Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

I also don’t expect anything for now, but at least a few words being said about what the community has been saying and or suggesting for the future regarding the new playable races that players have been talking about.

I understand that the deevs don’t come to the forum to talk to the players and that even the blues don’t talk to us much but I hope that in a Blizzcon, where the blizzard needs to regain public appreciation, they are at least more interested in talking to us at this event .

Playable Sethrak race would be a great hit for Warcraft.
If it’s just for the horde, I don’t care.
I can play in the horde, as long as there are races that I like.


Good morning! Happy Wednesday! Hope everyone is staying warm. It’s -4 degrees where I live atm!

I wanted to encourage everyone to keep up the good fight for playable Sethrak!

A recent blue post detailed some of the reasoning for 9.0.5, and it’s continuing to show feedback is being listened to. :heart:

If you have not already, make an in game suggestion for Sethrak. :blush:

And let us continue to show Blizzard and World of Warcraft our passion for seeing Sethrak make it onto the character creation screen!

I also wanted to say I’m proud of all of you that have continued to stick it out, despite the odds and the ending of BFA.



Sethrak for the players!


Thank you for leading the cause Nadez! Without you the cause would be severely hamstrung.


So the quest for the sethrak NPCs connected to Emeni have been found, and surprisingly it’s not for the necrolords, instead for the venthyr and the ember court.

So your prince’s little parties have attracted unwanted attention? I have my own long list of enemies, and far too many of them hide from me in the land of the living. Cowards! But I have finally found a solution. Take this crystal to my remains on Azeroth, and use it to project my image among the living for a short time so that I may exact revenge on my old kin.


Ooooh and as a Venthyr who actually does the
Ember Court, I am ready!


Picture of her remains in question. So it seems like the sethrak burn their dead since she is in an urn.
The scroll can be read as well.

There lies remnants of Emeni the Kinslayer
She was born in time of peace, but was made for war
Nobody from her kin was safe in her pursuit of power
No opponent was safe on her path to victory
Not a single Passerby was safe from her bloodlust
No sethrak was safe when she breathed
But now children can sleep peacefully, because famous Kinslayer from Slithering Gulch dead for long
Gaze on her remnants and praise the silence

The peace part makes me think of a time before the faithless, since the faithless have always been on the warpath.


That surely paints a different picture than I expected. She doesn’t seem well regarded by the sethrak at all


This is great!

And actually really interesting.

While just a theory and speculation, this turnout supports the thoughts I had of her potentially having to do something with the Faithless faction of Sethrak in the future.

And now I’m also curious if she was sent to Revendreth first, was able to be rehabilitated and then sent to Maldraxxus.

Guess I’ll have to throw an alt at Revendreth pronto. :snake:


Gradually adding this to megathreads in general. Wowhead has posted a schedule of WoW stuff that’ll be happening at Blizzconline (times listed are in Pacific Standard Time):

Also wanted to note that I am working on getting a Necrolords character situated. I know people here likely have looked for Sethrak related stuff, but if I notice anything of interest, I’ll help report it.

Let’s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


I hope Blizzard will really take the chance to invest in something that is positive for sethraks-related players and, not in something disappointing again, again.


Honestly did not surprise me. This was sort of what I expected on how the quest was going to go. :sweat_smile:

Emeni is murder-hobo. Still love her character though and hope more is revealed about her in the future.

As always, playable Sethrak please! :snake: :crossed_fingers:


Playable Sethrak would be amazing. I’d keep this guy a Worgen just for the alliteration but all of my other characters would be snakes.


They’re my absolute dream race. :snake:

And right there with you. I’d likely keep my Hunter or Druid a Worgen. But would race change most if not all my other toons to Sethrak.

Have you made an in game suggestion for them? I’d truly appreciate it, if you would! That is if you have not already. :blush:

This can be done by opening the In Game Menu- Support Tab-> Submit feedback or bug report.

Alternatively, you can leave this sort of feedback directly from the app. There is a :bulb: icon at the top of the launcher. Click it, and leave your feedback! :heart:


Keep up the passion and dreams for Sethrak.


I also wanted to say that I think it is safe to say that Sethrak are naturally a very long lived race. Based on that scroll, and the general quest, at least two of the named Sethrak npcs (Jorthok and Revok) were also alive when Emeni was.

And if the Sethrak were in a peacetime when Emeni was alive, that would put the timeline just before or around the time of the Troll and Aqir War, but before Korthek went mad and started the path to war.


It kind of puts the idea of her being a benevolent princess of old to question in my mind. Obviously I haven’t done the Maldraxxus storyline (it’s my last covenant I’ll do because ick)


I never interpreted her as benevolent myself.

Maybe a bit more similar to Rashtakan. But more decisive and quick to take action. (The Charr from GW2 come to mind as well.

Based on what I know of her now, If I were to wager her alignment I would consider her Chaotic Neutral or straight Neutral. And then Vorrik being Chaotic Good or Neutral Good.

I don’t think she’s outright evil. And I wonder what sort of character growth she has had or will have since her death. If any.

Although I would say some. Since she defected from the House of Constructs.

If Emeni is still so power hungry, she could have sided with Margrave Gharmal and gained more power/influence. But instead she chose a more noble and honorable route. Imo.

There was no guarantee she was going to get her best construct body back when she chose to side with us.


Hope some questions get answered about Allied Races in the future, like in the Blizzconline QnA! Sethrak would be very well received, hopefully they realize that. They’d bring a very unique flavor, and as I keep repeating, I’d roll one in a heartbeat :slight_smile:


I’d roll one for the heritage armor, and probably race change several of my existing alts.



I want to make a delightfully edgy Sethrak warlock with corn snake patterns.
(Maybe use the fabulous title)

I don’t have any warlocks yet (mostly play melee classes), I feel like they’d be a great opportunity to try one out.

WoW needs some kind of reptile, no major mmo aside from eso has one, so it would be a great opportunity to stand out.


This is my exact feeling. And Argonians are pretty popular from what I remember playing ESO. I have one. Argonian Sorcerer.

The Sethrak are superior imo. Really love their design. And the lore.

Hoping someone here or myself gets to that Ember Court quest shortly.

I’m curious if there are lore bits that were overlooked. Or perhaps some hints/teasers.
