Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

I’ve been in quarantine 3 different times now. xD It’s frustrating. At the beginning of October my work actually shut down for 2 weeks because of an outbreak. 2 weeks later and I’m back in it because my coworker came to work for 4 days with COVID… :unamused:

Hopefully I get to go back to work next Monday. The void probed my brain twice. Just waiting for the retest results.

Given me a lot of time to dream about playable Sethrak. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’ve been using my online work time at home to just contemplate the news, talk on discord, play WoW, as well as write if I have enough energy! Definitely need a better routine though to make myself more engaged with my day


Well I don’t know what my fiance did with our tablet.

But once I find it I’ll try to find some time to do some mockups of tail accessories and perhaps some other things for Sethrak. Or I could find one of my sketchbooks and do some traditional sketches.

Got some suggestions?

I can sorta draw.

Here’s an example. Please excuse the body horror. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: It’s the last thing I drew so I wanted a recent example.


Found the tablet! Charging it now. I’ll start on sketches sometime tomorrow most likely.

Planning to do tails.

Maybe some hood options as well.

And glow color options.

If you have some suggestions please let me know. I’ll see just how rusty I am. xD

As always, playable Sethrak please!

:snake: :crossed_fingers:


How about jewelry and piercings as we see Sethrak having them already!


I can’t imagine sethraks being a playable race without the options already existing in the NPCs.

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I can work on some concepts for this too!

Was doing some warm up sketches and remembered why I stopped drawing. :rofl:

I have had carpal tunnel in my wrist. And it’s one of my hobbies that still aggravate it even after the surgery. :persevere:

I’ll just go slow. But I should eventually have some concepts drawn up as long as I don’t make my wrist mad. Frustrates me. I love(d) drawing…

Playable Sethrak please!


Sethrak are 100% a horde thing. Alliance should get their own thing.

It does not mean that the alliance shouldn’t get something as good. I mean if the dev can’t find or create a other interesting race, the game is kind of doom.

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I legit just wanted to commend you on this post!, the amount of effort is amazing, I really do hope this becomes a reality, I’d love to play a Sethrak Shaman, my mini dream, but I hope one day I’d be able too.

Great work again, love the thread and hard work!


Thank you so much for the positive feed back! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Here’s hoping!

:snake: :crossed_fingers:

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The faction counterpart to sethrakk can be saberon because they both start with S.

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Saberon have little reason to join either side.

Let’s just have neutral Sethrak and be done with it!


Ok. The important thing is that in the end they are a playable race.
And even if it is in the horde, I will play in the horde.
So how do I do with my 3 vulperas and 1 tauren?

It will be difficult because in general we only have options that have nothing to do with the thematic and faction values ​​imagined for the alliance.
Satyrs, nagas, aqirs, faceless mogus and other races that have many reasons for not even being considered.

And in general, thought to make fun of the faction or to accentuate the devaluation of the ally.

Vrykul would be good but they said they are better in the horde.
Saberons would be nice but have already said they are from the horde.
Arakkoas would be nice, but they said they are from the horde.
Saurok then does not even speak because they are more possible in the horde too.

Furbolg? A lot of work updating the model and after seeing that the best they could hope for from blizzard was junkgnomes, obese humans and fake blood elves, I don’t expect any sincere suggestion from horde players for something of value being added to ally, more than I hope much more effort than that created for the BfA alliance, by the devs.

But I’m sure that maybe virmen and pygmies should top the list of ideas for the alliance.

After all, these are things that the horde doesn’t want and that will give more reasons for the alliance to be uninteresting and ridiculous.

Who said they would go horde??? Those 3 are those that make the most sense along with fish people.

Vrykul are human ancestor and would fit against the horde ogre as the 2 big race. Their size is clearly the problem as they would be have to make playable without shrinking them to 10 feet.

Saberon on horde would feel too much like we stole the worgen fantasy and even the model. Them being on the alliance and savage could make up for how they make the worgen to much human instead of beast. I would oppose them to the horde gaining botani, a nature race on the horde that isn’t full good. For now, nearly everytime there is a pretty nature zone, it is either neutral of alliance alligned.

Arakkoas would be perfect to oppose the horde Sethrak. A requested bird race against a requested reptile race.

Fish people should be oppose to gilgoblin. Both are already allied with both faction and would be the underwater race. Gilgoblin being a allied race of the less horde popular race and just a reskin being against a new race could make up for the mechagnome vs vulpera.

Saurok should just stay a npc savage enemy.

That is just defeatism. Many horde want cool thing for the alliance as many player play both side. We just don’t want the alliance to got horde thing. Like Sethrak who are part of the horde continent, the horde story and believe in the same loa as the horde.

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Honestly I think the most likely for Alliance would actually be; Ankoan, Furbolg, or Arakkoa.

Assuming Sethrak weren’t on the table of course. I’d still say make em Neutral…

Hordes fine though.

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Rogues can pick pocket afterwards they will wear the skin of a Sethrak.

As you saw i agree for ankoan/jinju and arakkoa.

Furbolg would make a lot of sense but i don’t think that they would be well received as most chuby race are laugh at. It would depend what the horde got because if the horde got something cool, the horde bias thread would just explode again.

Saberon as a allied race might seem unlikely considering that we never really had conversation and questing with them but i feel like they could be a worgen allied race. I mean its not like if the worgen had that much choice.

Vrykul are on the same boat as the ogre, if it wasn’t of their size, i am 100? that we would have playable vrykul. I hope that the dev are still trying to think a way to make them playable without shrinking them.

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Plus they’d be a shoe in for my second favorite AR pick… >.> The Kelfin.

True. But who cares? Those folk are just running their mouths. If they dont want to exalt in the joy of playing a Mechagnome, Kul’Tiran, Pandaren or Furbolg. I wont stop them from limiting themselves.

I see them and Saurok as generally hostile races not meant to be used… but I like and want both of them… so I wouldn’t balk at it. :smiley:

While I personally don’t like Vrykul, I would still play em, I do agree. Its likely they and Ogres may even come together in the future.

Sitll playable SETHRAK! Horde, Alliance, Neutral, Whatever! Just giveeeeee meeeee!


Sethrak can be argued for Alliance on the sole fact that that is how Horde got Nightborne. And Blizzard did it deliberately that way. It’s been said in an interview.

But yeah, I just want Sethrak playable. Fine with them being Horde. Fine with them being Alliance. Or Neutral.

I just want them playable. That is far more important than the faction debate.

:snake: :heart:


Bump for sneks!