Yes I certainly will!! Am I able to do it on multiple characters as well? And woww those a LOT of sneks. You’re so lucky!
I only have one snake named Caedris, he’s a normal BP I bought off of craigslist but he’s absolutely perfect and I love him to death! My other three are a bearded dragon, a rescue Chinese water dragon, and an elderly African fat tailed gecko.
I grew up with a red tailed boa named Cynder, and she was the one who started my love for all things scaley.
You can but I do believe any feedback we submit is associated with your account and not individual characters. So you can submit the suggestion on any character you want. I would just avoid spamming them. Some of us drop a suggestion every month or so.
Yes, LOL. Most of them are Garter Snakes. Garter Snakes like to live together. They form friendships and like company from eachother.
I honestly can’t wait to let the babies go. So many mouths to feed. Super cute though.
I also have a BP. She’s a Mystic Potion morph and her name is Hades.
u people gotta ask urself this with every suggestion: does it require any amount of work on blizzards end??
short answer: yes, and this is why snake people will never be a playable class in the world of warcraft.unique animations, issues with helms, finding a way 2 add,ect. all things blizzard needs 2 do that takes precious time out of rebalancing covenants and showing off new cosmetics in th ingame store
From what I understand, most of the hype for Sethrak revolves around the idea that people thought they would mirror Vulpera when they came out. Since this hasn’t happened, I don’t see how Sethrak have any distinction from some of the many other requested allied races we’ve seen. I don’t think this race will ever end up being playable. I know that your usual response to this statment is"Well thats what they said about high elves and Vulpera". My response to all of these notions I’ve seen you put forth so far:
High elves were lucky in that all that blizzard needed to do was add the high elf texture to the void elves and call it a day. So we would be talking about an entirely new race. One among many other requested allied races.
"They already have a lot of work put into them:
By this logic we should also be seeing tortollans, tolvir, tuskar, quillboar and many of these other antho races be playable.
“They will be added due to popular request”
Ogres and naga have also been two races that have been requested since vanilla and we still don’t have them.
Vulpera at least shared a rig with goblins, but the way the ARs has been setup and due to the fact that Sethrak sethrak would sooner be horde, means it wouldn’t make sense especially now for them to be an allied race.
The notion that point 4 is countered by them being more of a worgen AR.
If this was to be the case, then it would mean that gnomes would have had to be paired with a tauren AR and there was already a tauren AR. I don’t think Sethrak would be a bad race, but unfortunately rather unlikely.
Never said they did have any other distinction. I only refuted some of that persons posts.
Thats fine. I am still going to continue to ask for them.
Its silly that others think that them saying “this wont happen” will somehow change my opinion of it.
I would never equate the High Elves to the situation with Sethrak. Its totally different.
Still reversals of long held stances by Blizzard are important to keep in mind.
Yes. Lets add lots more races.
Yes. lets add lots more races. Including the Sethrak.
We have several reasons they may go either way. Also they use the worgen rig. One that hasn’t been used for an AR yet even.
There is no reason to expect that actually. Gnomes and Trolls are actually the opposites faction wise.
Its why both of them effectively didn’t have cities back in Vanilla.
You may hold the opinion that Sethrak are a lost cause, and thats fine. But if you come in here and start throwing around such opinions you should not be surprised to get pushback.
Just caught up with the thread, and I’ll point out the Hozen spirits are overwhelmingly in Revendreth as spirits who refuse to atone. I’ve killed many whilst grinding my Avowed rep. They be hard headed monkeys
Thank you and your support is really appreciated! Between this and the old mega thread we are approaching 7,000 posts. Plus the hundreds of posts in the capped threads from the old forums.
Make an in game suggestion for Sethrak (and Arakkoa).
You can do so by opening the in game menu and selecting the Support tab.
What faction would you be interested in them joining?
No. Just some human, arrakoa, Ogre/Orc (hard to tell with the way the ghost is) and Hozen. They’re all in the Halls of Atonement area of Revendreth and they’re initially spirits that have no form but when you attack an NPC near them they shout a blurb and turn into on of the races.
Now that I think about it one of the possible spirits is a blood elf aristocrat too
Edit: but as of yet no Sethrak sightings. My alt for second covenant play through is Night Fae. I’m doing all armour types in one of the covs to see the lore.