Unofficial Playable Furbolg Discussion Thread

I’ve always liked questing in Grizzly Hills around the tree. I still listen to music from the region as background sound while I work.


I want a cool race added and these aren’t one bit. From the pictures you’ve got they look like fat worgan. People didn’t want to play fat humans (Kul Tiran) when they were added and they don’t want to play fat worgan either.

So I managed to find some datamined footage of what appears to be the Furbolg starting area thanks to the neutral auction house. It seemed to be packaged with some sort of dark colored carbonated beverage with red label that have Father Winter on it, with the word “Promotional” on it. Maybe an early Winter Veil present? I decided to let my inner Grinch explore it and bought it so I can report it here!

It seems to take place in Winterspring, and it must be alpha footage as all the Furbolg are in the while fur pattern. Guessing the other customization options will come later.

Anyway, it seems a lot of quests in the starting area involve this beverage I found. Maybe it’s the Furbolg’s way of staying uncorrupted or something. Seems to be working, as everyone involved seems to be happy. Maybe this is before something happens and they have to join the Alliance.

You can see the footage here:

Happy April Fools Day! :stuck_out_tongue:

18 days until the next expansion is announced!

Playable Alliance Furbolgs is a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


So do I actually. I also listen to it when I write.

Its always been one of my favorite zones in WoW.

Thank you for supporting my thread with the bump and sharing your opinion.


Furbolg aren’t like the worgen particularly.

Also I see an awful lot of Kul’tirans around so clearly many people wanted to play them.

Its all right if they’re not your bag though. Furbolg or Kul’tirans.

Ursol guide you and Ursoc give you strength.
:honey_pot: :bear:


Came across a video that shows how to make Bear Claws, which is a type of pastry. While the video shows all the steps to make them, a list of ingredients and written instructions are on the video’s Youtube page description:

Figured it would be fitting to share this here!

Also, with a new month and some days after April Fool’s Day, I’ve done another round of in-game playable race suggestions with references to their respective megathreads. Gotta help keep up the support! :smiley:

15 days until the next expansion is announced!

Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


i am down with this as long as they don’t use the panda models for them, quite frankly they already have their own models.

just re work them and make them look better for playable reasons.

The assumption is that they’ll use an existing player skeleton.

Thus the Pandaren model being used. Some modification to it could easily make them close while still usable for a player model.

Keep in mind though what is displayed here isn’t a demand on blizzard but more meant to show what furbolg could be if given the attention of a playable race.


Oh! I need to do this tonight. I forgot.

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They most likely would use an existing skeleton; many of the newer races use pre-made rigs.
I am curious to see how they could alter the Pandaren to look more Furbolg-esque. Perhaps even with a posture option? My guess is the hunch that the current Furbolg have would look atrocious with armor.


Yeah, Blizzard could always change that stance but they said that they would generally use the existing skeletons to reduce the effort required. Modification of those skeletons is clearly on the table though as we see with the Vulpera.

Even new models are still on the table as we see with Kul’tirans.

The Pandaren model we’ve modified with the bear looks here in this thread does actually have a bit of a hunch. Its attached at the top.

Hmm… maybe I’ll see if Lance would try to do a side view version. It might be easier to see.

I do think the current furbolg would be hard to make look good in armor so I think a change would be needed.

Its not unheard of. Look at the Worgen for instance. Their NPC model to player model is night and day.


I waited a bit to make sure the suggestions wouldn’t be associated with April Fool’s Day. Better to be safe than sorry, in my opinion. :smiley:

I agree that the hunch would look a bit odd if they took the current Furbolg model and tried to make it a playable model. I would guess that playable Furbolgs would get a brand new model, maybe with some skeleton rigging for animations like how some of the allied races were implemented. I don’t really see the hunch returning with newer models, NPC or PC, but that is just me.

The current model was designed around when the game launched, mostly as a NPC race, so I can understand why it looks a bit odd in general. If Furbolg ever get a bigger role or maybe appear again in a future expansion, we could see a model update, complete with female Furbolgs. Would be a good time to consider them as a playable race if that happened!

13 days until the next expansion is announced!

Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


Reading the Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book, I came across a couple of Furbolg mentions. Nothing too exciting, but I figured I’d still share them.

The first is a brief mention of the Timbermaw Tribe in the Felwood section:

“The only living things safe from from corruption be the Timbermaw Furbolgs. I wish them good health and luck - loa know they need it.” P. 40

The other mention is in the Starbreeze Village section:

“In Starbreeze Village, strong Furbolgs - an intelligent race of bears - forced the night elves from their homes. For a while, none could say why these old allies of the night elves became fearsome new enemies. But Rexxar says it’s because the furbolgs were unprotected from the Void corruption that festered in Teldrassil’s roots.” P. 53

Starbreeze Village was an area in the Night Elf starting area:

The keywords of “old allies of the night elves” is interesting, as I do see some opportunities for a playable faction of Furbolgs and the Night Elves to work together, which can lead to several neat storylines. Makes it seem really fitting to have playable Alliance Furbolgs, in my opinion.

As I said, nothing much exciting, but I figured it was worth noting it from the book. If I happen to see any other Furbolg mentions, I’ll be sure to post about it.

12 days until the next expansion is announced!

Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


What else does it say about Felwood? Cause there a lot more going on there…

I didn’t really expect much about the furbolg in that book. I barely consider that book useful given how poorly the writer portrayed the Horde ignoring lore…

Really wish they had people who actually care about the lore write lore books.

That these are the only two mentions of furbolg makes me really sad.

Also kinda surprised theres nothing about the Stillpine tribe on Azuremyst Isle.

Eh I wouldn’t expect playable furbolg to be a thing based on what they have there. They’re ignoring them like they do with all the other side races. Lacking mentions in Azuremyst and Ashenvale and barely mentioning them suggests they’re not on their radar.

Please do.

Maybe they’ll surprise us all later.


Not much. Felwood is reduced to a paragraph in the Darkshore section. It talks very briefly about Tichondrius corrupting the forest with the skull of Gul’dan, a sentence on how Satyr and infernals roam freely, and how the ancients and treants once protected the forests and creatures, but now live a poisoned life. Then the brief mention of the Timbermaw Tribe.

That’s about it, unfortunately.

Azuremyst Isles is a section, though the area itself is three paragraphs giving general info on the area. It goes into how it was once connected to Kalimdor and goes into many mentions of the Exodar crashing and causing problems in the area. I did not see any mention of the Stillpine Tribe. A bit odd, given how they did ally with the Draenei. Also odd is there is no mention of Furbolgs at all, given there were enemy Furbolgs in the Draenei starting area and despite the constant mention of the land and creatures (like the moonkin) getting affected.

I was moreso speculating for fun what could happen. I don’t really take anything as hints of things to come, and I have the feeling more missed opportunities will occur as we go into the next expansion sadly.

I’m still going through the book, so I’ll see if there are any other mentions of Furbolgs.

Also, 9 days until the next expansion is announced!

Playable Alliance Furbolgs are a bear necessity! :honey_pot::bear:


I still have to read this one. Was it written that bad?

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I can’t speak to how its written but I’ve seen some excerpts of the text on some things that are just not… right.

They kinda make Gazlowe a bit of a jerk and Rexxar too.

Some other things here and there that I think kinda sucks.

Others should read it and make their own minds up. I’m just crotchety.



Ah, I see. I’m a bit behind on the more recent books.

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I am too.

The excerpts I keep seeing do not inspire confidence.

But I should really actually read them. My hubby does… I could just borrow em.

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Oh really? That’s kind of a bummer. I’ve loved some of the older books. The lore from the War of the Ancients is still my favorite.

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