Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

Yes they did. Both had a reason for joining the faction they did.

This is unnecessary and this particular situation compared to the high elf debates are not at all the same things.

Sethrak have almost no reason to go Alliance. And thats the faction I prefer for them.

We’ve all already seen these arguments here before. The entire point of this newer thread being made was because the last one was too biased to the Alliance.

We can want them for whatever side we want to without resorting to being dicks to one another. We can also want them for whatever side but understand that right now as it is they make a lot more sense for one side over the other.

These are simple truths to the whole thing.

I don’t know why the forums have chosen violence the last few weeks but please do not bring that here.


Agreed, let’s not battle about which faction they would join and instead focus on supporting them being playable.


I wouldn’t mind given them to the Horde but let’s be real here, Blizzard does not support the Alliance-players well enough. Otherwise we would have seen a greater race diversity at this point.

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This. Its enough that we want them. Blizzard can figure out the lore. (That said no reason not to mention which side you prefer. Just avoid fighting on it.)

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I don’t know about the rest of your post. Mostly think thats all subjective viewpoints. but I do agree the Alliance could use more diversity. Much of it has become one note. Sethrak in my opinion would do well to keep within the bounds of Alliance values while being something entirely different.

That all said. If they go Horde they also add a lot of Alliance like values while still retaining that Horde identity.

I can go either way with it for sure.

Sethrak for the players!


Now tell me more snake skin tones you all want so I can look up interesting snakes!


The devs would have to be willing to write something for the alliance and since legion, they haven’t been willing to do anything other than corrupted wishes or teasing.

It’s been that way since Legion, where the devs’ joke with ally began, at the Nightbornes event, where whatever happens, alliance always leaves with the perception of having received the worst.

First the Nightbornes that the alliance helped as much as the Horde, choose the Horde because Tyrande was mean to them.

It made all the time I spent helping this race a waste of time.

So in bfA we were ‘gifted’ with the biggest jokes that so far generate a bad feeling in the horde. Purple blood elves being sold as a placebo for High Elves. Not even lore thought to create for something pulled from thin air.
The only merit of this band-aid is to have the same model as the blood elves.
Now we have to hear, silent, that the alliance stole something from the horde.

Then we had junkgnomes and Kultirans. Something that didn’t give the same welfare and satisfaction to the alliance as Vulperas and Zandalares, because they only had to fill the horde gap by getting 2 new races.
Vulperas at least help the horde in Zandalar.
Junkgnomes? They appeared in a completely ignoreable filler to justify the pathfinder and so they stayed. Nor to show up in the heart chamber with some bizarre tech help.

In the end, the situation has reached such a point where it seems common sense that the alliance is a bankrupt faction and that its members have to go into the horde like homeless beggars because the blizard left the faction with no perspective or value to exist anymore. that we always appear to help the horde as servants.

It got so disheartening that any race that appears has to be discarded from the alliance.
Saberon? Not because they are more suited to the Horde. Sethrak? The lore created by Blizzard ignores the alliance and makes them have more sense in the horde.
Never for the alliance. It’s too good for the blue faction.
Arakkoas? Combine with the Horde.
Vrykul? They are more suited to the Horde. Vrykuls hate humans just like blood elves. We may have to paint vrykuls purple.

The faction is morally dead. I can’t defend the faction I like anymore because blizzard made it worthless and anything you think about doing to change that will end up hurting the horde.

If we ever have draconics, you can bet an arm like them or they’ll either have to be horde exclusive or pandaren, and have any development buried.

Just give sethraks to the Horde and some human with striking body proportions, a gnome made of wood or orange blood elf to the ally, or dissolve the loser faction right away.

Have Mercy. :clown_face:

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Don’t forget the Highmountain Tauren as well.


They are a variety of tauren. If they ended up in the horde, it wouldn’t be a surprise. To this day I don’t understand why taunka is not a playable race of the horde.
At least they could have left nightborne like taunka and then made the race join the horde. But they didn’t even let the corpse cool off.

Well, it’s life. It’s no use thinking it’s bad anymore, but every time there’s something good it’s always written in lore for the horde and always something improvised in the eleventh hour for ally, straight out of thin air, it doesn’t help the faction to have anything attractive. If even in lore we can expect something at least at some point it would be good to have a race that is written for the ally too.

And if it wasn’t to make fun of it because no one in the horde would jump for joy seeing Ally receiving draconic and the horde being presented with pygmies.


Should’ve have ask for nice race instead of blood elf copy. Anyway, you are just annoying with your ‘’ horde dev, horde shouldn’t have nothing, blizzard should give everything to the alliance to help faction balance’’. Faction balance is a competitive content problem. Stop trying to use it for your victim agenda in order to have the alliance to get everything.

Oh and also, stop trying to pretend that you are a horde player.

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LOL! They could continue to ignore it as they had always ignored it, instead of giving a placebo.
People were asking for Vrykuls. Were we assisted? Not.
What we got was an overweight version of a human that wasn’t what we wanted. Did we really want purple blood elves? No but Blizzard didn’t want to give the ally something different as it had already planned for the Horde.

When it comes to alliance the devs are always lazy and uninterested in doing something that doesn’t resound in disappointment.


It looks like Blizzard is still looking out for and passing on customization options, so I’m going to throw my support in for the sethrak once more and reiterate that, if I joined the game again, I would play one should they be added.


A Good point.

Sethrak for the players blizzard! Make it happen!


Let’s go.


For the Horde!


Horde Alliance neutral who cares.

Just give us Sethrak!

Sethrak for the players!


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Sethraliss bless you.


Sethrak for the players, Blizz!

We got animations and voices, colourways and customization ideas galore! We want them, we really do!

…And while neutral would be nice, regardless of faction I’ll take playable over not having them. At least I can admire them from afar on vanilla bean alliance.


Yep. We gotta pick out battles.

And focusing on just showing passion for Sethrak becoming playable is definitely my priority.

Got no room to be picky!

Anyone see anything with the recent data mining? I haven’t but also have not actively looked as I’m out in Cali at the moment working on wedding plans!

Come on Blizz, my birthday is in October and my wedding not far behind! Please, can we have playable Sethrak as a gift? :two_hearts::snake:


Nothing in the first PTR build of 9.1.5 at least.


Hopefully one day we get playable Sethrak! It’s definitely at the top of my list of most wanted playable races and would be nice to have something more unique then everything else.



Please make an in game suggestion for them. if you have not already. It at least increases our odds of being heard!

You can do so by opening the ingame menu → support> submit bug or feedback.

Love to see all the old, new and returning faces still supporting this dream.

:snake: :crossed_fingers:

Playable Sethrak please!