Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

I think I’m just tired of the danged sentries.

Whoa now. I like Mechagnomes WAY more than I like cancer. I got three loved ones with cancer. I’ll love Mechagnomes any day over cruel cancer.

Yeah those things suck too!

And I wanna know how the spiders keep self replicating!

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Why do they make EGGS? Like WHY!?

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Probably with metal that somehow got created with spliced organic material giving it a composition to allow for self growth (and sadly faster decay time when dead) thus allowing for it to have an internal factory that allows for creation of the eggs which them themselves might also be a secondary factory thats slowly creating the new spiders that will use this growing metal as it gets larger, to why Junkergnomes have this technology and not the Titan made Mechagnomes is beyond me though.

Being machines means they can also live longer, fight longer and procreate with external materials faster.

As a guy who writes lore namely for species and factions for fun i dabbled my hand into self replicating machines and managed to find a way to create a literal sentient machine with the ability to procreate without being built (per say), i even found a way to make skeletons procreate but i will not share it here due to its well ‘gross’ nature.


That’s a rather well written explanation actually. I still find it weird that they can reproduce and wonder if WoW maybe had a similar thought to yours. Hm.

Now this being said. How do you think the Sethrak reproduce? Do you think all the eggs you see in Vol’dun are Sethrak eggs? Or just their cobra companion eggs? Or do you think Sethrak give live birth? There are two kinds of live birth in real snakes. Viviparous snakes, like sea snakes. Where the offspring are developed through a placenta and yolk. And then there are ovoviviparous snakes, where the eggs are hatched within the body and then given birth to as we see in Pit Vipers and Viper species.

And of course the more well known oviparous snakes, that lay the eggs outside of the body, such as cobras.


Just showing up to support Sethrak as an Alliance AR


Hmmm well if i was writing it i’d go with Ovoviviparous since it leaves it at a proper state of being while keeping them highly unique in design and true to there reptilian species style (i believe Argonians over in Elder Scrolls might be this too) and it also adds the option for Interbreeding with other species/aliens as a option in the future.

Option B would be Viviparous since that effectively makes them human wombs within snakes in terms of a sentient species and i generally find it the lazier route but the easiest to write.

Those eggs found in the temple are all giant cobra eggs and the achievement that turns you into a sethrak for 10 minutes hatches one of them into a giant cobra, the reason they have egg tenders there is the same as irl egg tenders which focus on breeding animals that lay eggs, friend of mine is a monitor egg tender.

EDIT: Also the reason i left out Oviparous is because i feel if they wanted to add a bird like playable species it fits there lore and building style much more clearly than that of a reptile since i don’t believe outside prehistoric animals that there is an alternate egg type bird species still around today, im not as well versed in Avian knowledge than i am Mammalian and Reptilian.


Since they have mobs titled Egg-Tender I assume they lay eggs but I think live birth would make more sense since they are very viper to me with the eye horns.

Just going by mob names looks like eggs though.

I suppose that makes sense too! They do raise a lot of cobra.

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And Krolusks as well, dunno how they breed so they might have Eggs too.

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Which also makes me wonder if they eat the cobras they raise? Are they livestock as well as companions? Cobras eat other snakes, including other cobras. Then that whole name of that achievment being Snake Eater.

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I’d see them eating the krolusks before any cobra.

True, bugs are always eggs.

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Since we dont see the Faithless using animals outside Pteradons i cant really.

But i’d think Cobras would be more like a mixture of both War Animal/Companion Pet and Livestock since they breed with alot of eggs, they might taking those that grow weaker for food and those that grow stronger or catch the attention of a Sethrak aren’t food basically.

Looking at RL humans we have cultures who eat dogs and cats namely the weaker ones while keeping the stronger as war animals or pets.

Plus they’re a desert species so anything goes for survival, and given they’re also snake people food might last longer depending on how active they are.


Maybe Krolusks are like those Halloween Crabs. That live in the jungle and then make a trek to the ocean to breed and deposit their eggs.



I’ve come to the conclusion that Sethrak are omnivores. Since some of the npcs have been seen with fruit, etc. Living in such a harsh environment they would have had to adapt that way. Being an omnivore is better for survival than strictly a carnivore or herbivore.


Could be like Dogs and Cats where they aren’t technically Omnivores but will eat vegetation in times of desperate need, granted this is WoW where we have Cow people eating Beef without problems to their health so it might just be convenience instead.

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Yep. Where is the mad cow disease?

And well it is a fantasy world. And all our food turns into bread anyway. :wink:

Honestly I like that they show Sethrak eating more than meat.


I’m betting they do the live birth version for snakes. :stuck_out_tongue: I think the eggs we see in Vol’Dun are mostly krolusk and cobra eggs tended to by the egg tender Sethrak.

I’d imagine that since its WoW they’re more omnivorous. But probably focus more on Krolusk meat and maybe cobra. The cobra’s seem more companion to me though.

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Mmm. Krolusk legs with butter. I bet they do taste like crab. :rofl: They look like a weird land crustacean thing. A pill bug/roly poly/potato bug on steroids.

They probably do taste a lot like crab. Most crustaceans do. :stuck_out_tongue: I think they’re supposed to be a desert wood lice. Look like big ole versions of them to me.

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