Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread 🐍

Who cares? Cuz I won’t rest until this hemorrhaging and blistering tumor of a game has been cut out with a spoon, thrown into the incinerator, and then the ashes dumped into a vat of septic acid!

exactly, im done setting myself up for disappointment

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I would of much rather had Sethrikk over Vulpera, regardless of Faction Vulp were on, and Seth

I take meds to combat my depression in reality.

I’m not saying Sethrak are Mag’har. What I’m saying is that Blizz can go an expansion and a half or two and then pluck Sethrak up into the roster of playable races. Sethrak don’t have to be relevant to the current expansion story in order to be playable.

As we saw; if you played Horde and unlocked Mag’har, the Mag’har unlock story line had zero to do with BfA content. There were no BfA dungeons you had to do to unlock them.

Sethrak could get the same treatment so buck up and get back on board with showing Blizz we still want this.

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I wish Blizz would act upon community requests more that actually affect the game and how people play/enjoy it. I would of much rather hear news of a new loot-system, or account-wide Azerite/Heart of Azeroth, over new races

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but they wont, they will simply join the roster of forgotten races. and im done setting myself up for disappointment. we aren’t getting sethrak.


Just please, do me a favor… Log off for the night, drink some water, go to bed, then wake up to start the day with a fresh mindset. You’re really digging yourself into a deeper depression by lingering around.

No need to stress lol? That worgen dude is fine. He’s just expressing his opinion which could be wrong, if he thinks Sethrakk won’t be added. You never know, and who cares if not, We got a LOT of new Races, the MOST-EVER in WoWs history

edit: Now that I think about it, If ppl claim there is nothing to do in-game, Try leveling every single race in the game to 120 as any class you want lol… I’m not defending nothing, i myself am unsubbed till this friday b.c i rarely play now

I’m not stressed; I’m just generally worried about his well being. If the topic is depressing him to this extent it’s best to walk away; and if it’s night time, he’s probably just really tired and needs to sleep and recharge.

I know before I got my meds squared away I was just like him on topics that made me feel rejected.

Well maybe you could split and give him half. Only solution

Alright you all. I want my fishmen, but I do love the Sethrak to. You want some mathematical proof for Sethrak, I’ll give you some. You can drop your thanks at the nearest department of Gnomish Engineering.

So, there are spaces for two more allied races on each side. We already have confirmation for two of them.

But wait! The Allied Races have some general trends that are split by faction!

Alliance has:

3 Paladin Core Races
2 Shaman Core Races
2 Druid Core Races

Horde has:

2 Paladin Core Races
4 Shaman Core Races
2 Druid Core races

The allied race distribution follows a very similar trend:

Alliance has:

2 paladin allied races
2 Shaman allied races
1 Druid Allied race

Horde has:
1 Paladin allied race
4 Shaman allied races
2 Druid allied races.

So from this following data, we can draw the conclusions:

Alliance needs both a druid and paladin race rolled into one

Horde just needs a Paladin race.

While the Ankoan and Jinyu might have a connection to Druidism, being related to Murlocs. It’s unlikely they’d have a strong light connection. Unless they want to go with their luminous properties in the ocean. We don’t know much about their religion either.

Sethrak however, live in a land of Loa, and worship their very own matron Loa. They have a strong religion centered around her, and perhaps could channel the light through her, much like Rezan. Lightning is extremely luminous afterall.

Being in the land of the loa also means they’re likely to maintain good relationships with said loa. Likely granting them access to Druidism, and bolstered by their own matron Loa. Kind of like how Gonk and Cenarious are revered.


One little problem with that theory…

Up until BfA, Sethrallis has been pushing up daisies. That’s how the whole “Faithless” faction formed in the first place.

How can they maintain their good relations with their matron Loa when said Loa has been dead this whole time – leaving the Sethrak to believe she abandoned them?

We’re going off the assumption that it’s been hundreds of years since K’thraxxis was sealed away.

There’s the devoted, and that’s sort of what happens when you die. People move on. A caring goddess like Sethraliss would forgive her children. You move on. Her being mad won’t help her people move beyond a dark chapter in their history.

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She sure as hell wasn’t the forgiving type when we came into the temple and revived her, only to kill everything that tried to harm her in the process – including her own children.

So yeah, I don’t think they’re on her “good side” just yet…

Also doesn’t help that they’ve got more going for them as a shamanistic race rather than a paladin race.

What really bums me out is that while Vulpera and Mecha-Gnomes were built with Player Model customization Sethrak were simply an NPC race. It shows how Blizz never had plans with them, specially for the alliance since there was so little interaction.

And I hope it changes.


/laughs in Pandaren

We need more masks.

Zandalari have both Shaman and paladins. They’re not mutually exclusive.

Also, that was likely because, ya know. They were corrupted, and she was trying not to share the same fate? Killing is warranted in that situation, but after being free? What would be the point in just killing?

They have player animations, and even had cloak/tabard support before it was mysteriously pulled? They’ll require more work than Vulpera and Mechagnomes, that’s why they’re last.


Given how secretive they became after the Vulpera and other Allied Races got found in the files and basically blocked any mention means the pull of a Sethrak tabard means more likely intent to be playable since only Player Races or pure NPC models with them purposefuly made in the design use Tabards, so thats how i view the removal of them i could be wrong but its a small red flag about it.

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But they lack all the other Player Model geometry such as belt, gloves, pants and boots.

They are like Nigthborne when introduced; they had to redo the whole thing to make it playable. So if they ever considered Sethrak to be playable, they would have put in the same effort they put in with Vulpera.

I’m not saying that Sethrak won’t be playable, just that evidently they weren’t conceptualized as such as Vulpera and Mecha-Gnomes were.

Actually Nightborne were a pure NPC model back then, Sethrak are on a modified Player model so the works already been cut down for the developers.