Incredibly, expansion launch is my favorite part of every expansion. I’m ready to be disappointed though, given how laggy BfA became after a few months and how laggy the prepatch is. I’m not going to be surprised if my server crashes down burning or if I get disconnected and position in queue 11754.
Warlock first, and I’ll be leveling my hunter shortly after and dual maining.
Covenant for both will likely be Kyrian. I want to go Maldraxxus for warlock and Ardenweald for hunter, but the abilities I get from Kyrian are best for both specs and look the most enjoyable.
Tying gameplay to aesthetic like that is a really poor choice imo.
Originally I had school Monday but insane covid numbers where I live got that cancelled and I’m real happy bout that.
I wish the best of luck for those planning to get into Shadowlands. I hope the launch goes smoothly. I’ll keep an eye out for anything Sethrak related and share it here if I see anything.
Let’s get some reptiles on that character creation screen!
Haven’t seen any Sethrak yet but I just really got to Bastion.
Now I DID have a dream Sethrak were added as a surprise playable race in Shadowlands, last night. And I was so happy in the dream I might have cried in my sleep.
So can we please have them playable? My subconscious will thank you Blizzard.
I wanted to level my first one fast and figured it would be easy with how much xp the quests give but oh my god there is so much dialogue you have to sit through it’s ridiculous.
Also, I hate the maw and Maldraxxus sent me there.
I was looking through my quest log just now and realized I have a quest for her since I decided to go Maldraxxus since I’m not doing an serious content yet.
I’ll be doing that in a bit, I’m fried from leveling and doing stuff in the maw.
nice bone wings. I like wings. Once I get through my queue after my random dc(currently 2866 est 67 minutes!) I will consider transferring to Darrowmere!
None at the moment, but I haven’t progressed far in Emeni’s story, there’s some resources I need to farm before I can.
If this exists, considering Emeni’s history and personality, that neighbor would be incredibly lucky to walk out with several broken bones and a black eye if he ever annoyed her.