Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

This is not the same case at all.

Nightborn didn’t had more reason to join the alliance than the horde. In fact, nightborn and blood elf being both ex-highborn make them closer than night elf and night born who were not on good term before. Even the fantasy of both being the classy elf in the pretty city is the same.

But Sethrak aren’t 50/50 between both faction. The odd for them being horde is way more as we quested more with them, we are canonically the one that saved them from the faitless, their zone is the horde continent zone which the alliance left after Bfa, they believe in the same loa as the zandalari, a horde race and their loa was even present for the Talanji ascension.

So i get that you want them, but it isn’t like nightborn at all.


Yes I want them.

My only point was it is really up to Blizzard.

And as I said, I will take them Horde. I play on both factions. It’s perfectly good for me and would certainly be the more logical approach and less work for Blizzard. The story is already there.

I don’t dare be picky. :woman_shrugging:


The reason why Nightborne are used as an example was because despite being saved from literal extinction by the Night Elves, they ended up joining the Horde in a straight up genocidal war against them based on… about three lines of dialogue.

The moral of the story is if Blizzard want to partner AR with a faction, they don’t really care that much about past lore or experiences. I made a joke a few months back about a scenario involving Lor’themar breaking Vorrik’s favourite teacup being enough of a reason for them swearing a blood feud against the Horde based on previous narrative reasons Blizzard has come up with. If Blizzard want to put an AR in a particular faction, it would appear lore and narrative is not all that much of a concern. They just end up writing some more story as to why that race did what it did.

For better or worse.


Yes, but the immense overhaul that would be done to make furbolg a usable model with an updated look to the current standard, is more than blizzard is willing to do.

Blizzard preferred to use time and resources on disastrous models such as junkgnomes, purple blood elves as a placebo for high elves and obese humans than on something, even remotely, closer than it would bring less than a new model that was not a joke to the alliance.

I would not be surprised if we ended up receiving those gorillas from Zandalar who used the Jakamite and the horde to catch ogres.

And there would be the bonus of rendering yet another infinity of jokes for the horde and the devs, trying to convince ally that we received something we asked for in time.

Have Mercy. :clown_face:

I REALLY want this to become canon. You have no idea. :rofl: Vorrik definitely seems posh enough to get unreasonably upset. I mean, look how badly he handled Azala, the little Zandalari girl.


Also wanted to point something out. I just looked at the Live version of WoWhead.

It looks like the 9.0 Sethrak npc files made it to live!

Which is great news! Some might not know this but there were Sethrak files also datamined for 8.3. Those did not make it to live.

I am excited to see what it might mean. Even if it’s just some more lore later down the road.

Love love LOVE. the lore!


Sethralis was at talanji’s coronation, just saying.

Cause she is a loa.


Hopefully they add them! I so want to have them as an allied race, would probably switch my main as well


I was thinking about what class I would play and oddly I was thinking of a brewmaster monk, I don’t know if that would work lore wise but it could be fun

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It would work, monks actively travel and seek out students.


Yeah! I think I could attune it a bit to fit more into the Sethrak lore… mainly was thinking hunter before but I want it to be a bit more focused on my Sethrak as well as if it will be my main it should be something fun



And I got that covered in my post. I recently did the Zandalari recruitment scenario and made sure to get screens of her and the Sethrak Priest there to include for my section on support for Sethrak on the Horde side.

I do think monk should be a class available to them! Really the two classes I see them possibly not getting is Druid and Paladin.

Although a Sethrak Druid is my DREAM.

Death Knight also might be a no go. We would have to see what becomes of Bolvar, the Helm of Domination, Scourge and more.

As of current, if Sethrak were added there would be no way for new Death Knights to be made.

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Agreed, could Warlocks work for Sethrak? I don’t really see them as being one at all

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If we follow The Devoted Sethrak, perhaps not.

If The Faithless become playable or simply rejoin The Devoted. That could be a way to make Warlock available to Sethrak.

I am pretty certain there are some Faithless in Vol’dun that have Warlock or Necromancer like abilities. Or I could be remembering this completely incorrectly.

I’ll have to fly over Vol’dun. I might be remembering the reanimated Troll skellies with the soul tainted cobra pets.

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Yeah, never really have seen a Warlock Sethrak or Necromancer… hmm let me think of the other classes to see what they wouldn’t have

Yeah couldn’t see them having Warlock, Paladin, Druid or Death Knight (Demon Hunter is a definite no go.)

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I got a list of what they might potentially see up in the main post. I included Warlock because of The Faithless.


Yeah! Now that I’m looking at it I could see Warlock, still would be a bit weird but I think it works

To be fair… We never saw Warlock Vulpera either. :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe it has to do with with their nomadic life style.

Sethrak are also based off a nomadic people. Which makes me wonder if there are other tribes/clans or Sethrak elsewhere on Azeroth.