Unofficial Playable Furbolg Discussion Thread

The new models look really neat. I’m wondering if we may see Furbolgs in older areas get changed into the new model also, since it appears to be happening with Gnolls:

In any case, with a new Furbolg model, I’m hoping it could be utilized to turn into a playable race model in the future. Just needs a female model to go with it, and I’m sure something could be done with the new models to make them playable. Here is hoping!

Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


The impression I got when looking at the drogbar animations was that it may have begun life as the worgen animations and been modified from there.
They’ve even got the animation where they lean forward and start sniffing back and forth.
Then the gnoll ones are definitely worgen rigs.

Pretty cool models.


I think there is a very good chance that they will be. Usually if Blizzard does one it will be done to all new models in an expansion.

I was hoping there would be a female model included, though its still early so we may yet see one.

Very excited regardless for more furbolg lore and new models!

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear:

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Passing by to leave my support for playable Furbolgs. Always liked the race, since WC3, and the new models look promissing (Apparently a modified pandaren skeleton ?).
Just need a female model, a bit of love in the history and good they should be good to play.
:honey_pot: :bear:


No, they are not. The Alliance needs a better race which is not another human or bear race.

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Looks to be the Drogbar skeleton/model in the DF pictures. We’ll know more in time.

Really hope they’ll add a female model before alpha ends.

Story wise we have plenty of reason for the furbolg to join right now. The Stillpine tribe alone could join at any moment without any effort.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear:


Lets agree on disagreeing, would love to play as a Furbolg druid/shaman, and they have strong ties with the night elfs since WC3, far more reasonable than half the allied races we got.


Oh yeah, the long arms do suggest Drogbar skeleton. (Not sure if that would be a good thing for gear fitting, but they did a modified model with kul’tirans, so there is hope).

Would be nice if they had a gathering of the tribes, like the trolls had, to stop being punching bags of demons/horde. I mean, they have been imprisioned by horde since cataclysm on ashenvale, and during the War of Thorns the horde advance did harm at least one of the tribes. Vulpera went horde for much less.


I have absolutely nothing against the Furbolgs to become playable. But it will be another Mechagnome-disaster, where we get the actual good races (Gnolls, possible Sethraks) and the Alliance another race which can’t transmog this well and is another human or bear race.

Gnolls are pretty much given for the Horde, should they become playable, but the Alliance needs something much better than a Furbolg.

I get the feeling, we really had a crappy lot with some allied races (Aka mechagnomes and lightforges which could easly have been customization options for existing races)
But for me at least, Furbolgs (Specially with those new modes) would be a nice trade even if horde got Gnolls.

Honestly i have a feeling this might happen. Although i think the better trade horde side would had been ogres.

True, both classic races that should have been offcially added long ago.


You will continue to be treated as a second class customer if things aren’t going to change. It’s perfectly fine to release Furbolgs when the Horde gets a low effort race but this isn’t going to happen.

Furbolg also seem to share some of the animations in the pictures. Far as gear fitting I don’t think these furbolg are fitted for it unfortunately nor are the Drogbar.

There is still time though and I’m still hopeful that blizzard hasn’t forgotten the furbolg.

Especially since it’s an easy race to get into the Alliance and a long time ally of the night elves.

Plus 10 ft tall bear men are Fricken awesome.

Given their hostility to the furbolg I don’t ever see the furbolg going Horde.

I came up with a scenario of one of the tribes coming out of hiding and unifying a few of the more Alliance leaning tribes into a convocation. Then deciding to side with the Alliance, probably making Grizzlemaw city their capital.

I think it would work well and during my scenario we get to learn about the tribes new leaders and some of each tribes culture.

It would be a magnificent trade.

Furbolg actually have a culture and story.

Gnolls are mooks only meant to be killed.

Be a helluva trade.

(that said nothing against folk who want Gnolls.)

Horde should get ogres and they would pair very well with furbolg. Two old races for both factions.

Both down on their luck from previous times.


Furbolgs now look like absolute powerhouses. I think a bear race would be the most physically strongest race on Azeroth.


Orcs and tuaren is grumbling at you lol.


They are noted in the lore to be exceptionally strong and they’re not much shorter than tauren.

They’d be an amazing force to be added to the Alliance.

As well as finally a beastial race with both shaman and druid.


I completly agree that they are far more alliance inclined. In fact my example of the vulpera was meant to show that, since they are both races that had a link to a major group in either faction (Vulpera x Zandalari and Furbolgs x Night Elfs, although the later has been shown far more often as a partnership/alliance).
And since the reason that pushed Vulpera to the Horde was to increase chances of survival/explore the world/ One incident of alliance agression, all perfectly valid reasons that could apply even more accurately to the Furbolgs going Alliance.

Gnolls could work aswell as a Bestial/Tribal race tradeoff.
But i do agree that Ogres would be more themathically appropriate and a far more necessary adition to the horde.


The new furbolg model uses the drogbar rigs.

They seem to be friendly too.




They confirm that? Looks very much like they do for sure.

From what I saw in some of the wowhead stuff I think one tribe is friendly and another is hostile. Or at least there are some that are hostile while the others are mostly friendly.

I’m betting some are working with the Gnolls.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength!
:honey_pot: :bear: