Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

A little off topic snake video :heart:

Also Sethrak playable plz #forthehorde



That was the best thing I’ve seen all day.

Also Playable Sethrak! #forboth


I know!! Bless his heart


Also I kinda like that patterning. Would look good on my snek


Oh it absolutely would.

I suspect those patterns are the ones we’d be more likely to see. I know several of us have suggested brighter skin tones but I imagine Blizzard is going to go with these sorts. T_T

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If they’d just let us layer colours it’d be fine. It’s not that hard right?! :laughing:


Tha’s a nahce accint there bruther

Off sub, so can’t post, but can edit.

I’d go shaman.


Now now, don’t be hasty.

This is a small indie company we’re talking about. :smiley:

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Like enabling pre-existing assets, that make lore sense to be playable?

That look awesome?

Like Dragonmaw orcs?
You really did it this time Blizzard 10/10


Or Blackrock.

I need Blackrock for my orc to be canon! lol

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I feel quite spoiled when I play games like FFXIV and ESO. It’s like come on if they can do it so can you Blizzard plz

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I feel spoiled when I play GW2… Blizz needs to steal their whole concept for Banks and materials storage… and generally Account wide things. lol


Blackrock are a part of the four missing things the Horde needs to complete its WC2 style that Alliance has.

My main is a Dragonmaw.
If you read their lore, you’ll find they are the most chad orc clan there is.
They look awesome.
They’re pre-existing assets and make lore sense to be playable already.

I am :100: :angry: we didn’t get them.


I love this video. Brings me joy every time I see it.

Also proves snakes aren’t mindless animals.

The Diamondback skin tone for Sethrak is loosely similar to this. Though it’s for a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. Not the Diamondback Watersnake like in the vid.

Sethrak for the Horde! (But just make them playable, please Blizzard. I love dem so much.)

Also, they should at the very least add Dragonmaw customization. Please.

Rumor has it they’re actually considering giving Worgen tail options, so they’re listening.

Keep this thread going! Keep up your passion for Sethrak.

And keep submitting your suggestions. :snake::pray:

I’ve got hope!

If we include the old thread, we’re at 6,332 posts! And with the “archived” old threads, that is over 120,000 posts.

AND LOOK AT THE ADORABLE HEAD SMOOSH. (No they’re not hurting it)


Had this pop up in my Youtube reccomendations and thought I would share. It’s about rattlesnakes:

Honestly, it would be cool to see Sethrak with a rattle tail customization option. Don’t think I’ve seen that in the game, though.

Let’s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


They actually do. The thing on the end of the Sethrak tail is a rattlesnake rattle. It is just very stylized! And rattles can vary greatly.

Here is one with a somewhat smaller rattle. Only got a handful of buttons.

And here is a long rattle. I count 14 buttons on that rattle.

I’ll need this nudged again. As I am feeling too sick to type out all the stuff I need to atm.

Doc changed my medication around and it’s done messed me up.

Playable Sethrak please!


Imagine the amount of Rattle designs. Sethrak already have a stylized one as you mention and they could do all sorts of neat things with it.

Not to mention that adornment most Sethrak seem to have. You could switch that out pretty easy.


Okay. So I’m somewhat decent right now so let me share with you all some things.

I have posted several polls on FB about playable Sethrak and the responses have so far been amazingly postive!

I have currently received almost 400 votes in their favor to be playable! And these votes are from players all over the world.

I also have evidence that the devs are at the very least reading my tweets. I received a positive comment from one of them in regards to my passion.

Playable Sethrak PLEASE. :snake::pray:


And for 2 years, since the appearance of Sethraks. :snake:
Other races, equally desired and present in warcraft, did not show the same fascination and work on the part of the player community.
Except for the outcry for vulperas, obviously. :fox_face:

Sehraks would be a great, and popular Blizzard hit, for the community of players eager to play with new races.

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They definitely need to be alliance exclusively. They have been getting shafted on allied races since the start