Isn’t this what Magister Umbric says? He atleast shows a keen interest in it. I can’t recall all his exact wording.
I believe it is what he says.
I was so excited when I saw his and Wyrmbanes interest in the Sethrak… I wish that story would go somewhere.
But just want them playable. xD
By: Drkav on DA
He’s being more friendly than the draenei could have expected.
Could be a she.
Sethrak for the Alliance! (but playable is fine blizz seriously please)
Playable Sethrak please!
A Sethrak adventurer getting his letter. (This one is specified as male)
Art by okunieokuni on DA
Popping into this thread once again to show my support for playable Sethrak! I’ve been away from the forums for awhile because i was actually playing the game for once lol.
The hell is playing the game?
Welcome back.
Sethrak for the players!
I like the art work but the very first pic is my fave. Nice and thorough post. Well done.
I have to say I wish Horde got Sethrak and Alliance Vulpera but that ship has sailed. I’d still love to have them on Horde but if they went Alliance I wouldn’t mind.
Playable Sethrak
For me, sethraks can be members of the horde and will be perfect.
I just want them to be a playable race so I can create at least 3 of them.
True enough.
Who would you pair with the Sethrak if they were to drop tomorrow and Blizzard gave you the choice? Out of curiosity?
I know you’re asking them.
But I’ll answer too!
If Sethrak went Alliance, I would pair them with Mogu to keep a sort of theme. Thunder!
If they were to go Horde…honestly Mogu could work again. Or perhaps Saberon.
There’s a lot of options.
But playable Sethrak please!!
I couldn’t think of any race off the top of my head since I thought Sethrak and Vulpera should’ve been released together.
The post above me suggests Mogu but I see Mogu as a non-playable race at the moment. And they may have had an alliance with the Zandalari but I don’t see the Zandalari we have in-game as the same ones. Still not sure why Horde got Zandalari instead of forest trolls tbh. I don’t see Zandalari trolls as friendly at least not according to Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde.
I’d love to get Saberon though. I miss my Claws of Shirvallah. That was such a cool talent. When they did away with it I was hoping for a glyph but we never got it. Blizz just hates inscription and I think it could be such a cool cosmetic profession. But Saberon doesn’t make sense to me for Shadowlands. Maybe some xpac after that.
Look at me, I am the sethrak now.
Sethrak for the Horde because obvious.
Naga for the Alliance.
Sneks for all.
Another possibility could be Kelfin for Horde and Sethrak for Alliance.
Basically swap what they did last. Mechagnomes (subrace) and Vulpera (new race).
Alliance would get a new race with Sethrak. And Horde would get a sub race with the Kelfin.
And they are both races that we work with from BfA.
Playable Sethrak, please Blizzard!
I need them.
I personally don’t like Kelfin. And I did not want Vulpera either. I’d rather have Mechagoblins but I doubt they are even a thing. If it would shut players up that say “Horde favoritism” as far as races then Alliance can have Sethrak and Horde can have lame Kelfin.
For me I don’t see any Horde favoritism because I wanted Ogres since before TBC introduced BE’s. I was miffed Horde got BE’s instead of Ogres tbh. I quite back in 2011 partially because Pandaraen became playable instead of Ogres. I did not want HM Tauren, Vulpera, Nightborne or Zandalari Trolls. And instead of Mag’har I wish we had gotten Mok’nathal. Everyone likes something different. Blizz just likes stuff the minority likes I guess.
To each their own.
I just want the Sethrak playable, regardless the faction. There are some of the AR races I don’t particularly care for either. Not super keen on the LF Draenei.
I think it would be nice for the Alliance to have the Sethrak. And not because of supposed Horde bias. I just think they would make a good counterbalance to the blue side.
Really I think Sethrak would be best handled if they were made neutral. We have two factions of Sethrak with radically different ideals.
But I’ll take them Horde happily. They’re a great race.
You wound this old druid!
All of this.
Even more this.
Also some of this! Lol
Also, has anyone checked if there are scourge now in Vol’dun?
It occurred to me that it’s possible the generic Sethrak Npcs were added to fight the zombies. xD
If not, I’ll take a look tonight after I am done with work. Pretty much done gearing up the toon I plan to main.
Playable Sethrak please!