Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

Pretty much how I feel about my most wanted playable races:

Let’s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


Some people just go out of their way to try and be miserable and bring other people down when they can just ignore threads if they so desire. They think they’re clever, but in reality, it’s just a bunch of whining while other people share their ideas.

It’s sad, really, but we’re going to keep requesting what we’d like to see added into the game until we see it, and it’s not like we’re flooding people or demanding it, either. We stick to our threads (or try to for the most part) and attempt to keep positive, share art, and ideas.

I guess that makes us the bad guys though.


As a whole, most people who request races to be added are civil. It’s just… the High Elf crowd… that flood other threads with demands. It causes people to assume all of us are the same in our requests, and that’s very untrue.



Yep. Don’t get it.

Does not dishearten me though. Some people just thrive on negativity. Or want to see people give up or fail. Not this gal. :muscle:

I doubt we’ll hear anything at Blizzconline, but I hope we’ll hear something about future playable races! :blush:

As always, playable Sethrak please! :snake:

Hope to post more Sethrak drawings soon.

Also planning on drawing Sethraliss. As there is not a lot of art in her actual snake loa form.

Anyone else want a Sethrak doodle?

Also. Here’s some nice art I saw recently on Twitter.

Art by:

Too bad I can’t read Russian. I would love to know what it says.


I ran it through a couple conversions to get the text and let Google translate do the rest lol:

In the outgoing expansion, Blizzard has given us tons of new content. New races, characters, plot twists, innovations in the chest and new locations, including Vol’dun - a lifeless desert. however, it seems so only at first glance. It is inhabited by many races, among which there are Setrakas, and of which we will speak today.
The Setraki are a race of humanoid serpents that inhabit the Vol’dun Desert on Zandalar, west of the great Mugamba ridge. The settlements of the Setrakavs are found in the north of the great desert, but the empire of snakes has an influence on every meter of endless dunes. It is not exactly clear when this great race was born and what changes it has undergone over the long history of the pile, but some facts can reveal that the Sethrak have lived on Azeroth for many tens of thousands of years.
Much of the history of the Sethrakaw is hidden by the lines of time. Known to the players, the moments of the existence of the race of snakes begin shortly before the start of the war between the trolls and Akira, the offspring of the ancient gods. Legends say that once upon a time the Sethrak and Zanda Lari lived together, when Vol’dun was still an impenetrable jungle. Their culture, as now, relied on the worship of Loa, among whom was Setraliss - the ancestor of the entire Setrakaw race, as many myths and legends say.
Worshiping their Loa, the Setraks lived in peace with each other and all neighboring races, without getting involved in wars. Everything changed forever with the arrival of the ancient gods’ servants.
The dark forces laid siege to the territory of Zandalar, including the vicinity of Atul’aman, the temple city of the trolls that was located in ancient Vol’dun.
Legends are silent about how long those wars lasted and how great the losses were, both on one side and on the other. It is only known that after the great Loa Sethraliss, at the cost of his life, defeated one of the leaders of the enemy army - Mithrak-sa, the war left Vol’dun, as did its dense, magnificent vegetation. The once blooming jungle ended in the desert, after which even the trolls left this place, leaving to the east and southeast, to the lands of the rainforests, Zuldazar and Nazmir.
The Setraks did not leave the desert, but on the contrary, adapted to such a life and began to feel more than comfortable. The endless dunes of Vol’dun have become sacred places for snakes.
After the death of their Loa, the Sethraki built a city around her remains, named Akram Setraliss, which became the greatest and, alas, the only one known to the players. It is not known exactly whether the Sethrak had cities or this - it remains to be speculated about this.


Also, I saw this in one of my D&D groups the other day:


I saw this yesterday too! And immediately thought of this thread.

I showed it to my coworker friend today (who also plays WoW) and we kept making stupid pun jokes about Sethrak snack racks. :stuck_out_tongue:




Totally forgot but

Between the old Sethrak thread and this continuation we have officially reached more than 7,000 posts!




And theres what 6 or so other threads that reached cap right?


Yeah! That’s thousands of posts. :heart:

I also got about 600-700 votes for Sethrak on Facebook as well. I took a poll. Was quite thrilled with the sheer number of positive votes. :blush:


Its no doubt that there are folk who want Sethrak. Whether for Horde, Alliance or neutral.

I think a lot of people feel like it’ll be awhile and is why they don’t speak up. Since Blizzard isn’t seemingly doing much AR wise with SLs.

This thread and the others though continue to be active and polls continue to show the support. Here’s hoping Blizzard sees it and adds the Sethrak in the future. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sethrak for the Players!


Me too! :snake:

h ttps://

Oh My God! Divine.


Nice. :snake: :snake: :snake:

World Of Warcraft need Sethraks, please blizzard.


Yes, we need playable Sethrak!

Seeing support for them on Twitter still as well!

Also, started on one of the sketch requests. :smiley:

And have this adorable thing

Kyrian Sethrak?



Also, a cute Sethrak I found!

1611544680.wolvensaint_lilnird_2021_ukirr.gif (1080×877) (

Art is by:


h ttps://

By lythickar


1609976926.lythickar_tezsheifullreffinishedsmaller.jpg (1280×844) (

Here, I posted the link for ya. :snake: :crossed_fingers:

What lovely art. :3


Thanks so much.

Yes. I would love to be able to wear an outfit like this, which suits both a mage and a rogue. Or ninja.
The kunais and the scrolls are a great addition, as is the side robe, which gives a bold atmosphere to the character.


Happy Friday!

Saw 9.0.5 has been detected.

Not expecting, but here’s hoping more on Emeni and those mined Sethrak NPCs come to light with this coming patch.

As always, playable Sethrak please. :snake::blush:


Also found this crazy noodle art.

Don’t think she’s a Sethrak. But she is Sethrak-like!

1595979887.luciellia_d11b1c05-787d-417b-8131-b51a57d70b88.png (1200×909) (

Art by: Luciellia on FA


Happy Sunday! Still working one sketches.

Found an art of a Sethrak, not sporting a hood!

1544761603.tentabulge_snerson.png (1067×943) (

Art by: tentabulge

As always, playable Sethrak please! :snake: :crossed_fingers: