personally, as far as a faction split might go, Iā€™d like to see a split into Light, Void, and Death. Either that or Forgiving and Vengeful (Alliance split), and Loyalists and Honorbound (Horde split). This last one might actually be the most likely. But in this, any faction divide would have an impact on both the world as well as battlegrounds. Would battlegrounds have only two factions fighting at any given time? Would certain factions only be able to compete in certain battlegrounds? Would they all have to be redesigned to allow a third or possibly fourth faction so its a three or four way battle? I think it could be quite fun actually.

But so far, this has nothing to do with Sethrak, so I guess Iā€™ll speculate on which factions they might join from this scenario. The Devoted could join the Honorbound or Forgiving, as well as Light. While if Vorrik fails to reunite his people, the faithless might join Death, Vengeful, or Loyalists.

Sethrak shamans would be so awesome!


Same! Shamans look pretty likely too! Itā€™s less likely, but a part of me wants Druids and Paladins for them too, just for the unique forms and mount. :slight_smile: