Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

One of the snake pets I have for my hunter is named Penne. :stuck_out_tongue:

And some recent artwork I saw on Twitter.

Playable Sethrak please! :snake::pray:


I did a thing :eyes:

Actually running around as a Sethrak even further solidified my absolute love for this race!

I appreciate picking a Horde area.


I was on my Vulpera alt with a rogue glyph that let me yoink appearances. I main Alliance so uh, Sethrak for the Alliance! Or any faction really, Iā€™ll be happy as long as I can play them.


I wanna play one so badly. :sob:


A bit of a concern that worries me. As time passes in shadowlands, I have a feeling that both Kelfin and Sethrak(which were the two races thought to be possible pairings) in bfa will be discussed less and less over time due to relevancy issues as well as any other bfa races. I was thinking at the average mention results for Gilgoblins and Sethrak and it is much lower for both then it used to be a few months ago. Its sort of a saddening prospect for fans of these races and then there is races like jinyu and tortollans which I donā€™t think ever really got enough requests as they would probably both be fairly popular. Tortollans in particular I think would be a great addition in principle to be added. This feels somewhat discouraging tbh.


Yeah itā€™s how I feel as well. But ar are a easy way to make money and sethrak are pretty popular so there is a chance. Tbh what does blizzard have to lose if they add them?


Admittingly, yes, it can get discouraging. Especially now that BfA has ended and weā€™ve got another year or so with Shadowlands. Falling into despair is never fun.

Despite that, I still think itā€™s important to keep showing support for playable races people want. Magā€™har Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves are an example I usually point to, where they were asked for since Cataclysm, then suddenly put into BfA out of nowhere and became playable. Who is to say that events wouldnā€™t happen in future expansions for different races? I see no reason why Sethrak or the Unshackled wouldnā€™t be able to be fit in future storylines in some fashion.

It isnā€™t a guarantee that weā€™ll see specific races become playable, but I feel that itā€™s important that people still continue to do so for their wanted races, even if the potential road to them may be a long one to traverse. I mean, Ogres are one of the races Iā€™m the most vocal about and have wanted them since I first started playing during BC. And yet, here I am still showing my support as best as I can for them and Saurok. Itā€™s a long march, but one Iā€™m willing to walk, for better or worse.

Itā€™s hard to know what will happen in the near future, but in my opinion, showing support of some kind is better than silently hoping. I hope people continue to show support for their wanted races, as you never know what will happen in the future. The going can get tough, in all honesty, but to me, I view it with a ā€œnothing ventured, nothing gainedā€ attitude.

Letā€™s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


Another bump as well as just showing off my Vulperas new look


Iā€™m not too worried to be honest. Not that I donā€™t get discouraged from time to time.

Just right now I feel pretty confident for Sethrak. Not sure why but I do.



What if an expansion or two goes by and we donā€™t hear anything about requested bfa races? I am not trying to discourage anyone, but for me sometimes I just wonder if these lobby attempts actually make a difference. Its hard to say. Blizzard could surprise people one day and come out with a bunch of allied races. Looking at bfa. All of the races seem like they were probably preplanned. Bagzak told me that requesting is better than doing nothing and I agree with that sentiment. If people request someone is bound to notice, but I feel plagued with a lot of uncertainty in this regards.


I agree, I mean look at Ogresā€¦ Nagaā€¦ Forest Trollsā€¦ Murlocsā€¦ etc. A lot of those races have been requested but havenā€™t come really ever. Dark Iron Dwarves eventually came, so did Zandalari Trollsā€¦ so we shall see.


There has also been races that werenā€™t requested much, but have been added. I do want to reiterate donā€™t want to discourage anyone here. I know a lot of people want Sethrak, but I personally find it hard to get my hopes much personally.


Yeah, I hope they add them but who knows. I mainly am interested in where they continue with allied races!


I mean. We arenā€™t Blizzard. And we canā€™t make them cater to us . It is ultimately up to them if and when we get more AR. And what those AR will be. They are a company. So they have deadlines, etc to follow no matter what we might say or want. And ultimately they are human just as us.

But we can continue to express our desire and passion for what we want to see. And maybe we will be heard. There has been a lot of evidence of our feedback being listened to as of late.

Iā€™m still pretty confident for Sethrak. :snake::heart: And Iā€™m gonna keep my chin up.
Donā€™t give up.

As always, playable Sethrak please!


Yea. Absolutely. Continue to remain strong and firm as I will and tbh I think youā€™ve made an excellent impression on bliz for the sethrak fanbase. Lets stay strong and hope for the best.



I will continue to support Sethraks as a playable race.
Even if I donā€™t find anything Iā€™m looking for.


Yes, please continue to show heart for what you want to see!

The Sethrak are fantastic, as Iā€™ve said a thousand times. :joy:


In fact I doodled Emeni at work again.


Itā€™s amazing how easy it is to find fan-made art on sethrak.
If that is not proof of how popular they are and how they would be an automatic success as much as vulpes are, I donā€™t know what would convince blizzard that sethraks would be a race that would promote real public interest in warcraft and related topics.


I mean look at this guy!

This 3D render is amazing.

iskantil_wip_2_by_shimmerus_dcknj4g-fullview.jpg (1024Ɨ928) (

Art by: Shimmerus on DA

There is a serpent folk race in Dungeons and Dragons that are similar. They are pretty popular as well.

Here is a bit about the Yuan-Ti. The biggest difference is the Yuan Ti can very greatly in their appearance. Some might look like a human with scales. Others might closely resemble a naga.

Yuan-ti | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom