Unofficial Dracthyr - Q&A [With Sources] *UPDATED 05/07*

Compiled through research.

Q: Are Dracthyr actual Dragons?

A: Yes.

“We knew with a Dragon themed expansion, we wanted to let you play a Dragon. Not a big Dragon like Alextrasza, but a Draconic Humanoid.” - “They have unique abilities as literally a Dragon

They are not lesser races with simply draconic features nor are they simply dragon-kin. I can’t imagine anyone who has any kinship, likeness or anything merely ‘akin’ to Dragons translating into the innate biological capability of having the power of all 5 Dragonflights.

Something capable of doing that at that point is just called a Dragon.

Graham: Even though it’s not a giant screen-filling dragon, it’s all about delivering on the fantasy of being a dragon whilst fighting.”

Jeremy Feasel: “In this particular case, we really wanted to do ‘You can play as a Dragon’. So what is the player version of that? (Where you can play in raids without obstructing everyone’s view with a giant Dragon Form like Alexstrasza)”

Sources: 1. 2. 3. 3. [@ 00:02:50]

Q: Will Dracthyr be able to fly with their own wings?

A: Yes and No

They will be able to “fly” but this won’t be like the flying of your normal flying mount as we are all accustomed to in WoW. You won’t be able to hover and stay in place indefinitely in the air nor will you be able to have such lax and easy going control just pivoting around in the sky.

Dracthyr will be capable of flying with the Dragonriding mechanics and will be the bare bones of Dragonriding without the leveling and enhancements that go with it, merely the physics and basics of it, essentially Demon Hunter Gliding +++.

Dragonriding refers to an entirely separate aspect of gameplay which is solely confined to the Dragon Isles where you have your own Dragon to level up and advance in stages, etc. Dracthyr will be the only ones able to use the physics of this flight system outside of the Dragon Isles as their own unique capability with their own wings, but they of course will not be leveling this as with Dragonriding.

This is because this personal form of flight is not Dragonriding, just a new physics-based flight ability. So it won’t be able to be as advanced going forward.

“Dracthyr have wings so they get to fly and they use the same style of momentum and gravity that dragonriding drakes do.”

" Jackie: It’s similar to Dragonriding, but Dragonriding overtime, you like advance it (upgrade it) and like a lot of different mechanics, you might be able to use. The Dracthyr don’t have that progression in their flying, but they can like jump off and dive."

Like I said, it’s the bare bones of it’s physics.

Sources: 1. 2. 3.

Q: Will Dracthyr be able to play around with the new Dragonriding gameplay coming in Dragonflight?

A: Yes

The idea of course [From my own speculation] is that it’d be very weird for a Dragon to ride another Dragon. So instead the Dracthyr will in fact be capable of taking part in Dragonriding but only in their Visage Forms.

My personal speculation is that Dracthyr will also only be able to ride mounts in general in their Visage Form, as again, there are in fact many Dragon mounts and, again, a Dragon riding another Dragon is weird.

I believe that they will likely be forced out of their True Form into their Visage Form when summoning any mount from your mounts collection. Not to mention I’m sure the wings would clip through many of the mounts in WoW making that even more likely to be factually accurate.

UPDATE 04/25: I’m not adamant to agree that this factor of the wings may actually be the reason for the Visage Form requirement to ride, rather than the idea of a Dragon riding another Dragon being weird.

UPDATE UPDATE 04/25 8:08 PM EST: Yes… it will be done in visage form because a Dragon riding a Dragon “gets a little weird.”

Patrick Dawson: Dragonriding is absolutely a feature that all the races and classes can interact with. The Dracthyr Evoker may interact slightly differently with it, but it’s something we want you to participate in throughout the expansion experience.”

Sources: 1. 2. 3.

Q: Will Dracthyr be able to play as other classes?

A: Not at this time.

It’s been stated plain and simple many times that Dracthyr will only be able to play as the Evoker class, and if you want to play the Evoker class then you have no choice but to also play as a Dracthyr.

Sources: 1. 2.

Q: What faction will Dracthyr be in?

A: Dracthyr will actually be able to pick whether they favour the Horde or the Alliance.

They will be the second neutral race in World of Warcraft, the first one having been the Pandaren. Whether the experience of the choice itself will be similar to the Pandaren, I can’t say any guarantees right now, but it looks like they will be picking their faction in the creation screen.

How this ties into any Lore, I don’t know yet.


UPDATE 11:22 PM EST 04/24

Q: Did Neltharion create the Dracthyr before he was corrupted into being Deathwing? Or did Deathwing create the Dracthyr during his corruption?

A: Neltharion created the Dracthyr before his corruption into Deathwing over 10,000 years ago before the great battle that led to the sundering of the continents and the revealing of his betrayal to the other flights.

“At some point, Neltharion created the Dracthyr, he created these beings as “ideal soldiers,” combining the essence of dragons with the traits of mortal races.”


Q: Why did Neltharion create the Dracthyr?

A: The Dracthyr were created with the powers of the 5 aspects using traits of the mortal races to construct a new Dragon species/race to counter against the rising threat of the Primalists on the Dragon Isles.

They were intended as soldiers of a sort to help level the playing field and have been called Neltharion’s “secret weapon.”, the one that Wrathion was searching for in Battle for Azeroth.


UPDATE 8:25 PM EST 04/25

Q: The Dracthyr look too slender to me, will I have the option to make my Dracthyr more bulkier?

A: The idea of a ‘bulkier’ appearance changes from person to person. While I cannot say just how exactly the proportions of having more ‘bulk’ and chunkiness to your future Dracthyr, I will only quote what Tina Wang stated in an interview below.

"“there are so many ways you can customize that Dracthyr; even just like the shape of the face, you can have these snouts where you look more ancient or more sleek or a more blunt snout. You can even change your torso to be slightly more slender or more bulkier,”

Given the Dracthyr are still in relative development as well as the high demand for more ‘Chunky Dragons’ when it comes to the Dracthyr, there may be further options for this in the future, but I have no proper answer aside from the quote given.


Q How will I unlock the ability to play as a Dracthyr?

A: Dracthyr are going to be a Hero Class, just like the Demon Hunters and the Death Knights before them. The only pre-requisite to being able to play as a Dracthyr is having a level 50 character on the same Realm and, of course, having bought the Dragonflight expansion. They will be available to be played as during the pre-patch.

Jackie: It’s a classic Hero Class. So we’ll start a little at 58, etc. They will be available during the pre-patch. You can get started with your Dracthyr Evoker and get ready for the expansion.”


Q: Will I be able to choose a Visage Form of the other races? Can I have an Orc Visage Form for instance?

A: Unfortunately no.

The reason behind this as I can tell from research is that the developers have provided a very numerable quantity of options for customizing your Visage Form at the sacrifice of just being able to customize a regular Orc or Blood Elf like every other new character in the creation screen.

So instead you’re given a new form with all kinds of customizable options such as scales, jewelry, horns and even armour decoration.

Tina: Yeah. It’s definitely a challenge; and that was one of the things with the Dracthyr that we’re excited about is with their Visage Form. Some people ask like: “Oh, why can’t I be like a gnome Dracthyr,” for instance; but truly, this makes it so that we can put so many options within this single class; and that’s why we wanted to do it. Just like give all of these options. We have way more options in terms of how many.”


Q: Will Dracthyr be able to play as any of the other classes in the FUTURE?

A: All evidence has suggested to me strongly that for the time of Dragonflight and following after it’s release, Dracthyr will specifically be confined to the Evoker class.

However there is a possibility that they can essentially “Learn to pick up an axe” and be able to be like a Warrior or other classes in the future. There are heavy Lore-based reasons as to why, at least for the time being, they are strictly Evokers:

Ion: It’s definitely possible down the line. I think it’s exceedingly unlikely that any race other than Dracthyr could ever been an Evoker because you need wings, you need the ability to literally breath Draconic energy to perform any of the abilities. The Dracthyr that we’re meeting are all Evokers because that’s what they were created by Neltharion to be.
That is their unique gift, they can channel the power of all the Dragonflights and this is who they are. Now as they emerge in Azeroth and integrate with the Alliance and Horde over time, could they learn to pick up an axe and be a great warrior, quite possibly, but that’s not where their story is starting in Dragonflight.”

“… That started to feel like, ‘No, this is a different class.’ There is the bronze, time-bending sand magic we’ve never seen wielded by mortals. The magic of the red and black dragonflights is different from the fire the fire mages call down. That started to come together to form the idea of a class that combined draconic magic with the draconic physical gifts like breath magic, wings, and so forth, and we were off to the races.”

Sources: 1. 2.

Q: Where have the Dracthyr been this entire time in World of Warcraft?

A: When the Beacon of Tyr was deactivated, the Dragon Isles fell into a dormancy that concealed it from all things on Azeroth, including the Dragons themselves. When the Island went dormant, so too did the Dracthyr.

With the beacon activated and the Dragon Isles coming back to life with many references to it ‘waking up around you’, so too do the Dracthyr awaken from a presumed slumber.

Patrick Dawson: There’s actually plenty of story behind this new race, with their own starting zone where we get to go through and experience the dracthyr, why they exist, how they came to be, and why they’re waking up now.


Q: Will my Dracthyr’s abilities be tied to my appearance? Am I going to be forced to be a green Dracthyr in order to use Dream related abilities?

A: Absolutely not. Abilities will have nothing to do with your appearance and you are free to customize it however you like. You can be an icey blue Dracthyr and favor your fire spells and capabilities all you want.

" Ion: Completely customizable. We don’t want to tie cosmetics to power choices or mechanical choices in this space. So if you want to be a blue scale Dracthyr who is a devastation Evoker, who primarily uses lots of fire spells, no one’s gonna stop you."


Q: So what are their Visage Forms actually? They look like a mix of Human and Elves.

A: Their Visage Forms are not Humans nor are they Elves, they are actually just Dragonkin and this is how the Dracthyr willfully choose to present themselves outside of their True Form.

Whatever reason they choose to alternatively look like this is not yet known, as before with the Dragonflights of Azeroth up to this point, it was to hide themselves and be in disguise. But I see no reason for Dracthyr to want to hide for such purposes as the Dragonflights, at least not yet. Unless of course some of them are shy.

I’m sure appearance features such as the slit pupiled eyes, spiked ears, scales and horns will have others options that look much less… well… “obviously a dragon”.

"Tina Wang: And the fun part about the Dracthyr and the ‘visage’ form is that visage forms are effectively what Dracthyr choose to represent themselves as, right?

They are actually dragonkin, but they present themselves in this way and so with that we have allowed them to have so many different options that we may not have offered to a normal kind of character."


Q: Will Dracthyr be forced to share certain looks of their True Form with their Visage Form? Like if my Dracthyr has black scales is his Visage Form going to be forced to also have black scales?

A: No, their designs are entirely separate from one another and you will be able to customize each one differently to your liking. Including gender.

Jackie Wiley: But here I can have my rosie pink Dracthyr, and then have my visage form be blue and gold. They don’t need to be the same.”


Q: Will we be able to fight in our Visage Form or are we going to be forced into our True Form as a Dracthyr like the Worgen?

A: For the time being it looks like the Dracthyr are forced to do combat in their True Form due to the nature of their capabilities.

However, the developers are in fact looking to implement ways to include the Visage Form to be usable in combat and other certain Dragon abilities that the Dracthyr can preform such as the fire breaths and flight/hover based attacks.

Tina: You are all going to be in Dracthyr form when you are in combat. Yes.”

Ion Hazzikostas : It’s something we’re actually working through right now internally. We understand there’s definitely desire to be able to be in your humanoid form in combat in a way that you can’t be as a worgen.”


Q: So what ability do these Dracthyr perform as Evokers?

A: The Evoker Class is the class currently bound to them that explores and further enables their innate abilities as a race of Dragons created by an Aspect, “evoking” the power of all 5 Dragonflights.

Graham: Even though it’s not a giant screen-filling dragon, it’s all about delivering on the fantasy of being a dragon whilst fighting. Warcraft dragons. Dracthyr abilities and spells draw on draconic magic as realised by the dragonflights, these being red magic, black magic and so forth.”


UPDATE 05/07 12:58 PM EST

Q: What resource like Rage or Runes will the Dracthyr/Evoker Class use?

A: Their resource is called Essence and behaves very much in the likeness to Stamina that it’s a resource that will regenerate on it’s own overtime. It is spent for virtually all of the Evoker class’ abilities.


Q: What Racial Abilities will the Dracthyr have

A: The Dracthyr so far has 3 known racials. One is a knockback attack with their wings called “Wing Buffet”. Another is “Tail Swipe”, an AoE “Knock-up” ability using your dragon tail to attack. The final known racial ability is called “Chosen Identity”, the ability to switch between your True Dragon Form and your Visage Form.


Q: Will there be a cool transformation animation when switching between the two forms?

A: Unfortunately it’s not going to be as ‘extra’ as the Worgen transformation. Nothing short of a poof of magical smoke with a bit of “treatment” to it.


Q: Can we make more than one Dracthyr Evoker per Realm?

A: It’s going to be one Dracthyr per Realm. The first Dracthyr has no restrictions other than of course having bought the Dragonflight Expansion. Additional Dracthyr can only be created on other Realms so long as there is a level 50 character/alt present on that same Realm.


Q: Will the Dracthyr have their own race specific mount?

A: No. In the words of Brian Holinka “They are their own flying mount.”


This is all for now, I will be continuing to update this going forward as I learn more information and other questions are asked.


Thank you for putting all this together. It’s amazing how actual good posts go unnoticed in these forums.


Update: I googled and found out that the visage form is just their human form. So really they will only be able to ride other dragons as humans, I was confused before. Thanks for the good post!

The way I’m choosing to look at it is that Dracthyr are allowed the use of the Wing Cap from Super Mario 64, because that’s weirdly what the (what appears to be the base level) swooping and diving reminds me of.

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I dunno, my Vulpera can ride a fox mount. :sunglasses:


I agree, it could be cute! Like hey bud have a piggyback ride!

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Yeah, worgen riding worg and vulpera riding fox are both fan favorites. It’s only weird when you make it weird.

You know what’s weird, though? Hyping a new feature up as a new CORE race, which “Is something that we take very seriously and don’t do often” and neither letting them show most of their mog nor even ride mounts in their core form :expressionless:


They should have asked if they were going to update the dragon player form since there has been a TON of negative feedback on them.

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I mean, they really should extend this feature to demon hunters. They are supposed to be able to fly.


My Vulpera only rides Fox mounts. It’s to assert dominance.


But dragons are actually intelligent though. So that’s not even comparable imo.

i like the idea of neutral races, im glad dracthyr can choose a side. i would have played a pandaren but i don’t like the way they look lol

While I agree, that makes it just as bad as any other race. In fact, I’d argue it’s slightly less weird as a fellow dragon asking your stronger winged mate for a lift.

The only Q that really needs an A.

And here is where it all falls apart. The developers are going to be spending so much time playing around with their dragon flying and dragon people that they won’t have the time, effort, or money to develop quality content. There comes a point where they need to focus on creating good content. This is probably it.

Of course, these gimmicks will get people to buy the xpac, however that $80+ purchase is a one time deal. After the last two failed xpacs, if people don’t have quality content to play, they will probably stop wasting their $15 a month. :woman_shrugging:

:dragon: ← BTW Dragon

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I tried looking through your sources to find the proof for this statement, “Dracthyr will be the only ones able to use the physics of this flight system outside of the Dragon Isles as their own unique capability with their own wings”
But I couldn’t find it in the linked source websites. Am I missing something? Because this is really exciting if true, but I don’t want to get my hopes up.

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Unfortunately I cannot remember exactly where I saw this, I believe it was written in one of the articles I had read over through my research and was a small snippet I had forgotten to source.

If I ever find it again through my continued research, I will add the source to my OP and link it to you. The only thing I can provide to you is the quote I remember from the source of which it was referring to the Dracthyr flying capabilities:

“[Dracthyr will be capable of using the physics of the Dragonriding mechanics as Dragons themselves], even outside of the Dragon Isles.”

So people are playing “Draconic” humanoids.

Not dragons like the ones that have been represented in the lore, but more similar to the Dragonkin experiments and “people who were around dragons a lot”.

Existing dragons in the lore can’t use the power of all five flights. And these, so far, don’t seem to be able to transform into “real” dragons as we know them.

Blizzard could’ve added dragon-dragons as they existed in the current lore. They chose not to, they decided to add lizard-people with vaguely draconic features and some draconic abilities on a bipedal form that came about through Nefarion tinkering around with experiments. That’s not a dragon in the Warcraft universe. That’s a new race that shares some ancestry, like chimps to gorillas.

A new draconic race. Not a new type of dragon. A new race containing features of dragons and the mortal races.

Ion may have said “literally a dragon” while talking about combat mechanics, but Ion only has a vague handle on the lore at any given point. I’ll believe that the Dracthyr are dragon dragons when I hear it from Danauser, because nothing about how they’ve explained how the race came about and works so far would make them actual dragons, just a closely related experimental cousin.

Welp I stand corrected.

I’m sorry about the inconvenience of this thread having been removed by the bot. The update I made that triggered the bot is still there for people to see and is still new, considering nobody had the chance to see it anyways.

Never was fond of (Gnome) technology.