Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

They are also the only one who can’t wear pants :rofl:
Sad that they were not appreciated either in the ally or in the horde because it is not meant to please a large group but a small group.

Obelix too.

I dislike gnomes and mechagnomes because they don’t shine to me. Kinda derp and ugly to me but this is my opinion. And that’s just what that is, an opinion. But that being said, I know people think Worgen are ugly too. But I got a good friend who absolutely loves and goes bananas over gnomes. And I am not going to bash someone else’s love or appreciation for something even if it isn’t my cup of tea. I’m genuine in saying good for those who wanted Mechagnomes and for those of you who like them. :smile:

I honestly just feel bad how they were introduced. I think it was poor timing with Vulpera.

I want to be a Sethrak who doesn’t need to wear pants OR a helm! :rofl:


personally i think a rogue sethrak would be amazing.


Isn’t there like numerous WoWhead and MMOchampions (they got good shots) posts that proved Helmets on Sethrak actually look better than Tauren and Worgen due to the lack of hump? i preferred them that way as it looked better, plus there snouts aren’t as elongated as those 2 either.


Yes. There is. It goes into great detail as to how helms should not and would not be an issue whatsoever.

I have also tried different helms on my Worgen hunter here and noticed the female Worgen’s neck and ruff region is similar in size to the Sethrak’s and like you said, Worgen can still wear helms and they tend to have clipping issues but not for all helms. And again as you said, Worgen have a longer muzzle.

Helm issues would be a terribly weak excuse not to add Sethrak. A lot of races have helm fitting/clipping issues depending on the helm size and style and either people ignore it or they complain but they still play and love those races. Hide helm exists for a reason~ And then there are the Mechagnomes who can’t use a handful of gear slots.


Still want this to happen!


And this was the point I stopped liking you.


You know I reread what you have here and these things stick out:

both of these feel a lot like:

Mayhaps you’re being a bit harsh because of how you feel about different races yourself?

Folk have all the right to like what they like, hating on them for it seems just mean to me.


I don’t hate on them. I don’t prefer them, but I don’t say: “They shouldn’t be in the game”. Unlike you.

Where did they say that? I do not think saying a race is better fit for customization is the same as saying they should not be in the game? I’m terribly confused.

A lot of our allied races are technically reskins or subraces of current races. Something I think Blizzard has realized (This includes Kul Tirans and Zandalari Trolls to an extent), ya know with the whole announcement of customization coming in Shadowlands. And I think it has a lot to do with why Vulpera added and that’s a good step.


Not once have I said that the Mechagnomes shouldn’t be in the game. I said they might make better customizations than an allied race sort of deal.

The Wildhammer are a customization, have been with the alliance since vanilla and arguably are different enough to at least be equal to the DID. They’re not getting an allied race and are instead a customization.

Where do you draw the line on allied race vs. customization?


No. They deserve to be an allied race with their own unique aesthetics, racials and racial content. Night Elves should just be a customization option of Blood Elves with the same racials.

They’re a bunch of Dwarf Caledonians whose only distinguishing feature is that they ride gryphons and wear psedo-barbarian tats. The DID, who are on fire and have also been in the game since vanilla and have a more differing culture deserved the slot more.

And this is a good compromise I think! It satisfies AR requests because a lot of AR requests are based on cosmetics and aesthetics, not so much the racials.

I wish Blizzard came to this conclusion sooner but alas. Is what it is.

But it definitely gives me hope that we might see truly new and unique races as the “last” pair of AR, if we get them (Vulpera being the first step in that direction). Or any core races we may get in the future. And it keeps Sethrak as a pretty strong contender for either AR or Core. This is definitely my hope. :snake: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Though truth be told, I still have the feeling that we’ll be thanking the Mechagnomes for playable Sethrak.


The Night Elves came first so at best the Blood Elves would be customizations for the Night Elves, also the Blood Elves are not reskins of the same race. Its also pretty clear you didn’t read any of the last few posts I made talking about this.

You know very little about the Wildhammer apparently.

Yes it is. And it would be for many of the allied races that we have now. I’m not really sure why folk are getting so uppity bout this one. I’m just saying they would easily have been able to be customization options.

I also wish Blizzard had come to this sooner. I suspect had they decided in Legion to add customization options to the core races many of the allied races would have been handled this way. Maybe with a more dark eyes for night elf scenario setup to unlock them.

Aye. I really hope that if there are two more allied races on the horizon they’re something more unique than we’ve been getting. Something to really give another dimension to each faction rather than just a reskin.

Honestly yeah. I think if we get the Sethrak it will be because of how mechagnomes were received. Which for mechagnomes sucks, cause gnomes really do deserve some love all things considered.

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Physiologically speaking that is their difference. What else do they have cultural wise? A fetishistic obsession with gryphons and building their houses out of dirt?

Mechagnomes and Gnomes have as much in common as Nightborne and Blood Elves do.

They deserve to be their own unique allied race with custom racials and aesthetics. You’re just a bitter and thought they were all going to be core-races with all new rigging and other work.

They’re fundamentally different enough to warrant being a different playable race.

Mechagnomes are love. It’s just the Alliance community loves to throw temper-tantrums. I honestly hope for Ankoan, but I can settle for snakes. Although, I question the wisdom of giving people with such sour attitudes what they want.


So I’m just gonna be clear. I didn’t say this about just the mechagnomes. We were talking about them at the time. I have no issue with the mechagnomes being added as an allied race. I have no issue with you, or anyone who likes them.

I simply said that they could have been customization options for the Gnomes.

We’re not that sour. You appear to be a little unhappy though. I’m sorry for any misunderstandings.

Jinyu/Ankoan would be wonderful. Sethrak, would be amazing. I’m sure the Mechagnomes will be great.

Calm down. Relax. And lets stop bickering and get back to what this thread is about. How neat it would be to have the Sethrak. (also we’re not asking them for the alliance just that they are an allied race. I dont care which side they’re on. I play both Horde and Alliance).

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Gonna weigh in on that im not looking forward to Skinny Forest Trolls (they’re actually suppose to be buff males), Sand Trolls and possibly Ice Trolls as well as Wildhammer Dwarves being customisations for the base races, yes they need some and badly but its coming at the cost of several subraces since i can bet you Blizzard will opt the lazy route and not add a function that labels a Wildhammer Customed Dwarf as such and will come off as a Bronzebeard or Ironforge Dwarf instead same for the Trolls.
If they do come with it though then ill accept it since it’ll still half count as a race, plus ontop of that Wildhammers had the potential for a Dwarf Druid race (granted Trolls have literally every class at there disposal other than DH but still lol).

I will admit i will be making a Sand Troll and i hope they get the old or hairy face some NPCs have.

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This is true and could or may likely be a contributing factor but I am also thinking that it’s possible Sethrak weren’t ready or the devs hit some snag they couldn’t work out initially. So Mechagnomes got bumped forward and in the success of designing them, found the answer to what might have been holding the Sethrak back. Maybe it was a helm issue or something but in the process of developing the Mechagnomes, they figured out how to make Sethrak playable. Blizzard did say they got new technology when making the Mechagnomes which would make some impossible/impractical races doable. :grin:


AHAHAHAHAHA Sure! Like cancer!

As if it was wise to insist on waiting for people to bend over and accept something they don’t want, as it was with New coke 1985?

Is it the Alliance community as a whole? Or just the really vocal ones that throw the fits?

I for one don’t particularly consider myself to have a sour attitude. About really anything in WoW. I was fine with the horses. I wasn’t even aware the new horse mounts were something to whine about until my fiancĂ© told me. I like the horses.
Mechagnomes aren’t my taste but I’m not ripping them a new one. I actually really like Mechagon and the lore there. Even though I would love to drown all those bloody mechanical spiders in the sea.

I just love Sethrak. :hugs: