Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread šŸ

For Hershey! And speaking of which, I should have something neat to show in the next few weeks regarding Sethrak and Hershey. :heart:

Sethrak question of the day:

What sort of snake do you guys and gals think Sethraliss is? Weā€™ve only seen her Sethrak Avatar form and the remains of her actual physical form.

And could invoking her power be a racial for Sethrak? And if so what would it grant?

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That sounds exciting!

Shes got the big olā€™ Fangs. So Iā€™m guessing some form of danger noodle. Her head doesnā€™t look super triangular but its so large its hard to see. She kinda looks like a Python type head with fangs like youā€™d get with vipers. Iā€™m not so well versed on snake anatomy overall though.

I canā€™t remember where I saw it but someone or something lead me to believe that she had the same colors as her avatar on her body.

The Call of Sethraliss
Maybe have this be the way to activate the Lightning Scales as a defense? Not sure.


Are her remains that giant skeleton in the dungeon, the one you pop the eyes into? If so I will have to go with Titanoboa for sure!


She had to be massive to wrestle with Mythrax. So yeah.


Maybe a Titanoboa and viper hybrid? And yes, thatā€™s her skeleton.

Though, I would like to clear up that even non venomous snakes can have a triangular shaped head. They have the ability to flatten their skulls to look larger to try and shoo away would be predators. Or ya know, people like me who just catch snakes for funsies. :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a coworker yesterday call me the American Steve Irwin. Pfft. More like discount or budget Steve Irwin. I could never live up to that legend.

I know they show her Sethrak Avatar fighting it in a cutscene. But not sure if thatā€™s how it actually went down or just a illustration for us to give us an idea of what occured.


This could work nicely. And well, I still think their devotion to a single Loa could lead to Paladin. :crossed_fingers:


You know I have been paying attention to this thread for a while and seeing how many people want this makes me really want you guys to be able to have it. Vulpera had a thread like this and eventually got it.

While I would like Saberon more, if Alliance got Serhrak I would be pretty happy with that just for all the people who want them


Found some more snake videos during my lizard research for Saurok ideas. They are videos that explain how snakes swim and also about sea snakes:

Of course, Sethrak do have arms and legs, but the videos could be used in thinking of Sethrak swimming animations and other idea inspirations. :snake:


Sethrak do have a swimming animation and it is very similar to how snakes swim. :smiley:

Scroll down a bit and there is the swimming animation linked. Itā€™s from the side but you can see they swim very much like snakes do.


With Blizzard listening and making some changes to Horrific Visions and things associated with them in 8.3, I am hoping they are listening elsewhere. :snake: :heart: :crossed_fingers:

Shadowands alpha looks to be coming soon and even if we donā€™t get direct news about Sethrak, more information on Shadowlands should be coming. Thus more room for discussion to implement Sethrak during Shadowlands. :grin:

Sethrak question of the day:

Do you reckon Sethrak could be immortal? As in they do not die from old age similarly to Tolkien elves.

Snake of the day: Sunbeam Snake





Not sure. Only examples we have with possible ages are the three keepers and they may just be empowered with long life.

I imagine theyā€™re a long lived race overall like elves and trolls.

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I suppose if you live that long, you might as well be immortal. :stuck_out_tongue:

Though this reminds me, and Iā€™m likely overthinking it but a common dialogue when a Sethrak dies is ā€œThis is not the endā€ Probably nothing, but there have been hints towards SLā€™s throughout BfA from both big and mundane sources. :woman_shrugging:

I just found this video of all the cute snakes:


My fiance and I more or less finished the Horde side of story with the Sethrak in Volā€™dun and it made me think of another way Sethrak could go Alliance. It would be the Faithless, and they could simply join the Alliance on the fact that the Horde helps kill a LOT of them. And I know weā€™ve explored the Faithless angle before.

I got more context of Vorrikā€™s dialogue in that scenario: ā€œOur people are dead because of youā€ and I think he is just referring to the massacre just before confrontation with Korthek.

Or ya know, Devoted Sethrak on Horde side is fine too. I just want Sethrak playable!

Sethrak question of the day:

What sort of venom do you think Sethrak have?

Snake of the day:
Pacific Ring-Neck Snake






Iā€™m almost exalted with Uldum Accord. Sure, Sethrak donā€™t have anything to do with it currently, but as was discussed here before, they could have them appear in Uldum to help out with something and tie that to the rep needed to unlock Sethrak as an allied race.

Makes more sense to me than Argussian Reach and Void Elves. :man_shrugging:


I do hope that something will come of them in SLs.

I love watching snakes drink btw.

Iā€™d be ok with that myself. The Sethrak character Iā€™ve come up with would have been one of the Faithless during the events of the war anyhow. :stuck_out_tongue:
I certainty could see a group of Sethrak Faithless choosing to refuse to join with the Vulpera, Zandalari, or the Horde and instead choosing to ally themselves with the Alliance.

Yes please Blizzard!

Iā€™d imagine itā€™d be a paralytic. Not at all just because I want a pvp based racial stun. >.>
Just a short 2-3 sec stun with a DoT poison effect.

Smol Snek. :heart:


I got into some really crazy thinking the other day that if Mogu donā€™t come of Rajani, Rajani could somehow work for Sethrak. But thatā€™s a lot less likely than Uldum Accord. xD At least with Uldum Accord there is a possibility Sethrak live there somewhere or Sethrak relics turn up.

There is a TON of lore with Sethrak and their Loa. I sure hope something comes of them and they get made playable somewhere.


blep :snake:


Has any lore ever been dug up on the HUGE Sethrak like skeletons in Desolace over near the centaur areas?

It makes me wonder if there were Sethrak on the mainlands before.

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Now that is an interesting thought. I always assumed they were giant kodo bones or wind serpent bones.

Thinking they might have been related to Sethraliss could be entertaining.

Maybe some of the Sethrak ranged much farther before the Sundering.

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I donā€™t think wind serpents wore armor. XD The skeletons have armor and I think hands. You only see the upper body of the skeletons too. Iā€™ll have to run over there and get a screenshot.