Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

Honestly was looking at them and thought they would be hilarious to play as and I’d actually make a Paladin just for the single purpose of going into the middle of a raid and tanking as a little owl for a laugh


It also occurred to me that Emeni could be tied to a clan of Sethrak that is not tied to The Devoted and Vol’dun.

We really know nothing about her other than her personality and morals seem to be a hybrid of The Devoted and The Faithless ideals.


They stereotypically dumb (and most are) but some are quite intelligent.

I feel like people do hozen dirty, methinks they’re way cooler than people give them credit for.

I really really loved the Mueh’zala fight in that dungeon, it was like a mini raid boss.

Also felt super useful with demonic gateway in there, used it much more often than normal.

Looking at his voice files, they’re tagged as sethrak male, I wonder if Blizzard was/is planning to do stuff with female sethrak beyond Sethraliss.


There are female voice files

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Wait… I know I heard them in game but can’t find anything

There is a female Sethrak other than Emeni.

This lady.

And yes there are female voice files for some of the generic NPCs as well.


Thank you! I was wondering where I heard it from

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There is also the slave trader Sethrak woman we kill to help the Vulpera on the Horde side of the Vol’dun story. She has specific voice lines.


We need more races, despite there are many that could use a rework and become more common.

We need more class specs, despite you usually have one spec that is actually used.

We need more classes, despite many are broken and under used.

Really i want wow devs to go full in on fixing CORE wow issues such as current classes/races. All they have done the last 10 years is add new layer of issue ontop of new layer of issue because its easier to make a new bad system to fix the old bad system than admit you had things right in 2004-2006 and go back to what worked.

But no wow really needs a new snake person race. Because there are animals that still exist that we cant play in world of zoo craf.

I had a lock in the group I did the dungeon in. It was useful every time except the first time when they spawned the exit gate pretty much on top of the Deathgate to avoid Shattered Reality… :joy: We wiped that time.

The female Sethrak npc I just linked also implies we will see more story with Emeni. And I can’t help but feel they are Faithless Sethrak. Some of their titles alludes to that.

Which makes me really wonder what they have planned for Emeni.

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I feel like maybe they are going to make it so that we go back into memories of our soulbinds maybe? But it feels way too specific for Emeni… maybe they will be going more into Sethrak lore!

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Well the Skycaller I first linked has a name that implies he is alive.

He’s the descendant of her neighbor. Possibly by 11 generations. :joy:

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Baha, we may have to deal with a war segment in Vol’Dun! Because really, doubt the Jailer will stick only to the Shadowlands… well I hope they do a bit more with some Azeroth zones

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I’m pretty content with my gameplay.

Playable snake people ARE what’s missing for me.


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Of course Blizzard does need to be working on core races, classes and specs (I don’t really need new classes nor specs.) This is just hopeful wishing, because if they do continue with Allied this is what I would like to see! Anyways hope you have a good rest of your day

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His army is arguably large enough to rival The Legion’s and if you played the Prepatch, the Cult says Death is coming for the world.

And you’d need a Legion sized army to invade another world.

I would not be surprised at all it there is a deal of content in a future patch back on Azeroth.

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Gosh I hope we see some invasion points in Northrend, some areas I’d love to see some new lore like Zul’Drak! Vol’Dun would be cool as well, could give more content to Vulpera, Sethrak, and Zandalari! I don’t know for other areas that would make sense… maybe other areas Soulbinds lived in?

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I have no idea if any of the other covenant soulbinds were denizens or Azeroth in life. So far the only one I know of is Emeni.

The Sethrak would make formidable allies.

I do imagine if there are any Mawsworn invasions it would start in icecrown since that’s where THE GIANT DOORWAY is. :joy:


Emeni is also the only one I know, maybe it will just be her! Also, Sethrak would be going right to the maw so it’d make sense to make them into an army. And yeah haha, it is the doorway

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I really hope we can save some Sethrak souls from The Maw.

Maybe Emeni can kick The Faithless into gear to actually be helpful against the Jailer and put a real end to the Sethrak civil war.

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