Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

You’re a class act :nail_care:t4:


Let’s take a step back a bit. I know you have a problem with allied races, but what if we got them as a FULL race? :smiley: That in my mind would be even better, but I’ll settle for having to rep-grind.

I just want Sethrak. If you don’t, then that’s your prerogative.


Its called sarcasm.

I misworded a sentence and got lampooned for it. Then got thrown under the bus by some other idiot.

:snake: :snake:

Also, it’s me, I’m sure. I’m the idiot. :grin:


Guys, calm down a little
The person asked an innocent question and when they said they didn’t actually want the race, but was just participating in the conversation got attacked for it.

I dont want to come across as harsh here but reading the last few comments you all came across as unwelcoming and honestly just perpetuating the seterotype about most allied race threads.

I know youre better than that as I’m no stranger to this thread.

I suppose I misunderstood them. Hence, my question if it would affect them or not.

I actually was not aiming to be rude.

its a combo of the gif, the “I just dont bloody understand”, the “why post then?”, and that comment that add up

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That was mostly a blanket statement. But I see what you mean.

It doesn’t affect me. This whole topic is just hypothetical’s anyways. No ones getting that as an Allied Race, its more of a “Wouldn’t it be cool”.

I just want them to fix what’s already there. Looks at NIghtbornes

The Sethrak are cool, I wouldn’t mind them being an Allied race i the future or whatever Blizzard decides to call futures races. But Priorities.

Edit: Also I’m that warlock. I switched for whatever reason. :stuck_out_tongue:


Everyone wants to prioritize their own interests, that will never change for sure.

I couldn’t care less about Nightborne or the elves in general but there are people who do care so that’s where they want the focus to be. Then you get into infighting with people who think they need X and people who are happy and want Y yadda yadda…

End of the day there is no “objective” reasoning for 99% of the requests outside of actually broken textures or something. You can’t make a tier list of whats top priority because you’ll never get a majority agreement.

If you want Nightborne changes keep rallying for them, these sorts of AR threads aren’t whats stopping NB from being worked on.


agree and disagree
Of course this thread isn’t stopping it. Its just a thread. But I do believe that wow is allocated a certain amount of resources.
Its completely possible to blizzard it would be one way or the other as they just don’t have the resources to do both.

Not to say that them adding sethrak would use up all the resources, but we all know what blizzard is like.

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Yep, resources have always been limited which is why so many fights happen in the first place but if a whole lot of people want one thing it can’t really be helped if that is prioritized.

Where an actual issue wouldn’t need any backing something more subjective is going to need more voices behind it to even make spending those resources worth it in the first place. Even then they can still veto it like HE.

If the demand for reworks really was as encompassing as some folks make it seem then well, they’d be done is my thought, which is why I don’t think AR threads stop it. It all boils down to their actual data and the feedback they get.

If people are still playing NB and not a lot of voices comparatively are saying that they want a rework the devs won’t waste the energy.

If this thread was gone I wouldn’t be supporting NB instead, I still wouldn’t care enough.


I dont actually agree with this
Blizzard has a tendancy to do their own thing even in the face of feedback.
Its only when something becomes deafening do they really listen. And listening doesn’t even mean implementing. Like with the ripcord. That got so loud they made a statement to say no.

So while I dont believe one hurts the other, to me thats just because I dont think Blizzard isnt paying us any attention.

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That’s fair enough, I’ve just always been more optimistic I suppose!


I like to be pessimistic
You cant be let down if you never expected anything. But you can be happy if they surprise you and do it XD


I could tell by the way you type. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree that NB need some customization options and some rework so they look more like the NPC models. I love the NPC models.

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This is me usually. I’m a giant negative introvert.

BUT. I got so much negative and depressing stuff in my life right now, that I just wanna be optimistic about something that is important to me AND plausible. :worried:

Playable Sethrak is far more likely than these other things turning around for the better in my life. And that’s just the hard truth. :confused:

:snake: :crossed_fingers:

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They are almost certain to avoid questions like this or give you an evasive answer, in the passive-aggressive mode.

I’m sure it will be something like this.
They will not select questions that are difficult or have no interest in answering.
But it is still worth asking, so that they know that we exist and are still alive.

If nightbornes are an important priority for those who have an interest in them, this is not where this topic will have much relevance or interest.

I would not be preaching about “earth square” at NASA.
And I would not go to a symposium of loggers to defend environmental causes and expect applause.

It would be better to promote these interests to me thread on nightbornes, imagining that sethraks and nightbornes are irreconcilable exclusive issues such as walking and breathing at the same time and that one prevents the other from being done.

I don’t remember entering the topic that asks Blizzard’s attention on Nightborne (yes, there is one on this forum and it is somewhat abandoned) to say that this is not a priority when compared to the conduits and covens in Shadowlands and the other systems that need better tuning.

Blizz herself never said, ‘We can only fix the coven or the nightborne. Not both at the same time. Choose who lives and who dies.’

Blizzard can do both if it so decides.

Let’s all consider that there was a lack of empatia when it comes to determining what is most important to be suggested, in a thread related to sethraks, as being less of a priority than nightbornes, instead of making that statement in a thread where this situation is not obscured. for not being the focus of the thread on sethraks.

I confess that I’m saturated with people coming to these types of megathreads only to say that we can’t or shouldn’t be interested in something that they don’t see as important or imply that it’s something that doesn’t deserve other people’s time and interest.


Some folk had a different opinion, when they shared that opinion you got upset that we continued the discussion with you.

If you weren’t here to discuss, then why post?


If you call asking them why they even posted and someone posting a gif to dismiss them “continuing the conversation” then sure

Of course they got defensive
They were treated with hostility

You cant go on the offensive and then act shocked when they arent all polite and nice back to you