Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

It’s a different sort of fixation.

It’s called desperation and hope. XD



After 30 minutes of searching I give up

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Thats how I feel… why would they join either side? It doesn’t make a super large amount of sense.

And if they all go neutral then they’d be fighting their own people which wouldn’t make sense…


Sethrak Sethrak Ssseethrak! :snake:

:snake: :snake: :snake:

No desperation here. Just that most terrible of illusions, hope. :stuck_out_tongue:

That it was probably one of those that was in french, I gave up a year ago. :stuck_out_tongue:


Found this on NB. (Digging back to old interview summaries.)

It gives me hope for Alliance Sethrak.

Lots of discussion about Nightborne joining the Horde. Thoughts on that and Thalyssra’s grudge?

  • From far away you’d think they’d join the Alliance because of how close they are to the Night Elves (same with Void Elves and Horde) but that’s not how it turns out. That’s what’s cool about the unlock scenarios, you’ll find out the specific reasons WHY these factions and faction leaders make those decisions - a cool story twist!

As well as this.

Will Allied Races be introduced in a staggered manner?

  • No - you complete a recruitment scenario, then they are unlocked (Lightforged, Highmountain, Void Elf, Nightborne). You’ve been introduced through Legion, that was the “staggered” intro.

If Blizzard plans to use the same sort of initial throw. You would then guess that whatever next AR would be something introduced in BfA.


I was looking at German
Maybe tomorrow I should look into French

Its just annoying as my first thought after reading it was “I wonder if they mean sethrak”

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Was it along the lines of this?

There is some interesting dialogue written in this interview article.

So what I am reading is, some of the races where made on the spot to be considered as AR. Essentially.

And that it does not bloody matter if say Alliance wants to play Sethrak.

By that interview article it’s encouraged!



Something similar but it was around autumn winter time last year

Although it was interesting reading that and how they say they had all the allied races already planned out before the expansion launched

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From the article: “We want people to pick a side or a race that they identify with – that they want to be in this world.”

And this right here is why I want Sethrak. It’s what I identify with the most and what I want to play in the world, regardless of what side they’re on!

Also, seems like I missed a big argument. tl;dr for me. But hey, glad we got some good bumps out of it!


I wish they had thought of that when they made lightforged and highmountain allied races XD

That article gives me more hope. Dumb I know but XD

I’m glad I found it.

And yes you definitely missed something. I’m not sure what their goal was. Psychological gymnastics if you ask me. :woman_shrugging:

And they still never answered me if they actually liked Sethrak.

BLIZZARD I WANT TO BE A SNAKE PERSON. I already need a Sad Lamp/Happy Light in real life, why can’t I be a sun needing snake in game? :rofl:


The one I’m thinking of was a video.

Its nice to finally see the proof. I’ve always kinda assumed/known this.

My favorite part was the Latin. :stuck_out_tongue:


My favorite part was when you said you were leaving and then decided to come back and be “attacked” after everyone started rallying to your mental breakdown.

Thats what i thought as well
But that means they were lying when they said they wanted to know what we wanted as allied races. Which isn’t shocking by a wide margin but I dunno how to feel about it

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oh… youre still here…
How ya doing? Nice weather eh?


Why so aggressive? Lol.

On the off chance that you were somehow unaware;

The phrase…

Is a joke phrase meant to convey the amusement of an event.

I was tired but it was the middle of the day where I am when I should have been awake and not tired.

Also, I’m unsure where you thought I was leaving?


I didn’t distract easily. :expressionless:
( Watch the dancers ) :heart_eyes:
What were we really talking about? :blush:

Being serious now, as someone who lives in Brazil, this remains better behaved and much less suggestive than what we have demonstrated during the carnival in February / March. :flushed:


No shame in being distracted by the dancers. They are good at what they do!

this remains better behaved and much less suggestive than what we have demonstrated during the carnival in February / March.

As someone who grew up in the Dominican Republic, I may have kinda an idea of what you mean. Carnivals can certainly have quite the sightseeing attractions.


That would be perfect. I was impressed with her hand movements at the beginning of the dance. It was very fluid.


I really like the belly dance idea for Sethrak too. Seems fitting.


I feel a connection between belly dancing, flute music and the meandering movements of snakes.

Like fakirs who use a flute to ‘enchant’ snakes.
This is present in the game, with a vulpera near the santuary of Vorrik, where he plays a flute for a group of snakes.