Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

I was there briefly but didn’t think to check. Didn’t see any.

Hmm. I doubt it. They didn’t seem to add new npcs to such areas that weren’t Argent Crusaders.


Just a thought. But I’ll at least take a look to see if scourge are in Vol’dun.

We could argue the scourge in Vol’dun could be what it takes for the Sethrak to be like

“Oh, we should probably get involved in protecting Azeroth outside of just Vol’dun.”


It could be a motivation for the sethraks to search for the infrastructure of a group like the horde / alliance to protect each other against new global threats.



I took a look around Vol’dun and didn’t see any aside from infected players. This doesn’t mean Voldun was not affected. We’ve been told the scourge is on the rise all over Azeroth.

While I was searching, it did occur to me that perhaps those Sethrak npcs will be for an instanced version of The Temple of Sethraliss.

Or ya know, they just added the files for sometime later. I will be keeping my eyes peeled when Shadowlands drops.

Playable Sethrak please! :snake: :pray:t2:


I have actually data that suggests kelfin with a properly designed model might actually be around as popular as vulpera. Gilgoblin fans just don’t have as much organization and not as many are vocal. This is something I intend to rectify in time. Least since Vulpera is playable now, I don’t have to worry about as much pushback from vulpera fans.

I’d rather have Mechagoblins but I doubt they are even a thing.

I would say I think a tinker class with cybernetic customization for goblins, gnomes and some other races would be really cool. Hey who knows. I love doing 3D art concepts. Might make a tinker concept someday(that isn’t fel tinkers).


Happy Wednesday!

No new Sethrak news to report.

They’re still amazing and we still want them playable though!

Have an interesting art piece I found.,h_683,q_80,strp/sethrak_by_drekkydrimm_dc5rz34-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD02ODMiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC85MTA4MDFmMC1kOTUyLTRlODYtYTkwYS01MTcwMGYwMjcyZmNcL2RjNXJ6MzQtNTY0YmE2OWEtN2MzZS00ZjIxLTgyNzItZWU2MmJjN2FmOTU2LnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.SqlYvqK4lMdfg2a4kNNhyUB8j-VP6WmUUO0twf-ZQX8

Art by: drekkydrimm on DA


I don’t know why, but seeing him, the name Mercury came to mind.


Have some news. They have changed the in game menu a bit. If you want to submit suggestions, give feedback or report bugs you need to click on the Support tab in the In Game Menu now.

When you click on the tab it will load a new window.

To access submitting bugs, feedback, etc. Click “Submit feedback or bug report”!

:snake: :pray:t2:


Obviously, this means we need to start submitting bug reports of no playable reptilian races on the character creation screen so that it gets fixed! :lizard:

Let’s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


Lizards, snakes and tongues.

Playable Sethrak please!


I hate to be pessimistic but if we see no further storylines with the sethrak the odds of them being playable are greatly diminished, and they will be stuck in the land of one off expansion NPC’s. I surely don’t see them coming this next expansion. They just won’t be on anyone’s mind and they’re not iconic like Ogres.
I hope I’m wrong, as I really want them on the Horde, but it just doesn’t seem likely as of now.


I have some vaguely spoilery good news for you. Maldraxxus mentions Sethrak there and it appears we’ll still get to see some with that.

Blizzard hasn’t yet forgotten the Sethrak. Keep the dream going, and do not let them forget.

Sethrak for the Horde!


Don’t Stop Believin


This video is great. xD

Check out this less comedic educational video as well!

Playable Sethrak please!


would love me another neutral allied race


Even though I’m starting to feel like It won’t happen I figured I’d keep the sethrak dream alive. Honestly it blows my mind how they are not playable seeing a good amount of animations are in place and they can wear most amour. As for females just make them look like vipers as other people have suggested. I’d also race change so thats a easy 30$(not sure on the actual amount) from me.


Very nice.

That would be my preferred way for them to be released.

I’d have one for Horde one for Alliance and one who I would make a copy of on both. :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep dreaming, keep asking, keep Blizzard from forgetting.

So long as we keep showing our support Blizzard will have reason to keep Sethrak in the picture. Hopefully they’ll grant us the ability to play them one day.


I’ll never give up, never give in
Won’t stop believing cause I’m gonna win


Tomorrow Shadowlands arrives!

Anyone else excited? What class are you maining and what covenant have you chosen?

I get a long weekend next week so I’ll be all over Shadowlands content. :heart:

Hopefully we’ll finally be able to find where those Sethrak npcs are hiding!

As always, playable Sethrak please! :snake:

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Go riddance BfA.

I’m not too anxious because what we’re going to see overall doesn’t promise to add much positive and lasting to the alliance.

This rogue in Ardenweald.