Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

I actually need to think of a Sethrak like name for Hershey.

Since my story for him is that he was reborn from Ardenweald as a Sethrak.

Pretty sure I can think of something culturally appropriate for them that still sounds similar to the name of my pet.

Also, if anyone can find that album of the Sethrak event in Stormwind a couple years ago, please post it. I would like to include it here. I just can’t find it again!


I can, will, and am. lol

It’d be beautiful.

Love it!


I found this cool Sethrak name generator awhile back. It’s got some nice names on it.

Maybe you can find something you like and add a bit of Hershey flare into it.


“Its over Johnny”

~Colonel Trautman

Just gonna bookmark this…


:snake: :heart:


Even if Blizzard says its over, its not over. We’ll keep asking! They’ve changed their minds before. (We’ll be respectful about it of course)



I support the playable Sethrak but cant support them being with the alliance. They are just to tied to the horde experience in Bfa.

They are loa worshipper.
They live on the horde continent.
The only race they seem to be close are two horde allied race.
The horde did way more for them.

Blizzard can clearly make a other as interesting race for the alliance that isn’t taking anything to the horde.


Yeah, we all have seen Blizzards No is a meme at this point. Its not final anymore.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again but even as a non snake lover I find the Sethrak enjoyable and endearing to quest with, and as an AR they’d have some capacity of screen time I’d be happy to see! (though I’m biased to favoring them for Horde; it’s nothing to me though if they made it Alliance)


Nothing wrong with that at all. Its a very valid stance to take. I’ll counterpoint a few of yours but I want you to know I support Horde or Alliance Sethrak. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m not trying to stop you fighting for them on the Horde.

As far as a Loa worshiper, the Loa are just powerful spirits of nature as are the Wild Gods and the August Celestials. They all can be considered Loa by those who tend to use that term.

Technically the Night Elves are worshipers of loa by Troll standards because they follow the Wild Gods.

Even forgetting all that though the Sethrak could be a great way to add Loa to the Alliance for once. Something I really have been hoping would happen one day.

For the Horde continent, since we’re not at war technically anymore this may not be a major hindrance. Also if the Faithless break off and flee to Alliance lands to join the Alliance it would be a minor issue.

I agree they are close to both the Vulpera and the Zandalari, at least in the case of the Devoted. However notably they have remained Neutral.

My ideal scenario would be that the Devoted would join the Horde and fleeing Faithless would join the Alliance. Then both sides get the best race ever. :snake:

Annnd I got nothing really for your last point. There is no contending that.

One day. One day I hope they add something unique and completely different to the Alliance.


I have several sethrak planned but the only one with an actual name and story is my possibly-to-be shaman Hessik.

I at least had a screenshot of mine + an edited version of it appear

Not quite art but close enough


Congrats on getting the new thread up!

I’m still pledging my support for playable Sethrak. WoW could use some playable reptilian races, and Sethrak would add in some much needed flavor in character creations.

Let’s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


Sethrak Saurok and Tortollan unite!


Reptiles in general are just awesome. Id take any reptile race we could get in WoW. They’re all pretty cool.

Snakes are my favorite though, followed by lizards.

:heart: :snake: :lizard: :crocodile: :turtle:


yeah but they still call them differently as a little difference and Sethrassil is clearly called a loa.

Gonna have to disagree here again. The horde have so few power fantasy right now and loa power is one of the few with the element. The alliance already have the nature, elune, their version of loa with the wild god , they have more light and void representation along with having the strongest mage. Loa empowering should stay horde.

Can easily be done. Ardenweald people would have been could if its not for the mess that having shadowland race coming on azeroth would cause. You can still have bird people. If blizzard can still make few interesting race per expansion, they can still do it.

Yas girl, beautiful post. As usual you have my support! Give us sneks!


Fair enough. Wild God, Loa, August Celestial. There is no doubt minor differences.

Wild Gods keep to the wilds.
Loa stand side by side with civilizations.
August Celestials are more ethical moral and spiritual guides.

Interesting fact: There are Trolls who follow Elune. They’re called the Elun’ai and you can find them north of Atal’Dazar on a little overlook. (that’s a very rough direction, check wow head if you go looking).

Hmm. You know that is actually a very good point. Horde needs some more varied power rep. Lol

I think they’re a little too like other Alliance races. I want something out there like Sethrak.

Those could work.


Yeah and tauren also have a other name for her. But at this point i kind of abandoned the idea of elune being part of any horde content. We all know that when she will have more time, it will be tied to the night elf.

All i ask as a counterpart is to have our own powerfull entity. If My’sha cant be a big part of the tauren, let An’she be something for them.

Forgot about them. If they are kind of the same thing, i still consider them a bit different. Wild god are a alliance thing, loa a horde thing and august celestials are more neutral.

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And they will go to horde and alliance will get blue eyed diaper gnomes

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