Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

I know this is mean of me but i actually imagined the outrage if the Horde for Junkergnomes and it put a smile on my face :confused: like im a equalist and i prefer equal treatment and rewards but still it was a satisfying thought sadly to say.


I’m not strong enough.

Wait your a Tauren Elf? what trickery is this

I’m just saying, the possibility is there, that just because they’re gnomes…they’re guaranteed to be on the alliance. I mean, it’s even more difficult to determine because both of the factions have the same rep with them if I’m not mistaken. So from rep alone, you can’t say it’s one way or another. No signs point any one clear direction or the other as it’s too soon for anyone to know since it’s only on the PTR.

I find it quite telling that there are more people dreading the thought of getting junker gnomes and wasting an AR slot than there are people genuinely excited to see them as an AR.

I’m still of the opinion that they should just be extra customization options, and Blizzard should throw any bonus questlines and lore that would have been spent in the AR unlock questline/scenario into the option unlock instead. At the end of the day, the only difference between ARs and extra customization is that ARs have new racials and voicelines.

And before the Gnome-brigade charges in here and accuses me of being racist towards them, i don’t hate gnomes. What I do hate is getting the same race packaged as a new one and being expected to love them for being ever-so-slightly different. I hated that LF Draenei offer nothing beyond slightly different skintones and a different racial i rarely use because of its long cooldown. Not even classes that regular Draenei can’t be. I hate that when the AR system was announced, they assured everyone that not all ARs were going to be ‘sub-races,’ and yet that’s exactly what we’ve seen for every AR.

I’m frustrated that in as vibrant and colorful (both figuratively and literally) as WoW is, they’d rather give us the same races over and over again instead of using their cool new feature to give us new and exciting races (even if they’re built off of old skeletons).

Vulpera proves that it can be done, and done well. And yet here we are, wondering if the next ARs are going to be gilgoblins and junker-gnomes, when both of those could just as easily be extra customizations for both. Junker-gnomes’ very lore is they’re gnomes that took things a bit further with tech, and Gilgoblins’ lore is that they were goblin experiments. Whose to say that gnomes can’t follow in their cousins’ footsteps and go cyborg themselves, or that Goblins can’t drink the aquatic-koolaid and grow fins? But no, we have to sit and wait to see if blizzard is going to once again take the lazy path and release an AR just for the sake of saying “we’re making new things for you guys to spend time unlocking, see?”

And now this post has gone on way longer than I intended. Oh well.

Again, to any gilgoblin or junker-gnome enthusiasts, I’m not trying to bash your preferences. I’m not like some of the vulpera haters that will “quit if i have to raid with” Junker Gnomes or “votekick every single” gilgoblin I see. If you get what you want, great. But the biggest argument i’ve seen for both is that both gnomes and goblins “need more lore” and that these ARs might somehow deliver on that, even though we’ve gotten no lore on any other AR (with the exception of KT and Zanda, but the whole expac is based around them, and they’re pretty much an AR in name only) outside of their recruitment questline… which could just as easily be an unlock scenario for the custom options, like NE night-warrior eyes were.

Do I think that’s likely at this point? not really, no. I’m pretty sure Junker-gnomes are one of the next ARs. I’m not so sure for Gilgoblins, but it wouldn’t surprise me.


Well there’s actually no saying that they’re going to be ARs at all. There’s a lot of speculation on there being tinkerer in 9.0. If this is the case, it’s a possibility that the gnomes will go along the same path that the Demon Hunters did as a kind of ‘customization’ that can only be used along with the Tinkerer class, but for gnomes.

I could be entirely wrong, but this is also a possibility, which might also be why Blizz is keeping their lips shut on the topic of “if they’re an AR.”

The forums for some reason hasn’t updated properly to accommodate the race/name change yet.

I wish I could wear ponchos, like the ones used by the sethraks!
Would it be possible to see some transmog of these clothes for our characters?

Yes, yes, YES. All my yes. Also I agree this would be a nice infusion of much needed culture diversity into the alliance. Please blizz… please.


You’re gettin Vulpera, Alliance is getting Sethrak.


Nothing is set in stone yet, but I must agree, Vulpera are all but confirmed for the horde. Hopefully we will see something about ARs at Blizzcon this year since we got nothing aside from “new friends” in nazjatar last year.


I just hope they don’t end up in the dust of WoW history. Languishing away while we move on begging for content we never got.


You know, I was thinking.

If Vulpera get paired with mechagnomes, that leaves two AR slots left if this “trend” isn’t just a rumor. I know this might frustrate people. But… Think about it.

What does that leave for races that need ARs (again if it’s not a rumor)? Undead and Worgen, of course.

Well we have a great pairing right in front of us. Sethrak and San’layn. Sound silly? Well…
*Both races have fangs.
*Both would be rather monsterous.
*Both have heirarchies as we’ve seen in game.
*Both are regal and have a defined style.
*Sethrak would give the Alliance an advantage in the desert. San’layn would give the Horde an advantage in the North. They’re opposites in that respect and offer valuable assets to the factions.
*Sethrak use the worgen female skeleton and are a beast race, similar to worgen. Both species would get along and have a strong connection to nature.
*meanwhile, San’layn are intelligent undead and would connect with blood elves and forsaken.

Honestly the pair sounds odd at first. But forum feedback could bump the interest in our sneks, and it provides a pair of races asked for by some here ^^ And the connections would fit perfectly both for “slots” and rivalry.

Beyond that, i think gilgoblins and Ankoans would be a final pair for six total. So each faction would get an aquatic race. Imo ogres and arakkoa would be a good pair too or entirely new race.


I’m good with that. I like vampires and I love sneks.


We get both, you get Mech gnomes and some other stupid race.

Nah. Its the Alliance itself, as in the npc faction, that is defending the sethrekk, trading with them, and nestled right next to their primary temple. Good try though?

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Uhh, are you kidding? The horde have a quest line where they save there entire faction and their god. You guys did what, brought some dude an antidote?

Yea the horde PC not the faction. I played both sides and the NPCs have almost nothing to do with the sethrakk. The same garbage happened with the nightborne. Alliance characters did just as much as the horde but the horde NPCs accepted the nighborne. Good try though?


Thats two separate things, and if you didnt know the PCs are there under orders as champions of their faction. The nightborne went to the horde for one reason only and that was to save assets, its why the alliance got void elfs. Or the story blizzard gave was alliance were aholes to them so they joined the horde.

In the entirety of WoW lore. The PC does not affect their faction directly. The NPC story is written that the Alliance are there next to the Sethrakk, they’re trading with them, defending them and learning from them (see certain WQs involving them). From a story stand point it was just some Horde PC that did that, not the Horde itself, and if you want to get technical it was the Zandalar’s political BS that caused the resurrection of Mythrax and the suppression of the Avatar of Sethrallis.