Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

I think he’s referring to the zandalari and faithless in the dungeon. Still could be about that too.

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Thanks man, i cant post images myself yet but yea this is the divine divinity lizardmen and as you can see her height and slimmer stomach create the illusion of a breast but its in truth just their chest looking poked out because of it.


And I like that the female has a sort of decorative crest thing. Think the female Sethrak should have horns or something akin to horns like Sethraliss does to further illustrate the difference between the two sexes.


I was having trouble remembering if it was in context with them or not but could not find anything online as I was away from home and couldnt check the game itself. xD

Still an interesting tie. Especially since Ardenwald is considered a place of rebirth.

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Got a moment to link male and female Charr from Guild Wars 2 as well? (I can’t post pictures or links yet either). While they are mammals, they’re GREAT examples of sexual dimorphism without the use of breasts. The females have a slimmer frame, different horns and their tails are different.

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Realistically Blizzard could add Sethrak playable instantly, it’s not that much hard work…especially from a company like Blizzard, if this was a tiny indie dev I’d think differently…but they are not.

Reality, they take the lazy route and be like “nah”, which they’ve shown us time and time again, RIP Wildhammer Dwarves, looks like you Bronzebeard with Tats :neutral_face:

I can tell you I bet Larion Studios is a fraction of the size of Blizzard… and they put so much insane effort for their players, puts Bizzard to shame :man_facepalming:t4:


You’re welcome! :+1:
Indeed, as it was done in Divinity, the female model is clearly adorned with feminine features, showing almost a delicacy in its construction.
For sethraks it would be enough, in my opinion, to use a model like Sethraliss’s

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Ahhh thank you! That last photo is the exact one I wanted to use as an example. :heart:

While bulkier overall, the differences in the male and female Charr are not terribly far off in the differences we see in the Sethrak and the female model in Sethraliss.

It IS doable. :heart:


I really hope blizz takes this idea for sethrak.


Facial differences wouldn’t be super necessary either. Although I would like to see some variation eventually. (Could update the models later like they have recently done with Worgen and Goblins)

At a glance, snakes of the same specie look virtually identical. It’s overtime and with interaction that you can find ways to distinguish individuals.


In all honesty, I’d be happy for them just to be playable, customisations can come later, try not make it too much work for Blizzard cause then they won’t do it…

Just add the skin colours and a slender model for female and I’d be happy :blush:

Edit: I think it’s a shame these amazing models will just be a reminder in past expansions of wasted potential, MoP had Jinyu/Hozen, Legion Krokul Draenei, BFA Sethrak/Ankoan like so much work put into them for us to be like “I wish I could play as them”.


Don’t completely lose hope!

I remember when the Storm Drake models were datamined for Legion and was told they were unlikely to make the cut as obtainable mounts. I was disheartened but still hopeful they would get added somewhere later.

Now I have both the Valajar Stormwing from the emissary cache and the Island Thunderscale that got added to Island Expeditions in BfA. THAT was the one I was really wanting.

Yeah, mounts are easier to add in than a full blown playable race. All I am getting at is just be patient, have hope and never say never unless there is an official statement from Blizzard or Ion himself.

There is a lot of love for the Sethrak and I think Blizzard is aware. Give them time.


Theirs been way more talk of Sethrak then Mechagnomes, I rarely seen Mechagnomes requests at all before announced, even now theirs such controversy with Mechagnomes…

Seriously Mechagnomes seems like a big mistake…


This is true.

But Gnomes needed an AR. Mechagnomes make sense even if I am not a big fan of them. And I feel Blizzard was going for putting out the small race AR with pairing them to Vulpera. It is also completely possible that Mechagnomes HAD to come out first to make sure the technology was there to make Sethrak possible. Maybe they were not possible before hand for some reason we don’t know of.

If Sethrak become playable I feel Blizzard and the Devs are going to need at least the same amount of time as it is taking to get Vulpera going . Both only share aspects with a parent rigging. And they have Shadowlands to worry about. It would definitely save them some time if they don’t edit the current npc model too much and just use Sethraliss as the base for the females.

And from a story standpoint we have pointed out ways to easily tie them into 8.3 and into Shadowlands. I bet Blizzard knows this as well. Nothing is truly original after all.

For whatever reason there are Sethrak npcs datamined for 8.3.

I really don’t think its time to close the book on Sethrak. Not at all. :heart:


I’m a fan of the idea of using the gnome skelly on a modified fungus race like you see in Drustvar… But there was no story. Still would have been a “unique” model to pair with them.


I feel bad for the gnome playerbase as they don’t get a lot of love or a lot of respect… that said releasing mechagnomes with vulpera was just asking for it.

I know I have niche tastes too gnomes, no shame… but yeah, wasn’t a good look.

I think at least, as insulting as it may have been for the gnomes, if they had just hinted at a cooler race coming for us in the future i bet a lot of the outrage over them would have died down.

A lot of uncertainty about the future of ARs doesn’t help a poorly received announcement any.


We might consider this filler content. Release something that might not be the greatest to the overall community or consumer population, might or probably will receive negative feedback. Later something else is released, that has been worked on in the background and it is well received and popular. Its a method some businesses deliberately or incidentally do.

This COULD be the case? Who knows.


that’s true! Gnomes had needed attention for years.
The problem is that the blizzard matched junkgnomes with vulperas and that killed any positive reception they might have.

Most tragically, many people said that there was no reason for us to disdain junknames, because there was no hint that vulpes would be their counterpart in the horde.

Today those who said we were being paranoid and foolish about this unfair pairing being possible, keep silent or pose in surprise.
Others are laughing at what we get.

And all this makes junkgnomes an insult, as nothing of equal merit has been planned for the alliance.

It is already the 3rd allied race that cannot be paladin.
Just an emblem class for ally.


Then lets hope that Sethrak can be Paladin if they’re given to the Alliance!

I want to be a Sethrak paladin. :snake::sunny: