Unofficial Dracthyr customization options thread

In TWW Dracthyr will have access to more classes, including Warrior.

The Dracthyr physicality was originally designed as caster, with Dracthyr no longer being restricted to solely a caster class this has to change.

It’s hard to embody a powerful warrior or powerful dragon fantasy when the dragon form is so skinny and is restricted in the armor it can wear.

Now yes, Dracthyr will be able to fight in visage form - but I want to play a Dragon, not an Elf with Horns

So Dracthyr need options which have bigger shoulders, neck, and arms with a wider chest. As well as bigger head / lower Jaws - and just more Savage looks. It’s based on Dragons in Warcraft. Give us big teeth

I want my physicality to be powerful and intimidating.

Feedback Specifics

  • Bigger Body
    • Wider Frames
    • Bigger Muscles (Neck, Shoulder, Forearms, Thigh, etc.)
    • Bigger / Wider Head
    • Bigger Lower Jaw
    • Teeth poking out
  • Armor
    • Choose colors of base and trim separately
    • Greater ability in Transmog (Forearms, Chest, and legs)


Examination of Pictures and examples to better illustrate my points

Overall look closer to Dracthyr in the legacy animation shorts . Look at how big the head and neck are in this shot.

See how the head remains the same size despite the body size increase, and also how the shallow jaw and chin looks very awkward.

Comparison of in game model vs Legacies short (and Dragon models)

Before and After Fan Edit of Heads

Fan Edit of Body Size 4

Fan Edit of Head in-game model

More armor Customization would not only look cool but would also increase the variety of looks amongst Dracthyr player population

I think people would love having a toothy maw like Wrathion’s Dragon form

The popular Dracthyr edit made by a concept artist. The incorporation of the heroic “V”, as well as sharp shapes, improves the overall look. Otherwise it’s more of a bland block. Its one of the reasons why the Drakonid are so popular

Shot of Alexstrasza, she has this noticeable bulk and weight, definitely in the tail - which I think players want to see more reflected in the Dracthyr


how many wwe posters do you have hanging on your wall?


Also need to option to delete Dracthyr from the game files. Thanks.


Not enough.


Think it’s reasonable that a Warcraft game, a franchise known for its emphasis on physically imposing characters - has a Dragon race that looks physically powerful


Have you seen nightborne?


i look powerful in an elegant way…


A: Nightborne are a different fantasy

B: Nightborne can wear a full set of Armor whereas Dracthyr are very limited in armor options with their true form

That’s your fantasy, which is perfectly fine. That’s not the fantasy I’m looking for when playing a Dragon


They are skinnier than dracthyr is my point.

The armor fits to their body. They’re still skinnier than dracthyr. Yet still look every bit the warrior. As would dracthyr. Their largest body type isn’t even skinny!

Found the Scaley.


You don’t get to drastically change your physiology on a whim. You were literally created to be a caster and your body type supports that.

Plus your logic flies out the window when you consider gnomes and vulpera can tank every bit as much as an orc or tauren can. Super beefcake characters who look like they never skip a gym day ever can be casters.

If anything, Dracs even having the ability to be anything martial is already pretty bonkers for their lore. They certainly do not deserve to be considering they are literally test tube creations literally to be 1 thing and even still, didn’t have the notion of “classes” back then before they got put on stasis and the concept of becoming a class isn’t just something one picks up on a whim except maybe DK but even still that involves you being a worthy champion with experience and feats that merit you to have been raised by your lich king of choice (of which dracs weren’t around for Arthas or even with Bolvar).

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I’ve been saying it since they released. They should have given us the draknoid body option.
I don’t care if they can fly or not, but they need some gains.


The real solution.

Not really. Being created to innately have special powers doesn’t make them feeble. They’re still big, strong dragon people. And there was always those npc dracthyr holding things like polearms. And their largest body size is really not skinny.

I think what would immediately make them more physically imposing is a change in animations. Specifically their running animation. God it’s awful the way their arms are so stiff. And it’s going to look even worse if they’re holding a sword and shield like that.

I should say though, I wouldn’t actually be bothered by them having a larger body option. I mean look how cool Sarkareth got in his final form!


I agree. It’s the one reason I don’t play Dracthyr, they’re not beefy. I would play one if they are like the big dragon humanoid NPCs in Dragon Flight.


Also Neltharion (Deathwing) stated that the other Dragon races were either too slow or too fragile, which is why he made the Dracthyr.

Makes no sense that they are supposed to look fragile when their creator was specifically wanting something that wasn’t fragile.

Also makes no sense because the Dracthyr were described by characters as “Mighty Warriors”…

I think Blizzard realized that the one race one class exclusive combo was a mistake, which is why they’re expanding out their choices.

I really think they could make dracthyr 10x more popular if they wanted.


A Body 4 Dracthyr can make most races look like twigs in comparison unless you are talking about trying to make Dracthyr have an Orc/Tauren level of width to height ratio.

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Dracthyr are already bloody huge and have tallons. You’ll warrior just fine, maybe find a gnome to give you a few pointers.


Imagine playing a dracthyr, but wanting only half of the package. This is what people told me when I wanted a playable visage. You will love your untransmoggable gecko. If not, reroll.