Unofficial Dracthyr customization options thread

It would be nice if Dracthyr could wear transmog armor on most of the body

They made it work with Worgen and Tauren, but can’t for Dracthyr?

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Kul’Tiran sized dragons please.

I want to be a chunky dragon.


I think the argument about that presented was that Dracthyr models are just completely different and incompatible with the old style of gear. If the textures were applied to the Dracthyr mesh it would end up incomprehensible.

At this point we are beating a dead horse about something that likely won’t change, but yeah, I’d like them to be beefier. I’m still bummed we didn’t get Drakonids instead, those would have perfect as warriors.

As it is, I’ll probably make a dracthyr fire mage and maybe a hunter, although as themes go, there really aren’t any good dragon mounts, just a few cloud serpents I guess, so a bummer there too.

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Let’s see some Kul Tiran body options on them!

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The heads are pretty small though, in comparison to the rest of the body. They could compensate for this with head options that had bigger jaws

Also, the necks are a bit too thin, especially when compared to some concept art for Emberthall, which you can find on her Wowpedia page

Another blizzard thread also did a good job showing the issue When comparing them to dragons, which is supposed to be the whole fantasy of the race.

[Comparison image]

(https : // i. imgur . com / tD4BMUu . png)


Edit: going through the character customization options right now - It is definitely noticeable that the head is in proportion with body size option 1. But Looks too small with body option 4 - which is why it looks weaker despite having a bigger body.

Additionally, base of the neck doesn’t change from 1 - 3, and is barely bigger at 4. This is because the neck is staying in line with the head - so what’s happening is that the smallness of the neck and head become more prominent as the body size increases

Was hoping would have a draconid option tbh. They look far cooler. (Weekly quest giver of pvp and timewalking quests)

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Considering how many types of elf races we have, and now dwarfs

I don’t think it would be a radical concept to have a secondary Dragon themed race as an allied race

But I think that Blizzard is concerned that the Drakonid would be more popular. :sweat_smile:

(Edit: btw Drakonid is a mid name. They should stick with Drakonaar)

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That and a non elf visage… Like for real. -_-

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If a Gnome, Dwarf, Vulpera or any of the twig like elves can be “powerful” warriors, I’m sure the Dracthyr will be fine.

9, but they’re all Lord Godfrey, the First Elden Lord in various poses

I bet you one of the reasons they did not do that, is because races like the Orc and Tauren, Simply have bigger physicality - which is why it would look odd going from a visage form that is bigger than their true dragon form.


Which brings that previous point of big physical forms are a signature aspect of WoW’s art style. Which is why it is odd that they went with a dragon race that feels weaker looking than the Orc and Tauren.

Again, if a graceful looking dragon is your character fantasy then more power to you. But a lot of us want a physically powerful looking Dragon, and not we are Not looking to be subtle about it. Which is why the Drakonid looks appealing.


The other major reason would be how much work it would take to have a visage form based on every race which also had a dragon aesthetic. With customization on top of that.

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No other races get body options. I wish Forsaken were taller, beefier, and upright. So I don’t play them.

Dracthyr are annoying because of Evoker and an entire class locked out if you don’t like the race, just like DH.

But in regards to other classes, just play a race you do like? The whole “skinny lizards can’t be warriors” thing is a bit silly when we have gnome warriors who wouldn’t even be able stand up with their helmets on, let alone the weapons.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see more body options for all races and improved visage options for Dracthyr as well. But I think your arguments about physicality for classes is nonsense given Dracthyr are still more physical than many other races who play the same classes.

Give all races body sliders!


Dracthyr are warriors too, hehe XD!

Every orc avatar forum poster cringes.

You’d be surprised how many people aren’t like us.

I’ve been personally fine with size 4, but more options I agree.

All of them.

My gnome warrior begs to differ.

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Yeah, probably would change the race name to something that includes drakonids right? The ones that are thicker.
Dragonkin? Then u can have the scaley feminine ones we have now and the bulky boys

There’s a very simple flow chart to understand if what you’re asking for is ever going to happen.

Does it require dev time?
If yes, how much?
If a lot, won’t happen unless it makes sense as a capstone feature of an expansion.
If it made it past the above, does it require any effort from whatever passes for their art team these days?
If yes, it will never happen, not in a million years.

Worgen have been begging for tails for what? A decade now? Probably lowest effort thing ever, but they won’t do it.

They couldn’t even be bothered to try and make non-drac specific transmog.

You’ll notice that every single race aside from dracthyr, is just a variant of race skeletons that are now a decade plus old. For reasons I don’t understand, blizzard hates spending resources on their modeling.

Which is strange, “art” is one of the most hyper saturated fields. They could probably get decent work, and pay barely minimum wage to get it.