Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

Neutral would be my preferred.

I rather enjoy the Alliance AR’s.

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The count is now 674 votes in favor of playable Sethrak!

Don’t get me wrong there were people who voted no. And that is fine. Not everyone is gonna like or want to play the same races.

But that’s 674 people on just one social media outlet. And this late too. We are at the end of BfA.

And that’s great! :yellow_heart:

Neutral Sethrak is my ideal outcome.

But I just want them playable. Not gonna be picky.

I will take another tally again of the numbers. And may eventually post the results somewhere. Most likely Twitter.

Yes! Heck they could just start out with alternate rattle lengths for tail customization.

Crooked or missing a chunk of the tail could be neat as well.

Both are commonly seen in snakes. They can lose part of their tail to predators, lawn mowers and even having a bad shed. (The shed can get stuck and cut off circulation to part of the tail.)

Hershey had a crooked tail. He was born that way. And I did consider adding that as part of his Sethrak design. But ultimately decided not to.


For me, if sethraks are a playable race in the horde, ( something that is easier and less controversial to happen ) I will be satisfied.
Would it be nice to alliance to have something new and truly remarkable?
Yes, but being a playable breed will be enough.

Well, someone has to lose in order for someone to win.
The only negative thing about seeing sethraks go to the horde, is that Blizzard’s law of symmetry implies that we will have to receive something, to maintain balance.

I already anticipate another joke with another purple blood elf, another fat human or some scrap metal gnome, for the horde’s amusement and alliance’s new disappointment.

Who knows, we might be lucky and receive pygmies?

Have Mercy :clown_face:

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Giving this a nudge! Want my playable Sethrak!

I have another Sethrak OC in mind based off this other Hognose I have. His name is Merengue.

What class do you think he should be?

Let me give you an idea of his personality.

He’s dramatic. Far more dramatic than Hershey. You’re folding clothes? Let me hiss at you. Playing WoW? Let me hiss at you. Changed the water bowl? Time to play dead!

He also appears to be very judgy and is always giving people this absolutely miffed look.


Mage or hunter.

Wait or warlock.

Those are what came to my mind first. Lol

The hissing and the playing dead… Hunter.

The hissing and dramatics, mage or warlock.

Warlock to me.


I think I’d level one for the heritage armour but race change my Priest. Idk tho


Just gonna level both of (all three? four?) of mine from10-60… Don’t usually like race changing.


Well it depends on how I feel. Currently my priest is a Nightborne and I quite like her. This is all theoretical anyway



I am loathe to pay money to change a characters race, but I’d be ok with it if I made the character always with the interest of doing so… never done it before.

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Well Hershey is a Hunter. I love Hunters but I’m gonna end up with a Hunter army if Merengue is a Hunter.

If I commission some art of him, I’m planning for him to be Horde.

Let me share some photos of him.

As you can see he is aptly named. My dad and I found him crossing the road on our herping trip. I don’t keep every snake I find. :sweat_smile: This one was just special.

Lemme know if you can find his judgemental face in the enclosure picture.

I’ve been doing some thinking on this. Not sure I will do race changes. I WILL boost some though.

But definitely want to level a few the old fashioned way.


I saw him.

He is judgey. Lol

Warlock seems like a good choice. :stuck_out_tongue:


Never made a Warlock. Yet.

Might have to if Sethrak become playable. I don’t see why the class would not be available to Sethrak.

Now to just think of a Sethrak themed name for him.

As always

Playable Sethrak please, Blizzard!

It’s my birthday wish. It’s gonna be my Christmas wish too.

It just needs to happen.

:heart: :snake:


Nudge a nudge nudge. Playable Sethrak please!

Holy heck, it let me post again! (I was literally just testing it out cause I was bored. xD)

Mm. Anyone want to talk possible tail accessories? We see that glass blade thingy.

But what else could a Sethrak outfit their tail with?

Also check out this crazy video of a two headed snake. The result of twins not completely separating.


Seems to let us post past three times now too.


Em… Yes. Beads.they could have beads around their tails.

Thats cool.


It use to be you could only post three times in a row in a thread, but that cap was either removed or changed to a much higher number. It has been very helpful to post more than 3 times in a row, though I usually try to make sure I’m contributing to a thread when I do post multiple times in a row. So far, I haven’t personally run into any issues, which I’m also thankful for.

Also wanted to mention that we’re currently celebrating WoW’s 16th anniversary…which means it has been 16 years too long in not having any playable reptilian races. That can easily be fixed, since we have plenty of reptilian races eager to help fill up that space on the new character creation screen!

So let’s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


They had to have changed it in some manner. Because formerly, if you are the author of a thread you could not multi-post at all.

So I like this. Not that I plan to spam bump my own thread.

But if a thought comes to me, I make a new discovery or just want some feedback or discussion and the last post made was a day+ ago, or another reason. Then I can add it as a fresh post.

This sounds fun. What kind of beads?

Or maybe coins?

Lemme go find some pictures for samples and inspiration!


Something like this? (Still digging)

I’m looking for examples loosely related to the culture and region the Bendouins are from.



I like this.


Yessss. To both.