Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

Thank you so much!

I know we’re a bunch of strangers but it really means a lot to me to see all the support for Sethrak!

:pray: :snake:


Now is the time to tell Blizzard that we want them again.

They’re much more willing to see player requests right now!

Sethrak for the players! :snake:


Danger noodles or bust.


If sethrak become a thing, I’d love customizations to include a golden colour like the golden lancehead or other bush vipers. The eyelash look


Very nice.

I could see them do that one.

I want this one.


No way. The alliance just got a horde copy race. Sethrak are 100% horde. Go find a other race on your own and stop asking for horde thing.

They’re much willing to see player request as long as it easy/lazy to put in game. I want horde Sethrak as hell put i won’t be putting my hope on it.


The goal is not for them to implement any time soon.

The goal is for them to see this thread. See that people want this race.

They are currently in a position to want players happy and if they see enough AR requests they just might start working on that for the future.

Also this thread is for both Alliance and Horde sethrak fans. Let people request as they will. We long ago stopped caring about which side or how sethrak will become playable.

The goal is playable Sethrak whatever side or sides.

Sethrak for the players!


Make it so they can pick horde or alliance


Sethrak are Vulpera natural enemy so… not looking good for you buddy.

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Not the faithful, this has been proven literally thousands of times in this thread. Even during the horde campaign in vol’dun it shows the Vulpera and Sethrak working together, and I don’t see the Vulpera as a people actually holding grudges. I want them as horde, but neutral wouldn’t kill me at this point since it doesn’t seem to matter at blizzard.


I don’t think these guys would bring the numbers the alliance needs.

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It’s got nothing to do with Alliance numbers.

No race will ever change the disparity.

Quit that scapegoat mentality.


I am just tired of new clueless poster who keep bringing that false argument over and over. Just see the poster below. You can also play the Vol’dun questline as a horde and realise all what the horde and vulpera have done to help them and also realise horde close the faithful and the zandalari are just by seeing the Sethrak loa being present at Talanji ceremony.

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Of course no single race would change that. But it could be one of many things to help turn the tide around.


Best course is to just let people play with each other regardless of factions. Factions are factions. We’re heroes. Let us get rep with both.

There is no way to fix the disparity. Only remove it altogether.


I don’t know if there is a way to fix it, but allowing both faction to do competitive content would at least stop it. Faction imbalance was created because of competitive content and faction divide was always because of non competitive content, so the solution is to make the faction meaningless in competitive content only.


You also forget the fact that the Alliance helped the Nighborne and ended up allying with the Horde.

You also forget the Horde helped the mechagnomes and ended up joining the Alliance

You are just an angry horde kid that want all the shiny things for your faction, I can see You crying in the forums for Blonde Void Elves.

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There’s a distinct difference in this, as the horde campaign shows a completely different story than the alliance one. The alliance only briefly help the Sethrak, whilst the Horde canonically save Sethraliss. Totally different.


Except that both faction helped them as much and for mechagnome, like the sethrak, already had a good reason to join one specific faction, which they did.

I don’t want all the shiny stuff, i want the horde shiny stuff being in the horde. If you want something so bad, maybe you should actually learn what happened to that said race, which clearly you don’t.

Instead you are just coming here, being toxic and using false argument that was debunked many time.


I hate when people compare Sethrak joining the alliance with nightborn joining the horde because both are completely different. The nightborn had as much reason to join the horde than the alliance and even more considering how they live compare to blood elf. Meanwhile, Sethral doesn’t have as much reason to join the alliance than the horde, they have 100x more reason to join the horde.