Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

Thank you so much! I love him a lot. I live in the middle of nowhere so no snake vet I can get to easily this time of year… But I’m doing what I can.

I soaked him today which should help his kidney function some.

Thank you! I’d totally share a picture of him in his cute and grumpy Eastern Hognose glory but no trust level 3.


Maybe just the brows? Or the tail? There is a few snakes they could do some fun stuff with the brows. Eyelash Viper, Rhino Viper, Sidewinder Rattlesnake, Desert Horned Viper, etc.

A Spider Tailed Viper would be a cool tail customization. Their tails are so weird!

And thanks. :rofl: Snake nerd at your service! :+1:


and my uncle works at nintendo.

they could be telling the truth but come on, far from a reliable source.


Folk say that on the forums all the time. Not worth believing.

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I wouldn’t put a helm on a Sethrak anyway…


Yep, I figured they were trolling anyway. Over it now. :rofl:

And I completely agree! Their faces are one of their best features! I want to see the face. Plus, they could have enough customization to make each face option pretty unique.
Different scale ridges for the brows
Snout types
Pupil shapes- Elliptical or round.
Scars- Would be pretty cool!
Facial scale patterns


So Aunt Blizz doesn’t put helmets on sethraks.
junkgnomes cannot wear gloves or pants, having them hidden by default.

We have already chosen which equipment we will hide.
Why can’t Sethraks be without visible helmets if that’s so hard.

And really, helmets are never 100% fit!
Elves, Taurens, and Trolls are a testament to how much helmets are designed with each race of warcraft in mind. :snake:

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I would put a helm on them. When I was Worgen there were several helms that looked awesome on them but really suck now on KT and vice versa, so I am sure Sethrak will have some helms that don’t work at all but some helms that only they can pull off too, like Worgen and I’m sure Tauren.

Just can’t try to use NE fem mogs on every race as some players will~

The faces are extra cute though, I don’t think i’d use a full faced helm myself <3


Mechagnomes strike me more as they should have been unlockable character creation options (like the black eyes for nelves).


especially when you take into consideration what SLs is bringing to character customization options. There are a few races that really fit this bill. LFD, DID, HM, ect.

I think Kul Tirans, Nightborne, Void Elves, Zandalar, and Vulpera are the only ones that don’t and at least two of those are just because the faction that got them doesn’t have the original race. lol

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I do agree with this. A lot of helms clip terribly on Worgen but there are some that look really nice. I think you’re right that certain ones would be completely fine on Sethrak.

If I made a female I think a tiara/crown would be pretty fun/funny! :heart:


Keep the slimy lizard creeps in Vol’dun

Keep the creepy stick-humans in Quel’thalas.


bunny eared creepy stick-humans. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s not a nice way to talk about Saurok. They don’t even live in Vol’dun.


Mechagnomes are awesome and deserving of their own Allied Race slot.

Are they though? I mean like em all you want but look at what they really are.

How do they and Gnomes really differ? Its just added tech… nothing more. Nothing that a current gnome in the Alliance couldn’t just use and attach to themselves with their knowledge.

Its the same with the Lightforged draenei. They’re literally more light draenei, and otherwise just a militant version of the same culture, MINUS the addition of acceptance of other paths like Shaman.

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How do they and gnomes differ? One is wholly organic, the other is partially synthetic and has an ad-mech-like philosophy. Infact, being a cyborg makes them more unique when compared to every other race in WoW.

Lightforged Draenei are to regular Draenei what Doomguy is to regular Humans. They’re infused with a fundamental force of reality itself.

Void Elves are just Blood Elves but infused with Void to become purple and tentacled.

Highmountain are just a unique race of Tauren

Kul Tirans are just a unique race of humans that underwent island gigantism

Dark Irons are just Lava-Dwarves

Nightborne are just misshapen Nelves

Mag’har are just brown orcs

Vulpera are just furry goblins with an annoying fanbase.

They’re on par with everything else added, but people go: “I dislike gnomes, why? Because I don’t like them >:( This means you don’t deserve anything gnome players, my allied race idea means more than yours because I don’t like gnomes you filthy football-punt-haha-short-funny-please-laugh.”

I’m actually glad you are happy for the gnomes, I think its great they are getting some attention. About 99% of the hate just comes from when/how they were announced as I’ve said a bunch now, they just look really junky in comparison to all the passion in vulps who just got a lot more love, it’s not even a subjective take.

I hope you have a blast and don’t let people get you down about them, I understand what that’s like, that said I don’t think you’ll find much Alliance love in the AR hopefuls threads currently.

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Most of those races all share the same issues. Just like mechagnomes, They could fairly easily be customization options. mechagnomes are not culturally that different from a regular gnome. They learned how to take their tech one step further, thats really all it is. They’re still pretty much the same thing. Which is why I used the Lightforged as the example. its the same thing. They took an aspect of the origin races culture to an extreme.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not like super into gnomes or mechagnomes but I don’t hate them. I’ll likely even have at least one to play and I’ll enjoy it too.

All i’m saying is most of the allied races have no real call to be more than customization options.

Vulpera and (for the sake of what this thread is about) Sethrak do/would as they’re actually different races.

And yeah I’m happy you’re happy for em. Enjoy it. But my opinion that they could have easily been a customization, and it is just my opinion, wont stop them being an AR and wont stop you from playing one.