Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

I think it’s at revered, because each time I get a higher reputation level I get new quests to unlock more stuff for my ember court. No one can be revered yet as it’s hard locked on rep


Sounds like it’s the Revendreth parallel to The Abomination Factory in Maldraxxus. Everything there is hard locked by rep that I can only gain by helping specific ncps tied to the Stitchmasters faction.

So definitely will be some time before I get anywhere near this quest with Emeni because I don’t even have an alt in Revendreth yet. x.x

I will eventually lol.

And hoping more will be done with her (and the Sethrak in general) in future patches. Though so far I have yet to see anything added for 9.0.5. Which I’m not surprised as they said it was mainly to fix loot and covenant issues and bugs.


I’ll do it for you :slight_smile:


Thank you! When you get there, let us know what you find!

As always, playable Sethrak please!

I’m also still working on sketches. :smiley:

And will still take more requests of Sethrak oc’s!



I like this idea.

Yessss! Give us the Sneks! Give us the Saurok! Give us the Tortollan!
:snake: :crocodile: :turtle:

I can’t wait to see your sketches!

Its so kind of you to take OC requests like that. Thank you.

Sethrak for the players! :snake:


Very much agree! Reptilian races are a staple in various MMO’s, and WoW is very much lacking in that department. They have the ability to be really unique, bring awesome customization options, and even some fun gameplay racials.

And wouldn’t you know it? There are a few reptilian races in Azeroth that would love to be on that character creation screen. To get more love, lore fleshed out, awesome storylines, neat racial hubs and outposts, and gain some heroes among their ranks, both NPC’s and also PC’s! It would be pretty huge to get some playable reptilian races to come to WoW!

So let’s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


Yours is the one I’m currently working on!

I hope to share it with you soon.

At least the lined sketch.

I won’t be able to color it until I can get some good art markers.



There are 3 possible breeds for Blizzard to invest in something very positive for the game, related to a reptilian race.
It would be an easy and very welcome maneuver.
Low risk and big profit.

I remain longing for Sethraks and sauroks in the future of Warcraft, as playable races.


Here’s your Sethrak priest!


Omg I love it!

I cannot effectively express how happy seeing her makes me.

Truly thank you!


I hope blizzard sees all this. I hope they take it to heart.

We need sethrak.

Edit: also seriously blizzard. Hoods for the hood. :smiley:


She was a lot of fun to draw. And I am so glad you like it. xD

I really do hope to get these sketches colored eventually.

And I hope so too.

Playable Sethrak, please! :snake: :heart:


I know right? Who says a Sethrak can’t wear a hood? xD I made it work. It would just need to be stretched a bit to fit them as far as getting the ingame hoods to work.

No different than if they were real. Oversized cloak hood to compensate for head and hoodshape.


Happy Monday!

Just wanted to let everyone know they are officially starting to take QnA Submissions!

I plan to submit one when I’m off work when I am home. But it would not hurt for more than one voice to ask about Sethrak!

As always, playable Sethrak please!


Looks like it is time to unlock the ember court! Haha


I don’t mean to harsh your mellow, but does anyone else hear Nazjatar-like music in the Stormwind embassy? It could also be Bastion. It’s hard to tell

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I heard some Bastion-esque music but still the general theme of Stormwind. :woman_shrugging:

Its not uncommon to hear music bugs though. Vulpera theme plays in random parts of Org too.


Just saying I put in a question for all major asked races :grin:, fingers crossed now hopefully we get an answer or surprise this weekend for Blizzcon :heart:


I don’t have my hopes up.

But still wishing to be pleasantly surprised.

I do have a good feeling about Sethrak though. Can’t really explain it. Just do. Maybe it’s because my subconscious is so tired of all the negative things going on right now.


I like the idea of playable Sethrak being tied into the Ardenweald storyline, as if maybe the growing threat from The Jailer demands reinforcements and Sethraliss calls for aid. Too much work has been put into them and they are way too cool to fall by the wayside. I was hoping Blizz could introduce a new class with the Sethrak that harnessed sand magic but I will take them any way I can get them! Yessssss to Ssssssethrak! :snake:


I too hope there is some tie in with Ardenweald and Sethraliss. I personally think it seems pretty important she was reborn during the anima drought.

There is a Sethrak tie in Maldraxxus. So I got hope.

Have you made an in game suggestion for Sethrak? If not, you should! I’d truly appreciate it. :heart:

This can be done by opening the in game menu, selecting Support then Submit Feedback or Bug Report.

Alternatively on the launcher there is a blue :bulb: symbol up near the top right. And you can leave feedback there as well.

Hoping for playable Sethrak someday soon! :snake::pray: