Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

Sethrak go to Horde. Alliance get Wastewander Humans :laughing:

Maybe I missed the memo, but you got trust level 3 back? And pretty quickly too. Blizzard probably thought it was a mistake to retract TL3 from you. You are a good contributor to the forums.


Yes, it is a male nightborne. I gotta live out my Drizzt dream somehow! Though preferably NOT fighting Demogorgon.

Leave my poor Selakiir alone. -Hugs him- :slightly_frowning_face:


Playable Sethrak please! :smiley:


Or Sethrak Alliance, Kelfin for Horde.

Or Sethrak for Alliance ogres for horde.

Or sethrak for Horde Ankoan for Alliance

Or Sethrak for Horde wildhammer properly done for Alliance.

Or Saurok for Horde, Sethrak for Alliance.

Important part is Sethrak playable.



You should play on horde so we can be friends.

I do play on Horde. :yellow_heart:

But I won’t be a Horde main unless Sethrak are added to the Horde.

My fiancé loves his dwarves too much.

He knows he has no choice if Horde get Sethrak though.


Thanks so much for sharing those screencaps! There’s so much interesting stuff in such a small area!



Now that you say it, sethraks seem to be more dwarf than most dwarves.
We see many halls. Dwarves sculpt their homes and sethraks seem to use the large open spaces and model them for their needs.

And as a people who live underground, they must have several conflicts with troggs, kobolds and the servants of old gods who also inhabit the undergrounds of Azeroth.

What a surprise it would be. :unamused:

I’m sure it would be something as disappointing as everything the Alliance received in BfA, but it wouldn’t surprise anyone and it doesn’t seem that at this point, it matters more what the alliance receives, as long as it’s something that causes laughter, disappointment or a version of something that was not thought of but nobody wanted to have more work thinking about something so they push something.

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Thought I would let you know that you were correct about Korthek going crazy, now that I am rereading quests.

This is what Vorrik has to say in one of the quests.

"Korthek has grown spiteful and arrogant over the years, but I realize now that he has grown mad as well."

This is the first blurb in The Missing Key Quest

And given that the whole expansion is pretty much an Old God expansion, him being driven mad by old god corruption would not surprise me at all.


Also. Here ya guys go. Said I had something fun to share.


Artist is:


They look like they’d make good gummies.

don’t shoot me


Now I just want to eat those twin snake Haribo gummies.

Thanks. xD


Sethrak would not go to Alliance. Might as well just face it. Kelfin are dumb and we don’t need aquatic races when the only underwater zone is Vash’jir. You are welcome in the Horde though! :snake::hugs:

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Most races seem more fitting on the Horde. The Alliance just seems so one dimensional. It’s like the Alliance never gets developed. I can definitely see the Rajani going Alliance though.

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Why not flip it. Sethrak Alliance and Rajani Horde?

Though I REALLY don’t care what faction Sethrak go.



Sethrak make more sense as Horde than Rajani. Zandalari would probably have an issue with Mogu and they seem to be honorable, whereas the Horde is not. Sethrak obviously have more history with Horde as well

Yes this is true with what we currently have in lore. And I am completely fine with it. A girl can dream though.

I’ll be curious what the intention of the Sethrak npcs in 9.0 will be for. There are several that have been datamined.

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Blizz has been very successful with ARs, for the most part. I think they dropped the ball with Kul Tirans (should have had skinny option and wicker golem boomkins). The devs would do well to continue to release ARs and give players more options. It encourages people to play the game by first unlocking them and then leveling. It’s a good business move, imo.


And I think they will. Aysa Cloudsinger’s dialogue in the PTR certainly implies more AR will come. Eventually. Ji Firepaw’s is similar but he has a different approach in finding AR. And that is telling the player character to do it. xD

It’s a good system tbh. And I am perfectly fine with the work involved if a particular AR interests me. Cause if I don’t care about a certain AR, I don’t have to unlock it.

I personally have no requests aside from Sethrak. That is all I want. And all I really have serious interest in.

I’m glad they’re popular to boot. Cause I sort of feel my campaign to get them playable would be completely moot.



Considering there is room for several more races on the new character creation screen, I think we’ll see more playable races at some point during future expansions, and as such, it’s important to keep going with support of races people want playable.

BfA and allied races definitely got me to start posting on the forums primarily to show my support for Ogres and Saurok on the Horde, as well as other races like San’layn, Gilblins, and of course Sethrak which I would also really like to see playable. I’m still trying to think of new avenues and methods to show off my support as well.

New races in general are the most exciting feature to me in a MMORPG, and with luck, races people have been asking for will help fill in that new space on the character creation screen.

I plan to keep going with my support for my most wanted playable races, and I hope others also do so for their most wanted races also.

Well, I would totally do that if the game would let me. I try to tell him about the Stonemaul Ogres and the Saurok research I’ve done, but he just looks at me funny. x- x

Let’s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle: