Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

We really appreciate the support, Eevee! Keep your fingers crossed for us. :heart::snake:

Happy Holidays! :christmas_tree::snake::christmas_tree::fox_face:


my latest poll results on what races the alliances wants

23% sethrak
16% saberon
14% high elf
13% jinyu/ankoan
8% mogu
8% Night elf worgen

And then 16% of random one offs that only 1 or 2 other people supported


Where’d the numbers come from if you don’t mind my asking?

Also I’m surprised to see Saberon so high!

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I counted the replies from this thread

and yes I accounted for multiple posts :stuck_out_tongue:

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Neat! Thank you. I was curious is all.

its a shame I can’t ask outside of these forums.
Can’t count from there.

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The Sethraki would win anways. :snake:


I recall seeing polls on other sites in the past. And Sethrak definitely had leads there too. Don’t think it was specified for Horde or Alliance though.

Bottom line is, people want the Sethrak to be made playable. :smile:


Was just looking at the reputations for Legion and BfA. We have four AR from Legion reputation. Currently we only have three for BfA. We are getting two more reputations in 8.3. If there is a trend, that implies we should get two more (one for Horde and Alliance respectively) AR from the BfA reputations. Hoping one of them is for Sethrak.

Sethrak for Uldum Accord

Mogu for Rajani


And I might add that two of the AR we got from Legion reputations came from the last pair of reputation factions in 7.3 (Argussian Reach and Army of the Light)

Did some more research so to speak. Could not remember what patch the Zandalari and Kul Tirans were added in. It was 8.1.5. Which means there is a chance we may see the last two in 8.3.5. Assuming we get an 8.3.5


Here’s hoping! :crossed_fingers:


The faction for the Bee mount kinda throws a wrench in my theory. In a way. But as someone else suggested, it’s a way to make scrapped or spontaneous faction additions viable. So it’s also possible another faction could pop up in the future that could be used for Sethrak.


Happy Holidays everyone! :heart::christmas_tree::hugs: :snake: :snake:

Hope everyone has a good one! Dream of playable Sethrak and all that makes you happy.


why do people like ugly race snakes, they creepy

Most Horde races are. No reason for Sethrak to break that trope.

Happy holidays! May the sethrak come before the end.


Because snakes are my favourite animal and signify an important part of my life and relationship with my dad who won’t be with me forever…? And I would like that eternalized in other aspects of my life and hobbies that I love?

And for a non personal reason? They’re very unique and we don’t see many reptilian races, especially not as different and compelling as the Sethrak. Their lore is amazing. As is their design. They are very well done. And would add some nice flavor and balance to the Alliance if they became an Alliance AR.


did you see how they slither around and their tongues? Get it away from me!

Then leave this thread. Not for you, no reason for you to be here.
Don’t dump on other folks interests for no reason dude.



They aren’t creepy at all. Male Gnomes, now that IS creepy.

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