Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread šŸ

too animal, send them too horde.

Make another normal humanoid for the alliance


Snek Paladin (Rides a snek!)
Snek Druid (Not cat form, but Serpent form!)


There is a decent description of her morals and personality I would say in Tales of De Loa

Which goes as

"In densest jungle of darkest green,
Rules mother of many, but rarely seen.
Warm and lush and full of life.
Iron will and without strife.

Her mind unfurls, envelops all.
Her faithful ever heed her call.
Across de ages her eyes do see,
Seeking de best for you and me.

Through darkest night, and brightest day,
She will ever find her way.
In her, ya haven will be found.
Her all for us, her care profound.

Love unsurpassed will surely be,
When Sethraliss ya truly see."

She seems to have some qualities such as nobility, honor, faith, justice, sacrifice and devotion. These tend to be considered synonymous with The Alliance.

Not that I disagree with you. She does remind me a lot of the Tauren and their values. And yes, Thrallā€™s Horde.

This is the one of the primary reasons we on Alliance would be happy to have the Sethrak. We need some counter balance. (But hey I just want them playable)

YES GIVE SNEK. Make in game suggestion for snek under Help tab in in game menu!


Again, this thread is going down the pro-alliance rabbit hole, leaving only two true Horde supporters. I guess Alliance players are just more vocal.


Honestly I often wonder about this.

I know there are plenty of horde sethrak supporters.

I know there are plenty of Alliance sethrak supporters.

I think, or suspect, that the Alliance bent of the original OP lends to this issue.

Perhaps a new megathread would be better if someone who was more neutral, and passionate about Sethrak were to make oneā€¦ Someone with TL3 powers and someone who was well respected by most folk on the forumsā€¦



Yeah sure I wo-


Thatā€™s probably better, to be honest.

Iā€™d be willing to do it though.


I suppose maybe I should start posting with this girl more to get her TL3 so I can do the furbolg thread I want to.

Either I forget to switch to her or the post Iā€™m making needs TL3 so Iā€™m not as much as I should be.


Or you.

But Iā€™m holding out for that furbol-

Yeah that.

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If the ogre and sethrak threads got deleted right now Iā€™d remake both in a heartbeat. I know exactly how Iā€™d make the thread. Or, well, I know how to make one of these so itā€™d be easy, Iā€™d still have to lay it out.

I just feel Iā€™d get some nerds I donā€™t want to deal with in both threads if I remade them with the current ones still up. I mean, I could if I wanted to, deal with them that is, I just donā€™t feel like it. Itā€™s boring.


I think everyone has seen this fanart on this thread, shown by Nadeshdha, but it is very timely and so it is worth reposting.

h ttps://



Thank you very much :snake:


Oh my God, Becky, look at her scalesā€¦
They are so, she looks like
One of them reptile guyā€™s pets.
But, ya know, wo understands those reptile guys?
They only talk to her, becaus
she looks like a total serpent, kay?
I mean, her scales, are jus so big.
I cannot believe, its just so shiny, its like amazing.
I mean, ewwww, look.
She just so, green!

I like scaly girls and I cannot lie
You other brothers cant deny
When that snek slithers in with an itty bitty waist
and them shiny scales in your face
you get sprung, want to pull up tough
cause you noticed them scales were buffed
Deep in the scales sheā€™s wearing
Iā€™m hooked and I canā€™t stop staring
Oh sneky, I want to get witā€™cha
And take your picture
My homeboys tried to warn me
But with them scales you got makes (me so horny)ā€¦

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I get that. Some folk are a pain,even when they donā€™t mean to be.

Pretty sure that applies to me given how today has been. Lol


I feel like ogres and sethrak a bit special in that way, they have some toxic parts in their community (high elves have it way worse though, letā€™s be real). Existing threads on it only amplifies it I think.

The one I made for forest trolls was a good choice on the basis of the community it attracted, at least imo. I feel like furbolg will be another race no one really opposes, or at least very few do, and that the community around it will be pretty cool.


I can do this, if you all are in approval of it. I will need a few days to flesh it out. And I will likely still reference this and link this one since there is still good discussion and information within.

I do agree that, since the OP made the thread with Alliance in mind, there is going to be a bias. And I just want the Sethrak playable. I am not truly biased towards one faction or the other.

Would you like to be co-captain?

It would be nice to have one. Cause the one thing about me generating the thread; I will not be able to double post (which I tend to do when I get hyper excited). Or nudge the thread if I am the last to have a comment.


100% I would support this.


I am in approvement. The thread could use some updating too maybe, like mentioning the priest of Sethraliss that appears in Dazarā€™alor and at Talanjiā€™s coronation.

Iā€™m totally willing to design the post, Iā€™m just not so sure about actually posting it. I can have the vast majority done within 2 hours. Iā€™d enjoy making it, so no worries about wasting my time. If thereā€™s some dialogue, from quests or dungeons and such, that youā€™d want in the post, that I wonā€™t be able to get tonight, Iā€™d have to dig for that. If thereā€™s no dialogue though, or dialogue you donā€™t already have off hand, I can have the full OP done within a few hours, and you can just toss that dialogue in and edit the post as you like before posting it.

If the thread is remade with both factions in mind, be it one section for Horde and Alliance, or humoring neutral, or both, the toxicity might calm down a bit. Or maybe itā€™ll make it worse, but that wouldnā€™t be my guess.

Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™d do anything, but Iā€™m totally willing to do that. Of the non-playable races within the Horde and Alliance, sethrak are unquestionably my most wanted, and even if we include those races within their factions, sethrak are probably still my most wanted tying with Revantusk.

Ah, I see. Iā€™d definitely do that.


If you want to write up a mock up, go for it! If youā€™re in the Discord just message me the rough draft directly.

And then I can add in any missing points. Though I imagine youā€™ll be pretty thorough.

I did plan to have text within the post set aside for all three arguments. And I imagine it might have a good effect as well. I see so many posts of people coming in here and right off the bat itā€™s "Sethrak are a Horde race ONLY, how dare you have dreams, If only we got the Sethrak instead of X race, etc, etc)

People seem to have blinders on when they enter this thread, so I am definitely in agreeance that a more open megathread would be ideal. People are allowed to voice their opinion. It just seems that everyone has to have their teeth bared while doing it. XD


Iā€™m not in the disc, but I can add you directly if youā€™d like.

Iā€™ve heard some poor things about the discord. (Also not really sure what Iā€™d do in there tbh)

Example of my work:


Come on Blizzard, Iā€™m still waiting.

I will start on this now. Whatever comes out will want editing, my forest troll thread has something like 80 edits on it (though most is formatting, I was still learning how to properly format one of those posts, very little of the edits are content). However, as my HS English classes have and continue to teach me, rough drafts are bad in comparison to finals. Past experience with threads show that same thing as well.