Unofficial Dracthyr customization options thread

This should not be a thing. Ever. They need to revert this decision. It should work like Worgen. And I will die on that hill.


it would help just letting them show transmog to look more bulky.


Velpas can be warriors though so there’s that

Clearly the player base for “pretty” is more profitable than the population looking for powerful frames

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Alternatively, just add playable Drakonids. Why contort Dracthyr into something they were never meant to be and never fully satisfy the fantasy when Drakonid are right there?


They literally gave us an entire questline to introduce Drakonid into playable and then just… didn’t. Ticked me off.


I want final-phase Scalecommander’s body and teeth as options.
Why not a cis-male visage form too while we’re at it? More races would be incredible.
I thought dragons could be anything with their visage form.

And fix the dragon’s run animation or just let them hover full time. They run like they’re about to be late for the toilet

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Gee then maybe pick a different race to add to your game. One that actually works.

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It’s a fantasy game, aesthetics aren’t supposed to fit reality.
Hell, by that logic Undead shouldn’t be able to be warriors, most of their limbs don’t even have muscle on them!

Maybe this would not be an issue, if the model just straight up looked like a quadrupedal dragon

While the visage wore the gear

But as they are, It just feels weird – like they couldn’t make up their minds if Dracthyr should wear armor or no

Edit: spelling quadruplequadrupedal

I just can’t get past the prancy draenei running animation. I’m cool with their upright slitherdrake build




Also the Male Draenei (who have a similar leg structure) are even beefier than the Dragon race. Which shows in their walking and running animations

There’s this extreme sexual dimorphism throughout all of WoW. Even Elves

But when we get to the Dragon race - the one based on the biggest and toughest creatures in Azeroth - That’s when we’re all for an androgynous look.

And it would be one thing if it was Androgynous like Drakonid in Dragonflight - but the base form of Dracthyr clearly used female Worgen/DH as the foundation.

So just slight making that buffer doesn’t work in the extremely exaggerated art style of Warcraft. This is not the time for subtlety. Because it comparatively still looks weak

Again, if you wanted a graceful/feminine form for your character – more power to you. But that doesn’t change that much of the fan base for Warcraft like their characters to look very big and very strong.

Which is why there needs to be higher options than 4 for body mass.

If there aren’t going to be Drakonid, then let us make our Dracthyr have big frames.

Like the raid boss example that was mentioned earlier in the thread.

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They already have a beefy evoker model? They should use it, gah. It would be awesome

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Yeah the bigger ones fit in better. The current playable models are not only repulsively ugly, but they don’t fit in at all.

Look at this image

Various Dracthyr heads, thanks to Bliz, not a single fang or chin spike to be found, with heads and snouts that look a bit small.
The small size of the heads/snouts is also more pronounced with the large size the horns,

Or look at a direct comparison of Dracthyr and Dragons.

Dracthyr are supposed to fulfill the fantasy of playing a dragon in Warcraft. Yet the visual looks that we get can look tame in comparison to the tooth and claw of the Big Dragons.

Here you can see how much of a difference a larger lower jaw can make

Leave the options that are already there, just add some more.

I wouldn’t mind a Chadthyr, similar to this fan made design.


I like it. That small difference makes it look much better.

But, I think Blizzard wanted an androgynous look for the race. It’s why the voices also sound the way they do. Anything that makes them look warrior like is probably off the table.

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Drakthyr should’ve had drakonid bodies and not teenage elf ones. We have plenty of elven models in the game already.

It’s a (bad) joke a dragon warrior looking less menacing than a tauren one…

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