Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

Just keep asking and showing interest.

Either it will pay off or it won’t.

But it can’t kill hope.



Sethrak for the players! :snake:

Blizzard will notice.

We will have snakes!


The rest of the Alliance when the Sethrak join them.


Sethraks are a friendly people. :snake:


This would be cool, maybe get the Arakkoa in too for some classic “bird vs snake” rivalry. lol

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Why not?
Arakkoas and Saberons could be races used for the alliance, as against part to the sethraks in the horde, so that we also have in the Alliance, something good for a change.

If they ever added sethrak and Arakkoa at the same time, I’d probably die of joy.


The pairing I prefer for them would be Sethrak Alliance and Saurok Horde.

But I could get behind Arrakoa and Sethrak being added together.

Whatever gets me snakes. :snake:


Sethrak don’t make sense as anything other than horde so you should already start asking for Arrakoa.

For once i agree with you. I still can’t get behind the idea of saberon being horde. I mean yes they do look more like a horde race but they would take away so much from the worgen. Worgen was suppose to be the super cool feral race for the alliance but are now just hairy human. Saberon would be great to fit place that worgen were suppose to take. Plus they have the same model.

Arakkoas and saberons for the alliance

Sethrak and botani for the horde.


By what standard, both factions have had positive dealings with Sethrak, and much like many other allied races, it’s very obvious it doesn’t take much to connect a race to a faction, it’s strictly story direction.

Besides, you think they’d give the Horde 2 races from not only the same expansion but the same zone, who are natural enemies on top of all of that?

I didn’t want to actually argue the point, thus my gif above…


Technically the Horde are the canonical ones to clear the The Temple and to finish out the issues facing the Devoted along with the aid of the Vulpera.

The Alliance saves their leader once and thats about it. Though they do show some interest in the Sethrak that line of story was obviously dropped during development.

Its reasonable to assume Sethrak are more likely to go Horde.

That said, we’ve come up with many scenarios where they could be Alliance.

And also going back to my preferred, well its just my preferred. I’ll take them either way horde or alliance.

I just want my snakes.

Sethrak for the players. :snake:

Suppose I should say my absolute most preferred is a Neutral Sethrak where the Devoted go Horde and the Faithless (renaming themselves the Remnant) go Alliance.


Ok i don’t know where to start since you are clearly out of clue with what happened in Vol’dun but i’ll try my best.

First: While both faction had positive dealing with them, it is just no on the same level at all. Alliance barely had a 30 min questline helping them while the horde had a whole zone about it which end up with a dungeon helping the good sethrak ( that dungeon is canonically horde).

Second: The vulpera and the devoted aren’t at all natural enemy. In fact they are friend with each other.

Third: Talking about relation with other race, sethrak and a other horde race, the zandalari, are also kind of leak which each other thank to the sethrak loa who appear to also be a zandalari loa. That one was even present at Talanji ceremony.

Fouth: Being in the same zone as vulpera is exactly a GOOD reason to make them horde. Bfa expansion was split by faction which also included the zone. The alliance now have all of Kul’thiras and the horde have ALL of zandalar. Voldun is already a horde zone with the vulpera and the zandalari. They only need sethrak to consolidate it. There is just no way that blizzard is gonna give sethrak to the alliance which would also mean giving Vol’dun to the alliance.

All in all, their is no way that Sethrak would be alliance, no matter how much you want it. I mean it is ok to say that you want them but please don’t start saying that the odd are equal.

And no, nightborn isn’t a good comparison as nightborn was already 50/50 between both faction thank to blood elf and both side helped nearly as much. Meanwhile, Sethrak are more like 10/90 for the horde.


Not even the first one that popped into my head, void elves were, who were literally birthed into the canon and shoved into the Alliance.

I frankly don’t care about the hordes dealings with Sethrak in Uldum as it pertain to Alliances, as all it reminds me of is the Alliance dealings with Nightborne who received helped from 2 major alliance forces and the Lightforged dealing with horde heroes.

The story fits the needs of developers, simple as that.

Only point worth arguing is not only the Sethraks origin in the Worgen rig but the sheer fact that Blizzard isn’t about to give one faction another race from the same zone in a continent, the only thing I view is likely-ness, and the Horde getting Vulpera AND Sethrak, from BFA and Vol’dun respectively, seems highly unlikely.

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I mean void elf didn’t exist before being kick out of the horde. When the void elf started existing, the odd of them being horde wasn’t that great.

Huh do you even read all the post ? I already addressed it:

Is that some sort of restriction that you created yourself??? Because i see absolutely no logic for this and don’t even know where did you got that idea.

Not at all, it’s common sense.

You think blizzard so creatively bankrupt that they’d take 2 races from the same expansion and zone and bake them into one factions allied race?

What I said is it’s unlikely.

I didn’t cite the Nightborne scenario as an example, I cited it as a reason why your alliances argument is meaningless, Blizzard doesn’t care about alliances for allied races and the examples for as such are right there, they connect a race to a faction via story in whatever way they please, even if they have to be birthed into it :man_shrugging:

So you are saying that blizzard would refuse a race to a faction which they are already so close just because it would make them creatively bankrupt???

And that they would instead prefer to give that same race to the other faction even if that would still make them as creatively bankrupt for making playable 2 race of the same zone…

I mean it still just look like a restriction that you created yourself to make you believe that Sethrak had more chance to be alliance than horde…

No you clearly said:

So you basically use the argument that i rebuked. I don’t see how a argument that already been rebuke can change anything to what i said.

Doesn’t work for the Alliance, none of our ARs are from Zandalar, let alone Vol’dun.

Followed by:

As in my Nightborne point had nothing to do with reasoning Sethrak into the Alliance, it was to show how pointless your “hORDe hELpEd MORe” argument was, when it comes to allied races, Theres zero point in bringing up who helped who more, Blizz has showed multiple times that it’s irrelevant.

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Ok so having 2 allied race of the same expansion, from the same zone make blizzard so much creative… Do you realise that you are using something that no one ever brought up ever, with no fact or anything and you are using is as a rule which blizzard would never broke…

Ok you aren’t a fast one aren’t you? When i said :

I basically said that you can’t rebuke the fact that the horde helped way more the Sethrak by using the nightborn which both faction helped AS MUCH. It could have been a reason if the alliance helped MORE the nightborn but it isn’t the case. The nightborn had as much reason to join each faction since they both help equally but the sethrak have more reason to join the horde since the horde did help more…

So you can’t show me how pointless my argument is by comparing it to a very different situation…

Having the horde get a race from Kul Tiras would be more interesting than you getting another from Zandalar, just because you see that as correct doesn’t mean it’s interesting, it’s predictable and lazy.

Missed the entire point of that argument being worthless, as has your presence in my reply box has been.

Cry all you want about who having helped who more mattering, it doesn’t, if it did, Horde wouldn’t have half the races it does :man_shrugging:.

Not being you see something as uninteresting that it mean that it is uninteresting and that blizzard won’t do it…

Kind of funny how what you said apply more to your point than mine…

I mean i am not the one crying since blizzard clearly wanted the sethrak to be more horde than alliance.

Yeah great point. Now mind to give an example to prove it? Oh its true you can’t because there isn’t any horde race that the alliance helped more since they helped AS much the nightborn than the horde did.