Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread šŸ

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The Ankoan actually have a shot at wearing armor because fins can fold downward. It only really takes treating said fins as hair for most armors. The Arakkoa have it much worse thanks to their wings and tailfeathers, though.

On that note, Iā€™ve said it before, and Iā€™ll say it againā€¦

In the cases like the Arakkoa (specifically their wings and tail feathers), just let them clip. Itā€™s not the first time a distinct feature has clipped through armor.

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While I agree with you here, it just adds to the whole clipping issue some races already have. I think the tailfeathers shouldnt be of any concern, but the wings, they may be hard to work with without just hiding while armor is worn.

Thing is, they clip through their own NPC armors, so if that can happenā€¦ What choices do PC players have?

As for the Sethrakā€¦ I think we can all agree what major hurdle awaits them before the finish lineā€¦ glances at their hoods

Hrrrnā€¦ Yeesh.

True, but the npcs have different models that actually have those armors as actual parts of the models, not seperate and thrown on top. Yes they have bare models as well, its easier to make edits and duplicates that way, but the point is that these armors were designed around and with these features in mind. The same way that the Ankoan armors work, or the Sethrak ones.

I mean, their hoods shouldnt really be too much of an issue. Tauren and Worgen exist after all. And Tauren, Worgen, and Draenei and their AR counterparts have many boot armors that are just blank, completely missing. Whoā€™s to say something lazy like that couldnt be implemented for helmet models as well?


Yeah, but none of them have necks that are twice as long as their bustsā€¦

Which just leaves their hoods woefully unprotected if they ever decide to wear full-on plate.

Even if they make helmets to cover up their heads, the necks/hoods are the equivalent of putting a hat on a stick and poking it up from behind a rock.

When skimpy armor sets and the ability to hide everything but your pants are customization options, I dont think blizzard is worried about the realistic applications of such choices for protection :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess not, but even if they were, itā€™s still a major design flaw.

Also, I can actually imagine a Sethrak putting a Stormwind Knightā€™s helmet (from a human) on top of his head and slowly sticking his head up from behind a rock, only for the helmet to get shot off by a sniper.

Sethrak Soldier: O_O glares at his Alliance buddy whoā€™s now missing a helmet You ssstupid snakeā€¦

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Some sethrak already wear helmets, and they hunch forwards in combat so most of their neck becomes a narrow target to hit anyway. I donā€™t really see the big deal, especially considering weā€™ve been able to hide helmets since vanilla.

Would it look a little silly seeing some of the old vanilla helmets just on their head with the rest of their neck and hood unprotected? Maybe. Is that worth throwing the whole race into a pit over?

If itā€™s that much of a problem, they could go the SWTOR route and just have helmets automatically hidden on sethrak characters, and then compensate for it by giving them some extended customization choices for headgear that does fit them.


That sounds like a good compromise, butā€¦

Cā€™mon, this is ActiBlizz weā€™re talking aboutā€¦

Theyā€™d sooner take the most convoluted shortcut they can find before applying a short and sweet simple fix.


Yeah, I canā€™t argue with you there.

I just hope we see some sethrak show up in 8.3, honestly.


I doubt it, but hereā€™s to hoping.

The Arakkoa have waited a long time as well.

Our times will come. :bird: :snake:


Aye but gotta remember, Sethrak are closer to playable than any other race except 2, Vulpera and then Gilgoblins.

Fixed it for ya. ^-^ā€™

But seriously, even the Gilgoblins still have missing animations.

But Junkergnomes are fully operational, just like the Vulperaā€¦ And I hate itā€¦


Iā€™ve always wanted some kind of lizard or insect race

As much as I like Orcs and the fact theyā€™re peak males with that BoC of theirs, I would instantly play whatever faction got one of the mentioned above race types

Junkergnomes still lack armor geosets due to the armors and legs (and technically some head customise) whereas Gilgoblins are a copy and paste of the Goblins.

Junkers with Gilgoblins works though.

Iā€™m worried that we might not be getting any more ARs because Blizz did plan for Junker Gnomes (A)/Vulpera (H), then realized that giving the Horde a new race while the Alliance gets a reskin would lead to calls of ā€œHORDE BIASā€ unlike any weā€™ve had before.

Vulpera (H)/Sethrak (A) wouldā€™ve worked really well, and in the lead up to the expansion, it sounded like the two were at war. However, the current state of BFA shows they werenā€™t heading in that direction, and they havenā€™t done anything in the interim to suggest things going sour between the Horde and Sethrak; so doing it now is going to feel like an [I canā€™t use that word? Really?] pull.

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Sehtrak would lead to most players rolling alliance to merely punt those furry gnomes known as Vulpera and Blizz knows this.

They want to give us junker gnomes. Then furry gnomes and make sethrak neutral to avoid riots and a one sided game.

I wouldnā€™t mind Sethrak being neutral. Both sides have stories where they aid the Sethrak so itā€™s certainly plausible to make them neutral.