Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

Yes, I love Marileth too. He is best boy.

But Emeni. Plus, if you take her there is a conduit that allows you to use fleshcraft while moving. Which could be handy. Though honestly they need to buff that ability a bit either way.

Yeah I think it’s weird I haven’t really seen any Ogre souls in Maldraxxus. Seen some Orcs. But no Ogres.

Also the named Sethrak NPCs are notably Elites. Which means either they’re quest requirements. Or they’re going to be friendly.

Most likely quest requirements.


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I’ve seen Draka.

No other orcs, despite there being so many good picks.


I’ve seen a few outside of Draka. Also pretty certain I’ve seen some in Bastion.

Really gonna have to go through each zone and look at them under a magnifying glass.

And hoping some more stuff will be added next Tuesday with the raid.

I am also curious what will be revealed for Blizzconline near the end of February.

Hoping (but not counting on it) we might get some news about future AR.



I think it was a random one but I saw orc Spirits in Bastion yesterday.

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Imo Doomhammer would have been a much better pick than Draka but I’ll roll with Draka if it means my covenant is led by an orc.

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It adds more :sparkles: flavor :sparkles:

WoW is all about fantasy! Anything could happen.


I’ve seen some people point out that there are a lot of heroines as of late. Which is perfectly fine.

I do think Blizzard is trying for more female characters having lead roles.

I mean just look at Emeni’s personality.

And I do think Draka was a good pick but I see your point. I suppose from a current lore perspective she makes more sense cause her son is out here galavanting with us.


I don’t care that Draka is a woman, it’s that MU Doomhammer was a serious badass and the closest thing we’ve gotten to him is AU Doomhammer who got scuttled by Blackhand because #WoD

Zul’jin would have been awesome too but he ended up in Revendreth and I understand why but I really dispute the reasoning.

Same and I feel like they do some very well and others terribly.

I absolutely despise Jaina and Sylvanas.

I quite like Talanji, Mayla, and Thalyssra.

I’m inclined to like Talia and Alleria but I don’t know enough about them.

You mean Thrall the real warchief .


agreed so why keep adding animal races?

Yes, our boy Thrall.

Also. I agree. I don’t like where it’s going with Sylvanas. I’m not fond of Jaina much either.

Tyrande is a love hate relationship for me.

I love Talanji. Taelia is… okay. Not sure how I feel about her.

Mayla is also great.

No idea how to feel about Calia Menethil. But I do like Lilian Voss.


I might be calling it too soon but I got a loose feeling that Emeni is going to be set up to be the Sethrak racial leader. Or will have a role in appointing one.

I don’t think it’s coincidence that they made her a Princess.


I’m indifferent on Tyrande.

I don’t know much about her but from the little I do I quite like her as well, I enjoyed questing with her in the war campaign.

Not Forsaken.

She can be in the story for all I care but she’s not Forsaken and if they keep pushing that I’m not going to be happy about it at all.


Please Blizzard!


That looks super cool!


This guy looks super troll like, his armor is covered in troll symbols and the totems are already used by shadow hunters.

I want to know more about Zandalari influence on the sethrak.


Well if that’s the case it will only happen if her story goes beyond the Necrolords. Many of the players didn’t know that Calia was even in the game in the Priest order hall, so it’s likely many don’t know about Emeni because they don’t want to be Necrolords. You might not have even known about her had you been a player who loves Sethrak but didn’t scour the internet for tidbits of lore.

We will just have to see.


best character in maldraxxus alongside Vashj.


Or vice versa.

Also, those totems look amazing.

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Explored more of Maldraxxus and yeah quite a few random races there! With Emenis inclusion I really just hope we see more of the Sethrak

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I’m actually in the process of sketching Emeni right now. Since her model is bugged I can only kind of guess what she looks like. She’s got black scales, that’s all I got. xD

Playable Sethrak please!