Unofficial Playable Furbolg Discussion Thread

I hope the allied race unlock quest for Furbolgs won’t be too hard or annoying to accomplish. Otherwise, people may find it too much to bear. :V

Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Ya’ll are going to get me murdered by my hubby.

I’m actually writing up a scenario concept for how they’ll be unlocked and the general story around one option for it. (I’ll probably write up a few of those. Theres a lot of options with the furbolg.)


All of these unbearable bear puns are making me want to replay Persona 4 Golden. Anyone else here play that game? It’s one of my favorites.

Anyway. I came here to show my support, just like I do in every thread suggesting new races or customization. The more of this stuff we can get into the game, the better!


This thread is giving me nightmares.

Happy to see you!

I think the Furbolg would be a wonderful addition.

Oh dear.

I certainly do not intend to cause distress with my threads.

Thank you for the bump though.


Love the effort you put into this topic.




“You’re going down, I’m yelling Timber!.. Maw.”
“What trees are we looking at now? Still pine?”


“Let me bear my soul to you.”


Could also put under /flirt:
“You’re as sweet as honey.”

Get it?
Honey? Because bears?


OK. :cry:


Love it, I’ll add it in.

Wonderful! Adding it up top.


You know how there’s a BE joke about other Horde members, and a VE joke mentions various elves.

I would want a joke like about Furbolg commenting on Vulpera, idk why the idea of them interacting is so funny to me


Fenelon, how did you create that drop down list for the links to other threads? I can’t seem to figure it out. I know how to link threads, but I like that drop down option.


When in the text box you’ll see a :gear:

It should bring down a drop down with

Hide Details.

It will make this.

This text will be hidden

Should be minus the { and }.

Change the “Summary” to what ever you want your drop down named and then place everything you want in the “this text will be hidden” and it should work.

Pictures and links will not show previews under it.

{[details=“This is a test”]


This is a test



One final edit: Feel free to steal any of my list if you’re making one too!


Thank you so much Fenelon! I’m going to alphabetize the list lol


Hmm… I should probably do that too…


I’m not sure ya need to since you have your threads first, and that’s perfectly understandable.

I on the other hand only have one, and I’m going to order the rest to keep things looking fair. I support everyone’s passions for what they’d like to play as, even if I’m not regularly active in all threads. I’m not a fan of talking down other people’s preferred races, and I don’t want the list to come across as showing favoritism to anyone. Therefore, typing the list in alphabetical order based on the thread’s name is the best solution I could come up with. That’s probably more than what anyone needed to hear…so disregard my verbal vomit.

Support for the Furbolgs!


Perhaps I’ll do race name instead…too many start with “Unofficial”


I’m kinda considering removing mine from the Shameless Self Promotion and putting them in the main list for precisely that reason.

I don’t want to come off as favoring one over others.

Making em alphabetical would only improve that… Also make it easier to find the one you’re looking for.

(also that was hardly verbal vomit)

Yeah I’d do race/customization group name.


I have now remade my links to other threads of note in alphabetical order with the author listed.


So today I want to talk about the furbolg tribe from WCIII called the Felwood Furbolg.

They’re an interesting bit of lore because they were encountered before the Felwood was made into the Felwood and they are encountered in Ashenvale forest, not in the area that would become the Felwood.
During the Third War Tyrande finds them in the process of moving their tribe as the Horde and Alliance are encroaching on their lands and to avoid corruption there. Tyrande finds their scattered brethren and they provide you with a furbolg champion to accompany you further on.

The Felwood furbolg moved to Winterspring Valley and were eventually taken by the corruption of a tainted pool. Tyrande and Malfurion killed them remarking that they’d never seen them so aggressive before. So it seems their story ends there right.

However, later in the Barrow Deeps Tyrande and Malfurion come across another tribe of furbolg who may be remnants of the Felwood tribe, as the chieftain explains that some of their tribesmen had left them. Tyrande indicates that she would help them to avoid the fare of their tribesmen, likely referring to the events in Winterspring Valley.
Later when the shaman is rescued he says that he must thank Tyrande again implying that they are the same shaman from Ashenvale.

So why is this significant?

Aside from the interesting name issue of being called the Felwood furbolg in Ashenvale before the Felwood was created, it is this tribe of furbolg that is suspected to be the progenitor of several other tribes we find in wow.

Most notable among them is the Barkskin furbolg, the most commonly used furbolg to create a player faction aside from the Stillpine, but even they have an entertaining amount of uncertainty of who they are now as they are only encountered in WCIII during the final battle against Archimonde. This is because those furbolg supposedly came from the Barrow Deeps, and the only tribe we otherwise encounter there are the Felwood, who have at that point plenty of reason to assist the Night Elves against the Legion.

However if the Felwood furbolg did become the Barkskin furbolg, then what happened to them after that point? Did they return to the Barrow Deeps and, as several player scenarios for playable furbolg suggest, just remain there building up their underground home until some bit of fate drags them out to be a playable race? Or did they splinter and become several other tribes?

According to the Comic “Blood” it was a furbolg following the battle on Mount Hyjal who took a corrupted Idol of Remulos to Thistlefur Hold in Ashenvale. Since aside from the Barkskin tribe we have no knowledge of any other furbolg on Mount Hyjal many believe that this must have been a Barkskin furbolg and some suspect that they may have become the Thistlefur.

Its also speculated that the Winterfall furbolg may be remnants of the Felwood tribe that became their own in the Winterspring area.

Another theory is that the Barkskin (And possibly then the Felwood) furbolg became the Timbermaw over time as they’re the only furbolg with a home underneath Hyjal.

If the Barkskin did become the Timbermaw they’ve also got some links to a few other tribes from there. During Cata, the Blackmaw tribe boke away from the Timbermaw in Aszhara, and there is some suspicions that the Deadwood furbolg may be corrupted members of the Timbermaw that are now rivals. A similar theory exists for the Felpaw.

None of this can be confirmed at present though as the Felwood furbolg and the Barkskin have never appeared in World of Warcraft or been mentioned since WCIII. What happened to them whether or not they became other tribes or just died off on their own is a large question mark.

I’d like to believe that the Felwood tribe did become the Barkskin. I do not think they really are connected to the Winterfall, Timbermaw or the Thistlefur furbolg as most of those have longer histories indicating that they had been uncorrupted and living in those areas for some time before we meet them as they are in game.
As we see with the Timbermaw however its entirely possible that it was still a Barkskin furbolg who brought the Idol of Remulos to the Thistlefur, as some members of other tribes are noted to travel when needed. A powerful object of nature would be exactly the sort of thing I’d expect would cause one to do so. That said its entirely possible that the Thistlefur just wandered up the mountain and found it on their own.

I do hope that with playable furbolg we’d finally get some answers on this tribe of furbolg and possibly see them return to the World of Warcraft.

In the future I expect to write a few more posts about the various tribes of furbolg and my thoughts on them, as well as my thoughts on how other races may react to the furbolg and a semi-detailed scenario of my own making for the furbolg joining the Alliance. (I’ll probably make several of those over time actually…)

Ursol guide you, Ursoc give you strength.
:honey_pot: :bear:


Well written post Fenelon; it was really informative. I don’t remember a lot of the lore involving the Furbolg, so this was a good read.

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