Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread šŸ

Please make this happen! I know there are roadblocks with this race, but it would be so cool to have slithery bois be playable.


Looks like my boy Hershey!

Only thing is Hershey is an Eastern Hognose. I love Hoggies.


didnā€™t these snakes enslave the vulpera

A faction of the Sethrak enslaved the Vulpera. They are known as the Faithless. They used to be part of Vorrikā€™s Devoted, but were charmed by Korthek to abandon their Loa and their true values and make an attempt to take over Zandalar. But not all Sethrak are Faithless. The Sethrak in their roots are a good people.

Also. Didnā€™t humans enslave the Orcs? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Human did not enslave orcs. Internment camps after second war was a long time ago. Whereas Sethak were enslaving Vulpera just recently.

You know itā€™s not exactly that, but keep repeating it?

Then I will update you!

There are 2 groups of sethraks, which are, according to the lore, going through a civil war.

Vorrikā€™s group, the devotees to Sethraliss, are not enslavers or seek to conquer other peoples.

Korthekā€™s group, the faithless, have renounced Sethraliss, seek to conquer Voldum using the power of Mithrax (a Nā€™zoth servant whom they seek to control with Zhuā€™s help) and who among other acts of cruelty, practice slavery against tortolans, Trolls and Vulperas!

Now that Korthek has been defeated, Vorrik seeks to reunite his people and certainly will not allow the cruel slavery that Korthek and his followers practice, especially now that Sethraliss has returned.

Then under Vorrikā€™s leadership this cruelty will no longer be performed.

Just like when Moira brought the Dark Irons to the Alliance.
Dark Irons today are retired from their old ways.

Do you understand now, the second time I explain to you or need further corrections in the future?


Iā€™d still rather have Jinyu/Ankoanā€¦

Tell that to Thrall? Whose name literally means slave.

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That was a long time ago done by some random person. No human enslaves anyone todayā€¦

Very well! This is an option you should keep. Your preference.
Just donā€™t expect anyone to stop supporting sethraks, in a thread meant for talking about sethraks, to support something else in favor of your choice.

I believe there is already a thread in this forum where you can talk about them and help promote your choice with others who share the same enthusiasm for this race as you.


Is there any way I can convince you to change your mind and choose Jinyu/Ankoan over Sethak?

Donā€™t think the Faithless will be doing any more enslaving either. They got their butts handed to them. And who says the remaining ones wonā€™t carve a new path for themselves or rejoin Vorrik and the Devoted? Leave the whole enslavement thing behind them like the humans did. Or how the Dark Iron changed.

And your preference for Jinyu is fine? Everyone has different interests. We here love Sethrak. Iā€™m not gonna crap on your love for Jinyu. I like their lore. Theyā€™re interesting. Theyā€™re just not something I personally want as an AR.

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Congratz Sethrak Folks. You guys have survived the purge of the Forums flagging system. I wish I could say the same for the Poor High Elf Folks. The Megathread for High Elves have been beaten down so much.

But anyways I want to say Merry Christmas and a Happy Year and I hope we see Sethrak playable someday along with Ankoan and etc on the Alliance.


Wait, what happened to the High Elf thread?

I see it locked a lot but did something new happen?

High Elf Megathread is actually locked down and well mass flagged ether due to reaching the comment cap or just basically shutdown in general.

I have no clue or word from the High Elf Community since I only support the idea of Void Elf Customization Options of High Elves now in days. Perhaps maybe those around here who are High Elf Supporters will give you the rundown about what happened.

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Not really no. Go talk about the Jinyu/Ankoan in the Jinyu/Ankoan threads.

Again, being a jerk about Sethrak in the Sethrak discussion thread isnā€™t nice.


Oh, yikes. :confounded:

Sorry to hear that either way.( I too support Void Elf Quelā€™dorei customization. )

But thank you for the Holiday wishes! Hope youā€™ve had a good one too!


I wish you guys best of luck for the support of Sethrak in the Next Year to come. May they be Alliance until BFA is over.


Thank you and you as well. :smiley: