Unofficial Dracthyr - Q&A [With Sources] *UPDATED 05/07*

So Dracthyr are dragons. Seems par for course that we would get the only dragons that can’t punch anything.

I mean stand in Melee and punch things nothing is gonna hold you back.


Once they learn how to use their fists instead of their claws, they’ll learn how to become the Monk class I’m sure.

This is my worry


I REALLY hope it’s not going to be just 2 pixels wider and barely make a difference. I want an actual bulky Dracthyr. Make him look like he’s 30lbs heavier


I’m afraid your fears may be justified.

Compare these two images of the shown “bulky” and slender options that are currently known to be available.

The Green Dracthyr is the “bulky” appearance option or rather, one of them.
The Silver Dracthyr is the slimmer one.

I think it’s unfortunately safe to say, this is the characteristics of the race itself and they’re not all too varied. There won’t be a Dracthyric King Chonk Chunkenson and his ally Supersized Kronk anywhere around here sadly.

While I personally am perfectly fine with the Dracthyr model as is, you have my condolences.

They’ve confirmed Drachtyr fly as their own mount, and that their flying is a form of Dragonriding. Both points are in the OP’s post now.

But I haven’t seen anything that says the Dragonriding won’t be allowed out of the Isles, or that Dracthyr won’t also simultaneously increase their ability, based on the Dragonriding tree you build up.

They’ve not really recieved negative feedback on them. It’s just people complaining that the Male form is based on a Blood Elf.

But they’ve also covered that, and said they wanted Visage form to represent the players with ethnic options. Blood Elf males are the closest looking male model to an actual human. So they won’t change it. Not to mention that with as much work we already see, with underwears, hair, etc. They’re likely already finished for the most part. With some refinement maybe in the shoulder scales of Visage form to happen later.

I feel like you should include the Dragonriding/Flight as part of their racials, since like Running Wild. It will be listed as a Racial Feature for them, in their spellbook, most likely. It might make it easier for others to notice as well.

Yeah, I also don’t see them getting more classes until 10.3, or 11.0.

But it’s worth mentioning that not only did Ion have that one statement. But Brian Holinka alluded to them trying to make other classes work at least for them.

You also wouldn’t make racials for a race that wasn’t going to get more then 1 class. On top of Brian saying all races will get Mage, Rogue, and Priest within 10.0, I could likely see them opening at least those 3 classes to them at somepoint mid DF - early expansion 11.0

That’s rather disappointing. I hoped Blizzard would put in more effort than that…

Guess I’ll have to start advocating for combat in visage form so I don’t have to stare at the ugly dragon form :expressionless:🫤

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Onyxia wipe animation?

My reason for not including that is because, not only is it rather blatantly obvious at this point that it’s going to be a racial ability and I wanted to touch upon the others that weren’t yet known, but because I don’t know what this racial flying ability will be called yet.

Once I do, I will edit the post and include it. Looks more clean to include a name followed by some detail rather than just vaguely saying “You’ll have this racial ability where you can fly”.

At least in my personal opinion.

If you have a linked account- i.e. two accounts under one email- can you have a 2 Dracthyr on the same server just on each of the accounts or does the game count that server as the same server on the accounts? I hope I worded that right.


Account has Wow 1 and Wow 2 linked to the email. You create a Dracthyr on the Wow 1 account on the server Illidan. Can you then go to Wow 2 and create a second Dracthyr on Illidan as well?

Well, I definitely hope they consider opening up more options for their “Visage” forms. Even if the other races lack their “dragon options”, I’d love to run around as a Dark Iron or Nightborne in Visage form.

Also… it seems quite curious they only showed up BE males and Human females. I HAVE to assume we’ll also get the inverse, too? Most female dragons take on Blood Elf female illusions, and we at least know Kalec uses a human model.

Either that, or perhaps a slightly modified “Half-elf” form wouldn’t be bad.

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its nice to see they’re at least looking into allowing the visage form in combat. just have certain abilities activate dragon form like demon form for DHs

I just hope it doesn’t mean that they’ll opt for more spells being simple casts over draconic moves, just so that the people that want to play blood elves v3 to have more uptime as an elf

It would be cool if the visage form still incorporated the wings somehow, like sprouting them from their visage form’s back to do all the flight-based moves, the fire breath might be some kind of spell, but I’m interested to see how they could implement the visage form into combat.

That I could definitely get behind

Some of your sources contradict themselves though. You said that Dracthyr were dragons but then another person says they are dragonkin? One person also says that Dracthyr can only “glide +++” but then another person says dracthyr are their own flying mount, but that’s not true if they can only glide?

When things contradict one another then I liked to jumble them all up personally to get a more general gist:

Dracthyr will be independent and more self-empowered in the use of their wings than Illidari and will be less capable in ease that Advanced Dragon Riders and normal Flying Mount flying as we are presently used to.

I just want more information on the whole thing.

Unfortunately I don’t think we’ll get the answers until the Beta releases, but I have a general view in mind. I agree though, a more solid answer would be nice. All we had was a video showing their gliding.

Yeah but I want more about the whole thing, especially the choosing to limit playability of a race.