Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

You and others may have this opinion, but they did not do for the alliance what zandalars or vulpes did for the horde’s image or the horde’s sense of appreciation.
In the alliance, it was just the opposite.
Everything was a compromise. A corrupted wish.
They are a commercial failure and are a source of embarrassment and discredit.
Purple blood elves only have more people using it, because they use the blood elf model. If they were void kultirans or void gnomes?

What was done for the alliance, in BfA, only left the faction alienated and dreaming of the horde’s green pasture, since in the alliance we only had sand.

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If we had sand, we’d have the Sethrak. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Personally i just don’t understand that mindset because outside of Vulpera, I loved everything about alliance this expansion 10 times more than what the horde got.

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As some have said, it would be problematic for the story so far to make it coherent. It was just not difficult to invent purple blood elf.

And as others have shown, it would cause a lot of anger and outrage for ally sethraks, so just hand out sethraks to the horde and we’ll all be happy.
Alliance? Some other joke should be easy to invent.

I sorta get it. But that’s because personally I find pretty much all the Alliance allied races bland. For me. But this kinda goes for the core races as well

The only ones I sorta like are the Dark Iron and the Void Elves. And I can’t even really count the Void Elves because I only like them cause purple. Purple is my favorite color. XD

But I love the Nightborne (though they need some npc model options), Zandalari Trolls and Vulpera. Also don’t mind the HM Tauren cause well, I like the cute cow people. :heart:

But by all means I like The Alliance overall and don’t think the Alliance AR sucked the life out of The Alliance. I was just not personally impressed with what The Alliance got.


I would have liked them if they had those options but right now they just look like the night elves got hit with the ugly stick. And night elves already looked ugly enough to begin with XD

I’m not really sure what the alliance could have gotten while following the allied race formula and staying lore friendly.

Other than jinyu/ ankoan but even they have a lot of alliance players saying no to them.

So I really dont know what would make alliance players happy as their counterpart to sethrak on the horde.

Its just an area that confuses me a lot

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It’s true. :rofl: But I love Drow.

I’m not terribly keen on fish people. They would be interesting though. Although I honestly see at least the Ankoan having more troubles with gear than Sethrak, Worgen or Tauren. Just cause of all the deep sea fish spines, etc.

And they would need a total overhaul as they’re just a male Nelf reskin atm.

Perhaps the Rajani but that would need some story to push them to one faction over the other. And they too would need a total rehaul.

As for Sethrak, it will just depend if and when Blizzard decides to make them playable. But no one can deny they’re a strong contender for Horde.

And it doesn’t matter to me. I pretty much just confessed that aside from city aesthetics, I prefer the Horde. :joy:



im a fan of both factions and play without a guild ever since I quit raiding (didnt like the time commitment).
That leaves me free to jump to whatever faction has the most interesting stuff going for it.

Like I was horde, then void elves became a thing so I waved bye bye and joined the alliance. Mained the alliance until vulpera came out. Kissed anduin goodbye and joined the horde.

Right now im on a kul tiran thing for some reason so im half tempted to main one of them instead and go back to the alliance.

Its quite nice to be free to play that way.

So it doesn’t affect me really either what faction sethrak go to. Should I chose to have one id just hop factions.

I just like to keep things tidy which is why I suport them on the horde side and not the alliance.


I play both as well. I do love my Worgen and my fiancé loves his Dwarves. We are also guidless heathens for about the same reason.

If Sethrak go Alliance I do think it would add some diversity to the faction and on that note it could be a good thing. And an interesting thing.

I do hope Alliance gets something new though. Cause well, I can understand the outrage of Alliance players when Horde got a new race fit to be a core race while Alliance got a sub race. I knew that was not gonna be received well.

But I don’t think it was Blizzard’s intention to “shaft” the Alliance that way. Cause pairing two small races together makes it’s own total sense. And that’s how I saw it when Mechagnomes were paired to Vulpera. “oh, two diminutive races. Got it!” Plus Mechagnomes were key to saving a certain King of the Gnomes so.

If it fits within the lore im always happy to receive cool new stuff. Still no clue what would work to make people happy though aha

I would agree about the vulpera being too good. But they’re cool so I dont care :smiley:

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They’re great. XD

But no idea what Alliance could get in the future. If they get anything.

I’d like to hope it’s Sethrak. But Horde for them is fine!

Sethrak are great too.


There are options. but they all involve trying not to repeat jokes like more horses and more human variants.
But we also run into the idea of ​​’we don’t know what to imagine if it isn’t another recycling’.

People wondered whether vrykuls or vrykals could be used.
We received a race that has more in common with Obelix than with something heroic and adventurous. Monster Hunters wannabe? Sure.
And we still have the detail that vrykuls detest humans, because humans are weak, in the same way that blood elves detest humans because of Garithos, but that was forgotten after creating the purple placebo from Silvermoon.

People suggest arakkoa or saberos but they certainly belong to the horde and there is no way to create something that would make it possible for them to join the alliance.
Sauroks are visibly something with the horde vibe so don’t even think about it.

It really is difficult, if any other option is always discarded to perpetuate the human, low humans, pygmy humans, knife ear human, among others that are always used to justify how the faction is dull and without diversity, but when presented with a chance, it keeps the same recipe or use a comical resource to fill the quota of 1 ally = 1 horde,

Why? No seriously, why? I personally hate this mentality. Every time a neat and interesting race comes along, it seems only the Horde are allowed to have it because it doesn’t “fit” with the Alliance. Meanwhile you have the Horde who have savage Orcs and Trolls running around with Nightborne and Blood Elves but this is apparently just fine. You have genocidal undead bio-terrorists buddying up with gypsy fox people. Again, no one bats an eyelid. But the second Alliance want a race that isnt “Human Mk 17” or “Existing race with a different glowy thing on their face” it is going to upset the apple cart on our supposed faction character.

To hell with that. Sethrak? Arakkoa? Saberos? Something unusual like that is exactly what the Alliance needs. The faction needs colour. It needs new perspectives. This whole “That race is too unusual to be Alliance” stigma is never going to be dispelled if we don’t ever get interesting races in the first place to broaden the faction’s horizons.


And I think Sethrak would fit in fine with the Alliance.

Like someone said once, have a Horde leader break Vorrik’s favourite teacup.

^ I actually delight in this scenario because of the hilarity it would entail.

Just imagine Vorrik rage quitting the Horde over some posh material object like a teacup.


Well I’m glad someone liked it at least.


Rofl. It was you? :joy:

Yes, it makes me giggle. I think it’s great. And it clearly stuck with me.



Lookit this cute Hoggie.


I’d love to see a hognose variant for Sethrak! I think that’d be a fantastic facial feature to help identify your character, on top of a few other little face changes to make Sethrak really characterful!


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The artist DragonAsis did these mock ups for customization options for Sethrak. Think it’s pretty solid.


The white female one omg