I mean in one area there is an easter egg that I find interesting
Zul’Jin is in a spot in Revendreath, saying that the next time we will be losing and that the amani never give up. Forest Trolls also had Zul’Gurub stuff in De Other Side sooooo maybe.
Also speaking of which, what’s even going on with the Scourge back on Azeroth? Isn’t the helm still broken? So wouldn’t that mean Northrend has a ton of Scourge everywhere? Maybe we could go back to Zul’Drak and see some more lore, or Grizzly Hills… any of it
I imagine there might be a scourgey mess all over Azeroth.
I guess we shall see. I heard somewhere else on the forums that there is a quest for one of the Covenants that has you go back to Azeroth in regards to the scourge? I can’t recall anything else that might have been mentioned.
I’ll be going to Vol’dun to harass Vorrik and Sethraliss sometime tonight. I want to hear if and what their annoyed voicelines are. Or (highly unlikely) if Blizz snuck some stuff in to the area in regards to our snakes.
The Steward’s one is SO SAD. It’s not even annoyed. It’s just sad and it makes me wanna hug them.
Also found something sort of interesting. When you look at the levels of Renown for Maldraxxus and what comes with each one, Emeni is specifically referred to as Princess Emeni.
There are some Drakkari loa wildseeds you find in Da Boss questline for the Arenweald campaign, Bwonsamdi even talks about what happened at Zul’Drak a bit. I gotta say, I’m satisfied I think
I still want to know more on Sethraliss. What grove was she part of? Or was she a Loa that Bwonsamdi saved? She was worshipped by Trolls as well as the Sethrak.
Why was she chosen to be reborn?
And how will she be restored to her true body?
Because what we learned in BfA is that she is not at full strength.
And I wanna hope that Blizzard didn’t wrap that up for a reason.
Easily my favorite chapter of the two campaigns I’ve gone through so far, even beating out the necropolis theft chapter in Maldraxxus which lets you get your own necropolis.