Unofficial Sethrak Discussion Thread šŸ

Wait High or Low Arakkoa survived AU Draenor? couldā€™ve sworn only Botani and Sabreon snuck through the portal when the Iron Horde escaped with Etrigg and the player.

And all this talk about them makes me wonder, why havenā€™t the TBC ones shown up yet? if i recall correctly Outlands is actually destroying itself and this was reconfirmed in WoD if you unlocked that Temporal image of Vargoth follower, mass influx of Draenei and Blood Elves back on Azeroth (loyalties unknown at this time) as well as the other remaining races, poor Akama and the temple too lol, then all the Ogres and other surviving races.

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Yeah, the silhouette did not match either Saberon OR Botani; it was clearly Arakkoan, but I couldnā€™t tell WHICH one it was.

Also, there ARE ways they could have survived AU Draenorā€™s purge. One of the biggest ones is stepping into their Shadowlands and taking the portal in Gorgrond to Stormwind since itā€™s only closed off in the physical realm, not dismantled.

As for the Outlands Arakkoa; nearly all of them went extinct via the players because they suffered the Curse of Setheā€™s madness for too long. Aaaand nearly all of them were followers of Ikissā€¦

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There were those saved by Aā€™dals faction that made up the Lowtown supporters and they follow the Light even if it wont as a natural force of the universe accept them, the old Terokk faction and fake Talon King ones are gone though but ya dunno what happened to there young after all.

I do know that alot of the Magā€™har Orcs left Outlands from what i can tell except for the oldest/stubbornest ones like Kilroggs son and the elders, theres also those Half Ogre/Orcs that include Rexxars father.

The Sporelings will probably end up extinct as they cannot survive out of Zangamarsh, unless they use magic relating to those old god corrupted fungi people we see in BfA to save them.

Then theres the matter of the fact there is four spaceships still out there and alot of Naaru forces.

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Right, but theyā€™re so far and few between them that it wouldnā€™t really give any real support.

Anyway, Iā€™d recommend we take this conversation away since this thread is for Sethrakā€¦


Back to Sethrak, theyā€™re adorable sleepers! seriously makes me wanna go buy a snake for a pet.


Right. Also, if you wanna continue the other discussion, my own thread is available.

But as far as the sethrak goes, I wouldnā€™t mind playing them.

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More the merrier i say, just remove combat racials weā€™re running out of ideas lol, unless we copy and paste so each faction gets the racials at least.

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Would it be too much to dream that we could see something of sethraks after the end of the horde-ally war campaign?

Perhaps during 8.3, the sethraks may appear and help against Nā€™zoth, as Sethraliss has fought his servants and they show a desire to help confront this threat to their children!


No clue mate could be anything, they have a habit of bad storywriting lately and it can either go up good or down bad, the fact Gilgoblins showed up again is a surprise on its own.

Amen to that one, brotherā€¦

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This is more in line with my thinking. Thereā€™s definitely a decent chance they continue Sethralissā€™s story and have her, and the Devoted, showing up for the showdown with Nā€™zoth. If they come with a whole new reputation faction, Iā€™d say that would put them in a pretty good spot as far as becoming an allied race goes.


Sounds like a possible excuse for any race, to be honest.

Kind of upset that all this time has gone by and no real progression to even the storyline or inclusion of the sethrak. It would be such a shame for this wonderful race to be abandoned after BfA. But, with 8.3 and Blizzcon on the way, if any other races really are going to be added to our rosters, the downtime at the end of the expansion would be the best time for blizzard to do it. So whether more races are being added or not, we will hear about it at blizzcon this year.

Fingers crossed


Welcome to the lives of the Arakkoa fans after WoDā€¦ T^T :bird:

I really hope we hear SOMETHING rather than radio silence like last timeā€¦


Yeah, they missed a great opportunity with the redeemed Arakkoa then, but I think thats partly because Blizz just wanted to get the expansion over with, not prolong it. And I wouldnt say we got radio silence last blizzcon, just another tease with no real confirmation. They did introduce the Ankoan and Gilblins as our ā€œnew friendsā€ after all.

Really hoping blizzard doesnt just give alliance junker gnomes and horde vulpera. Would be such a waste. Especially since they already had the audacity to give us void elves last time around ā€œbecause there arent enough militant high elves to allow them to be playableā€ and then throw high elves into our story and main city harbor in BfAā€¦

Im not a high elf fan, but I can understand the frustration. And I would feel the same way if we werent given sethrak on either faction for some bs reasonsā€¦

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Similar issue with whatā€™s going on with the Sethrakā€¦

Plus, thereā€™s also the hope of whatā€™s going on with those Shadowland ā€œleaksā€. If any of them hold even an iota of truth to them, then the Arakkoa are the perfect race (not class) to bring in due to them being the only race that actually CAN enter and leave the Shadowlands at will.

Then weā€™d better be prepared for either disappointment OR a two-fer.

If itā€™s the former, worst case scenario is we get NO new races whatsoever.

If itā€™s the latter, then thereā€™s chances that both factions get two races each. Reasoning for this? The banners on the AR selection for character creation has room for two more icons each.


Honestly Id prefer we get no new races than junker gnomes. I would actually be more satisfied if horde got Vulpera AND Sethrak and the alliance got nothing than I would be if we got junker gnomes. Really hoping an AR slot isnt wasted on something that could just be added customization options for a race we already have.


Must really hate Junkergnomes, huh?

Either way, I just donā€™t see Sethrak getting involved with the Horde due to strained relations with the Vulpera; even AFTER getting their act together with the Faithless.

Of courseā€¦ That begs the question on what Horde would get if Junker Gnomes actually ARE just a customization for Gnomes and that Alliance get Arakkoa AND Sethrak while Horde got Vulpera.

What kind of reaction would come up if Horde ONLY got Vulpera?

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I could honestly see them go either faction. But yeah, if the vulpera do end up with the horde, it would be much harder for the sethrak to be aligned with them as well.

And the problem with that is mostly expecting too much. If blizz did add junker customization options for gnomes, I could see them adding something similar for goblins instead or alongside the addition of gilblins. And as much as I would love to see the Arakkoa as playable, I fear that they are too similar to the Ankoan in the way that their features would protrude from armor models. It would force blizzard to reconsider how armors are fitted to different character models, not just covering up characters, but actually removing body features while armors are covering them to give the impression of those features being layed or compressed to the body under the armor.

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