Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

I might suggest, asking for Sethrak via the in game suggestion box.

It certainly won’t hurt.:woman_shrugging:

I already did awhile ago. :heart:


Not a bad idea. I’ll do that today I think.

Also I agree with the folk above that it feels like blizzard doesn’t want to give us “monster” races and I think that’s a shame.


I could see that. But the Alliance could use more of those. You got Worgen and they only half count as a “monster” race. Alliance really needs another. Be it Sethrak, or if the Sethrak join the Horde, something else. Sethrak at least have the personality and ideals to fit the Alliance.


I think you could be right. We have two open spots on the character creation banner. And then I did some thinking a few minutes ago on our current AR. 6 of them are from past expansions. With the addition of Vulpera and Mechagnomes, that puts us at 4 for BfA introduced AR. Which again, leaves spots for 2 more to make it an even 6 for BfA.

I could easily be wrong but I see a trend going on.

Maybe 2 more will come in BfA in an 8.3.5 patch or at some point in Shadowlands but are races introduced in BfA.

Still rooting for Sethrak to be one of them! :snake:


I’m worried blizz decided to just drop it like they often do in expansions. But yeah… They left a spot open in each embassy, and the character slide still has one spot. Plus they’d likely want a little more interest drummed up with a good long rep grind to finish out the expansion in say 8.3.5…

Hoping Sethrak for alliance in the end… maybe Moknathal for horde.

But I really really dont care if it actually comes out that way.

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Definitely a valid concern.

But I’m trying to be positive about something! Got a lot of very bad and depressing stuff going on in my life right now so I’m making the best of what I can.

They could definitely end BfA really strong with 2 more solid AR, wrap the expansion up on a good note in that regard. Or at least tell us that Sethrak will be a thing. I would like the news sooner rather than later and then I could wait happily for another year or so.

Sethrak are a really postive thing for BfA and the game in general. I haven’t been so hyped about a race since honestly… ever.


Aye, it would be amazing to end BfA with Sethrak. I hope they come.

Also I hope your stuff turns around. :frowning: I’m sad to hear things aren’t going so well.

Hear that blizz? Now you gotta give us something!


My mom’s got stage 4 colon cancer. :disappointed: The statistics are… miserable. Good chance she won’t even get to see me walk down the aisle next fall. And I live 800 miles away. It just sucks.

I hate cancer. It’s ugly and unforgiving. And it’s hard to be positive about it when I know this.

But at least I have a handful of things to focus on that do make me happy. Like WoW, friends and Sethrak.

So y’all better talk my ear off about Sethrak.


Was over in the Vulpera thread awhile ago and I was talking with some of them about how neat it would be to have a glyph for the Ghostwolf form for every race that has shamans.

Was thinking how neat it would be to have a ghostwolf for Sethrak but have it be one of the cobra snakes you find in Vol’dun.


it should be dropped.
Just after the last 2.
No more after that.

That would be very good.
Something much more personalized for a shaman sethrak, enhancing his peculiarity.

I also wish that if they could be paladins, their spells would have more visual relationship with Sethraliss.


Nah its still an effective way to add new races. Given the lens of the Shadowlands and adding more character customization options though it should be relegated to more unique races I think.

It definitely needs to be cut back a bit though… Less races each expansion, and hopefully focus more on Lore than rep grinds…

Yeah. While Sethraliss isnt specifically linked to the Light like Rezan was I think they could still pull it off.


Do Tauren pallies have anything special because of An’she vs the light or is the light = An’she? I was never sure about that one. More racial customization is always cool.

As for AR while i’d like for them to keep going it would also be nice if they did slow down and start just adding in polished AR, no more lazy ones. I’d prefer a quality over quantity approach, even though more would mean more chances of awesome races I’d still want those races to get the polish they deserve.

if you make them more unique and lower the amount per expansion it would be better to just be a new core race that comes with the expansion.


I kind of hate the allied race feature and I hope they go ahead and retire it in BFA. Grinding for months on a character so you can play another character :skull:
I hope they see how bad this is, fill in the last AR spot with Sethrak because they’re the best, and hang it up. (Ignore my AR forum character)


I loved them in legion because they were preorder bonus content that you had months of down time to get and there was no race to level them for raiding or anything like that.
But now I’m just annoyed by them making us wait for 8.3 for them because “players dont want to do raids during the holidays”.
Exactly, they don’t. So let us level the new races and catch them up before the damn raid!

Not being able to play as a 40 fox deathball in AV makes me sad :frowning:


maybe for the 20th anniversary

pallies dont but there is a glyph for Tauren Druids to make one of their spells sun based.

They’d have to make the race match the expansion as a major faction within it though. Allied Races make it easier to just add something as an aside.

All of this.

I know right.