Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

Why do you feel like your first response is one that isn’t calm? You should probably refrain from commenting if you are anxious about conversing.

Hey now. Mechagnomes are fine and do not ruin the chance of getting Sethrak. We got plenty of room and time for more AR!

If you want them, make an in game suggestion for them. I’d really appreciate it!

It’s under the Help Tab in the in game menu.

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I dont really understand why people think Sethrak were somehow cast aside for Mechagnomes. We all pretty much admit that Sethrak likely would have gone Horde back when Mechagnomes and Vulpera were released.

The Story to get em into the Alliance should probably be expanded upon if they are to go to that faction.

Then again I’m happy to see em just go Alliance just cause.

Again though I wish they’d go Neutral.

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Also, I have been thinking based on some of the conversation on the Sethrak Discord, is that Blizzard did not have Sethrak outright planned for BfA. They got some of the basics down.

I also suspect Blizzard wasn’t imagining the level of popularity the Sethrak have received.

We gotta remember that they have stuff planned out for at least 1 or 2 expansions ahead of the current one we are on.

I think Sethrak were planned but were dropped later on. Still they wanted them to have some work done just in case.

This I think is very accurate. I don’t think blizzard at all expected them to be this popular.


I guess we will never know unless/until Sethrak are announced as playable.

And then someone can ask how long they were planned in a QnA. Cause I would be curious.

I’ll be that person if no one else wants to ask!

Although my first plan for any QnA is to ask IF they’re going to become playable. I honestly might buy a Blizzconline ticket just to have access to the QnA.

I already have an idea of how I want to frame the question. Cause I’m also interested in their lore and history as well.

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Please do. I want to know.

Every and any scrap of information I can get I’d be happy with.

I think they were considered at one point but I think youre right about it never being a set in stone plan.
There was an interview where they said they tried out different things for allied races.
I swear it exists but I will never be able to prove it because I cant find it for the life of me.
It wasnt in English

My guess is if Sethrak were considered at one point in early beta, they decided that at the time the work needed for them to become playable was not achievable and X other races seemed better. So lay down some basics for later.

Or as I like to imagine “In case of emergency, break glass”. xDD

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Or heck. Blizz might have thought “People don’t like snakes. Who would want to play as a snake man?”

Then to have people be rabid for them. :laughing:


I think for my own sanity I might have to conclude I made it up
I know i didn’t but trying to find a specific line from an interview during a time when they were doing like 10 interviews a day for a week straight is impossible

You didn’t I saw that one too. Never found it again though.

I wonder what on earth happened to it

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The only thing I recall, and I had quoted it a few times in this thread and maybe another is them loosely explaining what they look for in considering making Allied Races.

It was in a Lost Codex interview.

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I think its just a pain to find some of them. Like you mentioned so many were being done all at once here and there.

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Rediscovered this blurb

Any allied races planned for later in the Shadowlands?

Allied races should feel thematically appropriate. A lot of the races encountered at the end of Legion and BFA fit, as people we discovered become embroiled in the wars we’re fighting and both sides are looking for reinforcements, but Shadowlands doesn’t really have that feeling at the start. It’s something they’ll look at and see how players react to certain races, but nothing is planned for the launch of Shadowlands.

This is from one of the more recent ones.

So push push push for Sethrak. Show your passion!

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This is the one everyone links to when they say “no AR’s for SLs”. most miss that they just say “At launch”.

Sethrak for the Alliance! (But playable is fine blizz seriously please.) :snake:


Yet I would like to point out, (I swear people just skim things or hyper focus on one sentence. I am a paranoid thing and hyper analyze everything xD Makes me great at my job actually, lol.)

What I highlighted in bold is the really telling information here.

I really got some hope that with Emeni and the other Sethrak npcs datamined that we will at least get some more great lore.

Really hope. :crossed_fingers:

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Aye. We’ll see. At the very least the Sethrak have not been forgotten.

Though I do fear also that they’re referring to the SLs Covenant races there. I like to look on the positive side though.

And I did see both those bits. No hyper fixation here. :stuck_out_tongue:


I get what you mean. But eh. I personally don’t care for them and don’t see how they could or would want to join our skirmishes on Azeroth.

And I’m gonna ignore them cause